301 East Avenue, Clermont, Florida 34711

(352) 243-2460 Voice

(352) 243-1407 Fax


Our mission is

to prepare students to beindependent learners

by providing a safe and supportive environment

where each student

is encouraged and challenged,

academically and socially,

to become

a successful and responsible citizen.

Welcome to Clermont Middle School

The administration, faculty, and staff welcome you to Clermont Middle School. CLMS is one of four middle schools serving south Lake County. Our student enrollment is approximately 750 students in grades 6, 7, and 8. CLMS primarily serves students who live west of Highway 27 in Clermont and Minneola. The attendance zone extends almost to the city of Groveland. CLMS students come from a wide variety of ethnic and social backgrounds. Our students are known for earning high marks in the classroom, on standardized tests, and excelling in extracurricular activities such as music, art, sports, and clubs. The school mascot is the Falcon and the school colors are blue and white.

As your principal, I am eager to welcome you and have anticipated your arrival all summer. I invite you to join us on a journey together as we strive to see you excel academically, develop socially, and grow to your fullest potential during this 2014-15 school year. Our goal is to prepare you for your eventual transition to high school, while assisting and encouraging you as you develop and plan your future goals and aspirations. We call this being C2Ready or “College and Career Ready.” Success in school can only be achieved when you work hard, study effectively, demonstrate responsibility, and display a positive attitude. With the support and encouragement of parents, along with dedicated, high-performing, and caring teachers and staff, I have no doubt that you will be successful and thoroughly enjoy this year.

Please utilize this Student Planner Agenda as the organization, communication, and information tool it is designed to be. You are expected to carry your agenda during school hours and share it weekly with your parents to review the academic expectations and assignments for each class. Within this agenda you will find the major policies and procedures necessary for your safety and success. I encourage you to make good choices, do the right thing in any situation, and represent yourself, your school and your community well.

Remember, we want all Falcons to SOAR to new heights!

Steven Benson


General Rules

  1. Walk in the halls. No running!
  2. Always have a pass written in your agenda when out of class.
  3. Stay on the sidewalks when you can!
  4. Always take required materials to class and be prepared.
  5. Do not take food out of the cafeteria. Only water can be removed from the cafeteria.
  6. Fighting will result in an automatic consequence. Action will be taken if threats of bodily harm are made.
  7. All visitors must register at the office.
  8. Sales and use of candy, gum, or food is prohibited (other than in the cafeteria or through an approved fundraiser)
  9. Appropriate language must be used at all times.
  10. Students are to notify the office when there is a change of their home address or parent’s telephone number.
  11. Respect everyone.


Any student enrolled in Clermont Middle School (CLMS) shall be subject to the policies of the Lake County School Board and direction of the local school administration. Students will be expected to follow all directions given by teachers, bus drivers, and any school authority while on school grounds, being transported by school buses, or attending a school supervised activity. Certain major policies are enforced district wide and are set forth in the LCSB Student Code of Conduct. Courteous and cooperative behavior will help maintain a safe and civil climate at school.

Student supervision will start thirty (30) minutes before the start of the school day and continue thirty (30) minutes after the school day ends.

Students will be assigned to one of several holding areas after arrivingtoschool and before classes begin. These areas will include the cafeteria, auditorium and various classrooms. Each area will be supervised by one or more teachers. Students must be in supervised areas once they have entered the school grounds in the morning. At the end of the last class, students will be dismissed to the car rider loop and the bus loop by intercom. Walkers will be dismissed 5 minutes after.

Accidents or Illness

Accidents in the school building, on the school grounds, at a practice session, or at any event sponsored by the school must be reported immediately to an adult in authority at the school office.

In case of illness at school, the student needs to ask the teacher for permission to go to the office where the student will be able to contact the parent. At no time is the student allowed to use his/her cell phone to contact the parent unless they have been granted permission by school administration.


Agenda books are a major tool used to keep students organized and parents informed about their child’s academic status during the school year. Agendas are subject to the following policies:

  1. One agenda is given to each student at no charge.
  2. Replacement agendacost is $5.00.
  3. Students must carry agendas during school hours.
  4. Students are to record assignments, due dates etc in their agenda.
  5. Students must get parent review signatures weekly.

