February 8, 1999
I. Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call
The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held on February 8, 1999 in the Township building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Helen S. Adams. Vice Chair Anthony J. Allen and Treasurer Michael F. Pickard were also present. Others in attendance included Township management staff and interested parties. Allegiance to the flag was pledged.
There commenced a Public Hearing on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Map. These minutes were transcribed by a court reporter and are attached herewith.
II. Public Comment on Agenda Items - There were none.
III. Secretary's Report
There being no comments, Mrs. Adams stated the minutes stand approved as distributed.
IV. Treasurer's Report
s Report showing the following amounts in funds, accounts, and investments as of 1/31/99:Treasurer Pickard presented the Treasurer
General Fund $ 217,938.97
Parks/Open Space Fund 9,535.35
Capital Reserve Fund 1,041,165.21
Highway Aid Fund 188,183.57
TOTAL $ 1,456,823.10
s Report will be filed for audit.Mrs. Adams stated the Treasurer
V. Payment of Bills
On a motion by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Pickard, the Board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $ 168,358.58
Parks/Open Space 0.00
Capital Reserve Fund 2,823.71
Highway Aid Fund 18,692.40
TOTAL $ 189,874.69
VI. Reports
A. Lafayette Fire Company: Thomas Schaller reported for the Lafayette Fire Company: there were 7 emergency calls to the eastern portion of the Township in January.
98 closed with 1,953 contributors (38% return) for a total of $92,350.00 making this their highest fundraiser to date.B. Lancaster Township Fire Department Report: Mr. Schaller reported 36 emergency calls for the month of January. Fund Drive
C. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: Reports are available for public inspection during this meeting and in the office during regular business hours.
s recycling rate because of their own internal malfunctions.D. Recycling Report: York Waste was unable to furnish January
VII. Announcements
Lancaster Township appreciates and recognizes service to the community by Charles F. Bitler, Jr. The Board of Supervisors is deeply grateful for his 30 years of loyalty and dedication to Lancaster Township as: Zoning Officer, Code Enforcement Officer, Emergency Management Coordinator, and Planning Commission member.A. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation: The Board honored Charles F. Bitler, Jr. for his many years devoted to Lancaster Township. Mrs. Adams read the certificate:
B. Community Get-Together: A Community Get-Together will be held March 22, 1998, 7:00PM, at Manor House Apartments, 1415 Spencer Avenue. School Superintendent Vicki Phillips will be present.
C. Spill Prevention Response Plan Annual Notification
s emergency response procedures in regards to above-ground storage tanks, as required by the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act of 1989. Mr. Pickard explained procedures in the event of a spill emergency.The City of Lancaster has notified the Township of the City
The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Strategic Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document
VIII. Old Business
IX. Planning/Zoning Business
A. LTPC #154-Diamantoni Property/Final Land Development Plan
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Pickard seconded, and the Board unanimously granted conditional final plan approval subject to the following: Lancaster County Planning Commission comments, Township engineer comments, and sewage planning module approval.
B. LTPC #155-Lorraine Allison/Lot Add-On Plan
Cindy Clement of Lake, Roeder, Hillard & Beers presented the above-mentioned plan to the Board. Mr. Pickard moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously approved a waiver request (403.04(s), Storm Water Management).
C. Ordinance No. 9 of 1998
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Pickard seconded, and the Board unanimously adopted the above-mentioned Ordinance which amends the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1982 to revise regulations to comply with the Little Conestoga Creek Watershed Storm Water Management Plan.
D. Ordinance No. 01 of 1999
. It was further stated this does not apply to the zoning map and allows for the building of a pump station in a greenway without securing a variance. Mr. Allen seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Mrs. Adams noted the Board had made an egregious error in not properly communicating these changes to residents and encouraged all to attend the Planning Commission meeting on February 16 at 7:00PM when this issue will be considered again.public sewer lines and submersible pump stations protruding no more than one foot above original grade and accessory features including transformers, control panels, generators, and dusk-to-dawn lights necessary for operation and maintenance of pump stations and protrude to a height of no greater than four feet above the ground and occupy a surface area of no more than fifty square feetAfter discussion, Mr. Pickard moved to adopt the proposed Zoning with technical changes to Section 1992.3.k and Section 1922.4.b, and with the exception of the zoning map changes. Mr. Pickard explained 1992.3.k deals with public sewer lines and submersible pump stations. The technical change will read
X. New Business
A. Resolution No. 3 of 1999
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Pickard seconded, and the Board unanimously adopted the above-mentioned resolution which authorizes the development of the Lancaster Township Y2K Action Plan and the appointment of the following members to a Y2K Compliance Committee: Chair-Michael F. Pickard, Ron Comfort, Jr., Paul Frymyer, Keith Rankin, Tom Schaller, J. Donald Shaeffer, Bob Sloyer, Glenn Usdin.
B. Resolution No. 4 of 1999
Mr. Pickard moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously approved the above-mentioned resolution which authorizes the preparation and filing of a formal complaint with the PA Public Utility Commission in regard to a proposed water rate increase by the City of Lancaster. Mr. Adams, Township Manager, explained the reasons leading up to this action and then read the entire resolution.
C. Castle Roller Skating, Inc.
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Pickard seconded, and the Board unanimously approved a request by Castle Roller Skating, Inc. to conduct an all-night skate on Saturday, April 10, 1999.
XI. Guest Recognition and Participation
Tom Souders, Spencer Avenue, inquired as to the status of aGeorge Goldbach, Honeysuckle Lane, thanked Mr. Henderson for his hard work on behalf of the residents regarding the zoning map changes. deep interest in the zoning issues. Mrs. Adams expressed her sincere appreciation of the residentsAlex Henderson, Rice Road, asked that residents be notified of the Planning Commission recommendation prior to the March Board meeting and encouraged residents to attend the Planning Commission meeting on February 16 and Board meeting on March 8. Ray Bricker, Abbeyville Road, asked if the road crews could be more vigilant when dispersing salt and anti-skid materials during snow plowing. The materials are being thrown deep into his yard. Mr. Bricker praised the now completed Engleside project. Mr. Bricker expressed concerns about the design of the Manor Shopping Center parking area and thoroughfares. He also feels the traffic lights are not set up properly for left turn exits from the center. In response to a question about design approval, Mr. Adams said the Township engineer will inspect to assure compliance with the approved plan and that nothing can be done officially until that inspection occurs. The Township is aware of some problems and we are working with the developer to correct them.request for fireworks at the St. Joseph Carnival. Mrs. Adams responded the issue is still being considered.
XII. Adjournment
With no further business brought before the Board, Mrs. Adams adjourned the meeting at 9:36PM. The next meeting is March 8, 1999 at 7:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
William L. Adams, Secretary