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Ph.D. in Political Science, OhioStateUniversity, June 2000

Major Field of Study: Comparative Politics (Communist and Post-Communist politics of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union; politics and government of Western Europe)

Minor Field of Study: International Politics (international peace and security; international organizations: United Nations, NATO, European Union)

Dissertation: “Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation in Post-Communist Bulgaria”

Dissertation Committee: Richard Gunther (chair), Anthony Mughan, Goldie Shabad

M.A. in Political Science, OhioStateUniversity, June 1991

Major Field of Study: International Politics

B.A. in English Language and Literature (Minor: Psychology), KlimentOhridskyStateUniversity, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 1978


Lecturer, OhioStateUniversity (2000-2009):

-Political Science 100: Introduction to Comparative Politics

-Political Science 145: The Politics of Global Problems

-Political Science 165: Introduction to Politics

-Political Science 210: Modern Political Ideologies

-Political Science 533: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics

-Political Science 597.01:World Politics

-Political Science 597.02: Political Problems of the Contemporary World

-International Studies 201: Introduction to Peace

Instructor,OhioStateUniversity (1996-1999):

-Political Science 100: Introduction to Comparative Politics

-Political Science 533: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics

-Political Science 597.02: Political Problems of the Contemporary World

Graduate Teaching Assistant, OhioStateUniversity (1994-2000):

-Political Science 533: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics

-Political Science 612: Political Elites and Leadership

-Political Science 671: Political Theory: Machiavelli to Hume

-International Studies 230: Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union


1988-1998Associate and Contributor toThe Jamestown Foundation Monitor and The Jamestown Foundation Prism

The Jamestown Foundation,

Washington, D.C.

1990-1992Visiting Scholar, Department of History,

The OhioWesleyanUniversity,

Delaware, Ohio

1980-1988Attaché, Bulgarian Mission to the United Nations,

New York City

1979-1980Trainee,United Nations and Disarmament Department,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Sofia, Bulgaria.


1999. "Modernization Theory Revisited: The Case of Bulgaria," East European Politics and Societies, vol. 13, no. 3 (Autumn), pp. 566-599.

2001. “Post-Communist Bulgaria’s Ethnopolitics,” Global Review of Ethnopolitics, vol. 1, no. 2 (December), pp. 37-53.

2002. “Bulgaria’s Ethnic Problems,” East European Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1(Spring), pp. 103-125.

2003. "The 'Third-Worldization' of a 'Second-World' Nation: De-development in Post-Communist Bulgaria," New Political Science, vol. 25, no. 1 (March), pp. 99-112.

2003. “Will Bulgaria Become Monarchy Again?” Southeast European Politics, vol. IV, no. 2-3 (November), pp. 157-174.

2003. “De-development Problems in Bulgaria,” East European Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 3 (Autumn), pp. 345-364.

2004. “The Roma of Bulgaria: A Pariah Minority,” Global Review of Ethnopolitics, vol. 3, no. 2 (January), pp. 40-51.

2004. "Economic Performance and Regime Legitimacy in Post-Communist Bulgaria," Politics 24:2 (May), pp. 113-121.

2004. “What Is Plutocracy?” New Politics,vol. X:1, no. 37 (Summer), pp. 41-53.

2004. “Bulgaria: An Overview,” “Bulgaria’s Macedonian Community,” “Bulgaria’s Pomak Community,” “Bulgaria’s Turkish Community,” in Karl Cordell and Stefan Wolff, eds. Ethnopolitical Encyclopedia of Europe (London: Macmillan/Palgrave), pp. 384-401.

2004. “Public Opinion in Bulgaria,” in John Geer, ed., Encyclopedia of Public Opinion (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO), vol. 2, pp. 526-532.

2005. “Bulgaria’s Demographic Crisis: Underlying Causes and Some Short-Term Implications,” Southeast European Politics, vol. VI, no. 1 (July), pp. 14-28.

2006. “Bulgaria’s Population Implosion,” East European Quarterly, vol. XL, no. 1 (March), pp. 71-87.

2006. “Public Opinion and Bulgaria’s Involvement in the Iraq War,” East European Quarterly, vol. XL, no. 4 (December), pp. 467-487.

2007. “The Senate,” “The House of Representatives,” “Rules and Procedures of the Senate,”“Leadership of the Senate,” “Rules and Procedures of the House of Representatives,” “Leadership of the House of Representatives,” “Senator Joseph R. McCarthy,” “Army-McCarthy Hearings,” “The Keating Five Scandal,” “The Savings and Loan Crisis,” in Robert Dewhirst, ed. Encyclopedia of the United States Congress (New York: Facts on File).

2008. “The New Class,” “Iron Law of Oligarchy,” “Centrism,” “Monarchy,” “Chinese Revolution,” “Cult of Personality,” “War,” “Behavioral Political Science,” “Opium Wars,”“Individualism,” “Benjamin Franklin,” “Political Psychology,” “The Palestine Liberation Organization,” and “Civil Society” in William A. Darity Jr., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition, 9 volumes (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA).

2008. “Changes in the Linguistic Status of Post-Communist Bulgaria’s Ethnic Turkish Minority” in Ernest Andrews,ed. Linguistic Changes in Post-CommunistEastern Europe and Eurasia (New York: Columbia University Press), pp. 215-230.

2009. “Edgar Snow,”“Whampoa Military Academy,” “Eighth Route Army,” “New Fourth Army,” and “Northern Expedition,”in David Pong, ed. Encyclopedia of Modern China, 4 volumes(Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons).

2009. “The Failure to Restore the Monarchy in Post-Communist Bulgaria,” Romanian Journal of Political Science, vol. 9, no. 1 (Spring-Summer), pp. 47-58.