Arrival at School

Students who walk, or ride in private automobiles, should plan to arrive approximately 15 minutes before the first class of the day. Students who arriveor depart school in private automobiles are to enter & exitthe campus from the car rider loop (track) located near the gym. Access to this area is from Pitt Street. Walkers are to arrive and depart campus from the main gates at the front of the school near the flagpole. Students who ride a bike must park their bike in a designated area. Bike racks are available. Students are not allowed to enter or exit an automobile at the front of the school during arrival or dismissal times due to the safety concerns. Once the student arrives at school, he/she is not to leave campus without permission from the office. Any student who leaves campus without permission is subject to disciplinary action.


Students are expected to be in school each day. Death in the family, illness of the student, and serious illness in the family are the only legal reasons for school absence.

If a student is absent from school, he/she must bring a note, signed by their parent or guardian, stating the reason for the absence and obtain admit slip from the front office. This slip indicates an excused absence and the student must present the slip to all of his/her teachers throughout the day. Without the slip, the absence is considered unexcused, and the student will not receive credit for missed work. Florida Compulsory Attendance Lawrequires students who are absent for more than 10 days per semesterpresent a note from the doctor explaining the absence.

Students are responsible for getting all make-up work from each teacher. Students may be given up to five days to complete assignments when an absence is excused.

If a parent wishes to have a student leave school before the end of the day, the parent must come into the school office and sign the student out. Parents should be prepared to show identification. If someone other than the parent is to pick the student up, the person should be prepared to show identification and they must be listed on thestudent’s information sheet.

Bus Transportation

The school bus is considered an extension of the school campus. A bus driver has the same authority for student control as a teacher. Student behavior on the bus is judged by the same standard as it is on campus. It is a privilege to ride on a school bus. Bus students must remain in their last period class until their bus is called. Bus students will not be allowed to get on or off the bus at any stop other than their assigned stop. Students may not ride buses unless they are assigned to a bus. Bus rule violations will be strictly enforced. Students will be suspended from the bus immediately for all serious and safety violations as well as continuous misbehavior on the bus. (See LCSB Student Code of Conduct.)


All students are encouraged to use good table manners, treat fellow students with respect, and help keep the cafeteria clean and attractive. Plates, utensils, and paper products are to be properly taken care of when the meal is completed. Students who bring their lunch to school are expected to abide by the same rules as students who eat the school lunch. All food is to be consumed in the cafeteria except at the outside picnic tables. NO running or line cutting will be permitted. ALL FOOD must be eaten in the cafeteria. The cost of a school lunch is currently $2.15. Parents can go online to check accounts and to place money in their children’saccounts by going to .

Dress Code

Students are required to follow the Lake County School Board Dress Code policy (See Dress Code Policy in Discipline Code section)that will be strictly enforced.

The principal or designee has the final authority for determining whether or not a student’s apparel conforms to the dress code. When it is determined that it does not, parents/guardians will be asked to bring clothing to the school which will conform to this Code.

Hall Passes

All students must have a teacher-signed agenda or other approved Hall Pass before leaving the classroom during the class period, and should not ask to leave class during the first or last ten minutes of each period.

Hours of Operation

Students are not allowed on the school campus or in the school buildings after normal school hours or during holidays or weekends unless supervised by a teacher or designated adult. Walkers must exit the campus out the front of the school by the flag poleimmediately after school dismissal. The school office is normally open from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Library and Textbooks

Damaged or lost books must be paid for before another book is issued or checked out. Books are to be kept off the ground and floors. Students are responsible for the condition of all books. Any unpaid library and/or textbook fines will be carried year to year, and school to school, through the centralized Lake County School Board fine system.

Lockers and Locks

1.Only locks issued by CLMS may be placed on lockers. Other locks will be removed.

2.Lockersmay be rented for the year for $2.00.

3.Only one student per locker will be assigned. DO NOT share! DO NOT give your locker combination to anyone.

4.Lockers are to be kept clean, and no signs, stickers, or writing are allowed on the lockers.

5.High cost articles and items of great sentimental value should not be brought to schoolnorkept in lockers.

6.Thelockers areto be locked and secured.

7.The school is not responsible for anything missing from the locker.

8.Lockers are the property of CLMS and are subject to searches at the discretion of the administration.

