FORM CG4 (or 8?)
Care Group Site Hazard Assessment and Control Form
Care Group Name:......
Project Name:...... Location:......
Site Assessor:...... Date of assessment:......
Common Hazards / Yes / No / Potential Harm / How or what controls are in place / Controls: Isolate (I), Eliminate (E) Minimise (M)Bee/wasp stings / Pain, swelling, allergic reaction / Wear pants, long-sleeved shirts, gloves, shoes when working outdoors. If stung by a bee remove the stinger as soon as possible. Watch for an allergic reaction, which may take place immediately or up to 30 minutes after the sting. Volunteers with known allergies shall make them known to the Team Leader and carry their own medication. / (I) (E) (M)
Plants (nettle, Bush Lawyer, Rhus) / Lacerations, pain, swelling and allergic reaction / Wear gloves, long-sleeved shirts and shoes. Seek medical assistance if suspected allergic reaction. / (I) (E) (M)
Uneven terrain / Slip, trip, falls causing injury / Wear sturdy, covered footwear and ensure careful footing. / (I) (E) (M)
Animals/stock / Dog bites or injuries from charging farm stock / If you come across an aggressive dog or animal remain calm, walk slowly back to a safe place keeping your eyes on the animal at all times. Signal for help if possible. Do not run.If in doubt do not enter paddock. / (I) (E) (M)
Crossing rivers, drains and streams / Drowning / Avoid entering water, use a bridge. / (I) (E) (M)
Effluent ponds / Drowning / Know where they are located and avoid. / (I) (E) (M)
O/H and U/G services / Electrocution, gas fumes / Identify where all services are located to avoid contact. / (I) (E) (M)
Weather extremes / Sunburn, sunstroke, heat exhaustion (hot), hypothermia (cold), dehydration / Wear appropriate clothing, i.e. sun hat, carry fluids, use sunscreen. Ensure adequate food and water if working for extended periods. Check weather forecast before commencing work. / (I) (E) (M)
Vehicles/ traffic / Injury from vehicle accident / Exercise caution when working in areas where vehicles are present. Do not ride on the back of motorbikes or ATV’s. Anyone using an ATV must wear a helmet. / (I) (E) (M)
Trailer backing / Injury from trailer being backed into a bystander or someone who is assisting to direct the driver / Ensure competence before undertaking task. / (I) (E) (M)
Working near roads / Injury from vehicle accident / Carry out a traffic management plan to control people and vehicle interactions prior to commencing project. Trained traffic controllers in place or else use traffic management contractors. / (I) (E) (M)
Working under the influence of alcohol/medication / Injury to self or others / Do not allow volunteers on site if under the influence of alcohol/medication / (I) (E) (M)
Fences / Electric shock, laceration from barbed wire or injuries from falling off / Use gates at all times. Do not attempt to climb fences. Find out from landowners if fences are live. / (I) (E) (M)
Fires / Burns or property damage / No burning of vegetation. All vegetation to be removed. / (I) (E) (M)
Hand tools / Cuts from sharp edges / Spades and secateurs shall be transported with sharp edges pointing down.Wear sturdy, covered footwear.Ensure there is a safe working distance from others when using sharp tools e.g. a minimum of one spade length. / (I) (E) (M)
Lifting / Strains / Determine weight before attempting to lift. When lifting – bend at the knees and object close to the body. Get assistance if needed. / (I) (E) (M)
Spraying / Health risks from chemical toxicity / Do not spray when other people present. Ensure adequate training (Growsafe) and equipment supplied. Wear appropriate PPE. Read Safety Data Sheets before application. Check weather conditions. / (I) (E) (M)
Other Hazards Present / Yes / No / How or what controls are in place / Controls: Isolate (I), Eliminate (E) Minimise (M)
(I) (E) (M)
(I) (E) (M)
(I) (E) (M)
Assessor’s SignatureDate
Care group attendees (names):