2010. “The Rescue of Bulgaria’s Jews in World War II,” New Politics, vol. XII:4,no. 48 (Winter), pp. 114-121.

2010. “Zhu De Versus Chiang Kai-Shek: A Military Clash That Sealed China’s Destiny” (June 10), available at

2010. “China’s Opium Wars: Britain as the World’s First Narco-State,“New Politics, vol. XIII:1, no. 49 (Summer), pp. 75-80.

2010. “Restoring the Ethnolinguistic Rights of Bulgaria's Turkish Minority,”Ethnopolitics, vol. 9, no. 3-4 (September-November), pp. 295-309.


1997. "Modernization Theory Revisited: The Case of Bulgaria." Paper presented at the Regional Midwest Slavic Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. Columbus, Ohio, April 16-20.

1997. "Economic Performance and Regime Legitimacy: The Case of Post-Communist Bulgaria." Paper presented at the Annual 1997 Meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest. Cleveland, Ohio, October 3-5.

2002. "Post-Communist Bulgaria’s Ethnic Problems." Paper presented at the Fiftieth Anniversary Midwest Slavic Conference. The Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, March 22-23.

2003. “The ‘Third-Worldization’ of a ‘Second-World’ Nation: De-development in Post-Communist Bulgaria.” Paper presented at the Seventh Joint Meeting and Conference of North American and Bulgarian Scholars. The OhioStateUniversity,Columbus, Ohio, October 9-12.

2004. “The Tragic Plight of Bulgarian Gypsies.” Paper presented at the Midwest Slavic Conference. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio, February 26-28.

2005. “Bulgaria’s Demographic Crisis: Underlying Causes and Some Short-term Implications.” Paper presented at the Midwest Slavic Conference. The OhioStateUniversity,Columbus, Ohio, March 3-5.

2005. “Public Opinion and Bulgaria’s Involvement in the Iraq War.” Paper presented at the Second Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA). The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio, April 28-30.


1989. “Bulgaria’s Relations with Its Balkan Neighbors,” Radio Free Europe Research/Bulgarian Situation Report 2 (March 9), pp. 21-25.

1989. “Communist-Bloc Civil Servants at the United Nations,” The Christian Science Monitor (May 25), p. 19.

1989. “Bulgaria’s Persecution of Ethnic Turks,” The Christian Science Monitor (June 21), p. 18.

1989. “Communist Reform—Playing With Fire,” The Christian Science Monitor (July 28), p. 18.

1989. “Military Cut Would Risk Soviet Hold on Eastern Europe,” The Plain Dealer (August 5).

1989. “Warsaw’s Reforms Present Threat to East Bloc Unity,” The San Diego Union (August 27), pp. C1-C2.

1989. “Glasnost and Perestroika May Captivate the West but Play to Mixed Reviews at Home,” Armed Forces Journal International (October), p. 48.

1989. “Can the United Nations be Saved from Chaos?” The San Diego Union (October 29), pp. C1-C2.

1989. “Europe is Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop in the East,” The San Diego Union (November 19), pp. C1, C6.

1990. “Why East Germany’s Social Democrats Lost the Election?” The San Diego Union (March 25), p. C6.

1990. “The West Not Out of the Woods Yet: An Overview of the Political and Economic Future,” The Jamestown Foundation Transition (April), pp. 14-17.

1990. “Post-Ballot-Box Communism,” The Christian Science Monitor (July 16), p. 18.

1990. “Should the West Rescue the Soviet Economy?” Human Events, vol. L, no. 33 (August 18), pp. 10-11.

1991. “Yugoslavia Crisis Tests the Power of Democracy,” The San Diego Union (July 7), pp. C1, C7.

1991. “Bulgaria’s Communist Stranglehold,” The Wall Street Journal (European edition)(September 25).

1992. “East Europe’s Downward Economic Spiral,” The Journal of Commerce (June 26), p. 6A.

1993. “The Third Balkan War,” National Review (March 1), pp. 46-49.

1996. “Caspian Oil—the New Great Game,” The Jamestown Foundation Prism, vol. II, no. 1 (January 12).

1996. “Russia and the West Spar over Huge Prize: Unexploited Caspian Sea Oil Fields,” The Columbus Dispatch (February 9), p. 11A.

1996. “The Challenges to Georgia’s Sovereignty: Georgia’s Ethnic Conflicts,” The Jamestown Foundation Prism, vol. II, no. 4 (February 23).

1996. “Russia’s Oil Diplomacy in the Near Abroad,” The Jamestown Foundation Prism, vol. II, no. 9 (May 3).

1996. “Russia: The Test of Wills over NATO’s Expansion,” The Jamestown Foundation Prism, vol. II, no. 18 (September 1).

1996. “Russia Looks Anew to the Arab World,” The Jamestown Foundation Prism, vol. II, no. 21 (October 24).

2009. “A Familiar ‘New Face’ at UNESCO,” The American Spectator (October 5).

2009. “A Familiar ‘New Face’ at UNESCO: Is the Past Prologue?” CommonConservative (October 16).


Member of theBulgarian Studies Association (USA); theAssociation of Social Economics.

Reviewer forSoutheast European Politics; New Political Science;Ethnopolitics(formerly Global Review of Ethnopolitics);Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism; Thomson Wadsworth Publishing; Pearson Longman; Sage Publications.


Professor Richard Gunther ()

Professor Anthony Mughan ()

Professor Goldie Shabad ()

Department of Political Science

The OhioStateUniversity

2140 Derby Hall, 154 North Oval Mall

Columbus, Ohio43210-1373

Telephone: (614) 292-2880

Fax: (614) 292-1146