9.Students are allowed to go to their lockers only at times designated by the school.

Lost and Found

Please check the Lost and Found in the front office before assuming that the item has been "stolen". Please put your name on all personal belongings.

Medication at School

It is recommended that all medication be administered outside of school hours. Ask your physician to prescribe medication that can be administered before and after school if possible.

If prescribed medication must be administered during the school day, the medication must be brought by the parent to the school office in the original container, with the prescription label intact. If non-prescription medication must be administered, the medication must be in the original unopened container (sealed). The parent will need to complete a Lake County School Board medication authorization form with the following information:

Name and purpose of medication

Time medication is to be administered

Specific instructions for administering

Approximate duration of medication

Parent/guardian signature granting permission to administer the medication.

Note: The first dosage of any medication will not be administered during school hours, as there is a possibility of allergic reaction.

Students must not have over-the-counter or prescription medication intheirpossession during the school day or school sponsored activities. This includes: cough drops, aspirin, Midol, etc. Violation of this rule could result in a suspension. Other medication policies may apply; call the school for more information.

Promotion Policy

In order to be promoted, a student must have successfully completed a minimum of five courses, and they must pass language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and score above a level 1 on the FCAT. (See Student Progression Plan.)

Reports Cards and Grades

Report cards are sent home by the student following each nine-week grading period. Progress reports are sent home halfway through the nine-week grading period. Grades will be based on the following grading system:

A= 90-100; B= 80-89; C= 70-79; D= 60-69; F= 0-59

Reports to Parents

Parents will be notified of the student’s progress through report cards and progress reports. Parents can also access their child’s progress by logging onto the Skyward website. Parents are to contact the guidance officeifquestions arise. Parents who wish to talk with a teacher about their child’s academic progress should request a conference with the teacher during the teacher's planning period, before, or after school. Teacher conferences may be set up through the grade level chairperson.


The school principal or designee may search student lockers or other areas if he or she has reasonable suspicion that a prohibited or illegally possessed substance or object is contained within that area.A search might be conducted to prohibit or locate illegal items such as stolen property, contraband, illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, or objects that could be used as weapons.Lockers, automobiles, or other areas can be searched after reasonable suspicion has been established. Students and/or their possessions may be searched if the school official has reasonto believe that illegal, prohibited or harmful substances may be concealed.

If the search of the student, his/her locker, or other possessions reveals stolen or illegal property, such property shall be seized and, when appropriate, turned over to the law enforcement authorities.

Semester and Final Exams

A semester exam is given at the end of the first semester and a final exam is given the last week of school. Please do not request that semester or final exams be given earlier than the scheduled time. Students who are absent for exams, may take make up exams upon returning to school. Students who are un-available for Final exams may make them up during the summer. We recommend that students attend school for final exams.


Promptness to class is very important. Students are to be in their classroom (not running through the door) and ready to work when the tardy bell sounds. Tardiness is considered a disruption of class, and discipline will be handled by the individual teacher in an appropriate manner. Chronic tardiness will result in a referral to the office.


Students may use the office telephone for emergency calls ONLY, such as illness, forgotten lunch money, or missed bus. Students are not to use the office phone without permission. Cell phones may be carried but not used in any way during the school day, unless under the direction of a teacher for instructional purposes, as specified in the CLMS Waiver of School Board Policy regarding use of cell phones and electronic devices.


1.The students, not the school, are responsible for personal property.

2.Students who wear glasses or watches must keep track of them at all times.

3.It is recommended that students do not bring more money than needed for lunch, and other school incidentals. Under no circumstances should large amounts of cash be brought to school. CLMS cannot guarantee its safety.

4.Do not leave money and or other valuable items in the locker.

5.Students are not to bring radios, cameras, gaming devices, headphones, sunglasses, lasers etc to school. Students should consult the LCSB Code of Student Conduct for a full list of items that are prohibited on school grounds.

Vandalism and Property Damage

Students who vandalize or destroy school property will be required to pay for losses and damages. If students willfully destroy school property, suspension and subsequent expulsion may be necessary. If students should happen to damage something by accident, they should report it to a teacher or the office immediately.


All visitors and volunteers must register in at the Main Office and get a yellow visitors badge. Wear the badge!

Make good choices and do the right thing in any situation!