Can’t weight to celebrate
Week Eight
Congratulations! You’ve reached the final week of the Don’t Weight to Feel Great program. Now you are equipped with the skills you need for permanent weight management. There are no project goals for this week, but you will find
some helpful tracking tools along with last week’s “Score Big for Your Health” tracking chart to help you continue monitoring your progress.
Don’t Weight to Feel Great doesn’t end here. Making the transition from the structure of this program to continuing the behavior modification strategies on your own is critical to your future success. You have been encouraged to adopt new habits and behaviors and make them a permanent part of your life. Remember to keep a positive attitude and give yourself credit for completing the program. If you didn’t succeed on this program, then perhaps you need to evaluate another program. There is no one answer to weight loss for everyone. What’s important is that you keep trying.
Can’t weight to celebrate
Getting started
Print and read allinformation for
Week 8 / You’ve learned some new strategies and healthy habits these past few weeks. As you continue on your quest for a healthier lifestyle, also make it a regular habit to visit Blue Access® for Members at There’s always something new to learn when it comes to exercise, nutrition and healthy living. Visit Blue Access for Members often to help keep you on track for long-term success.
Keep recording what
you eat and your
physical activity so
you can evaluate
your progress / The Weekly Activity Log has been replaced with a permanent food log and a physical activity diary. The expanded food diary makes it simple for you to record each day’s meals. The activity log is divided into three areas: cardiovascular, strength training and flexibility. These are the three components of fitness, and they are all an important part of this program. Continue to work toward including all three in your fitness regimen.
Continue using the
tracking chart
that was included
last week / This chart is a very simple way to do a quick self-assessment. Print more copies so that you can record your progress and tally your points at the end of each day.
Don’t Weight to Feel Great
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