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English- Language Arts
Mrs. Chodkiewicz
Ø Books McDougal Littell -Bridges to Literature
Leveled Titles
Ø Supplies 1. One pocket folder
2. One single subject notebook or binder section
3. Blue or black pen
4. Pencil
5. One box of tissues
Replace your supplies as needed throughout the school year.
Write your full name and ELA on everything.
(Please see me if you have difficulty obtaining these supplies.)
Ø Grading*
-Tests/Final Written Pieces/ Projects - 45%
-Quizzes - 30%
-Classwork- 15%
-Homework/Class Preparation/Participation- 10%
-Writing Assignments will be weighted depending on the length and complexity of the assignments.
-Class Participation/Preparation – Students are expected to come prepared, be on time, behave appropriately, and actively participate. All supplies must be brought to class daily.
(*Grading will be based on individual needs and IEPs)
-Homework is assigned approximately four nights a week. It must be completed by the next class unless otherwise specified.
Homework Grading: Full Credit = 100%
Partial Credit (student showed some effort) = 70%
One day late (completed) = 65%
No Homework = 0%
Ø Agenda Book
Homework assignments will be listed on the board each day. I will sign each student’s agenda before s/he leaves the classroom. My signature will indicate that the correct assignments have been written in the agenda.
Please check and sign the agenda book each evening, as well. Please make sure that the assignment has been completed as described.
Ø Student Progress- Grades will be posted in Realtime. Please check via the Parent Portal. This procedure gives you feedback about your child’s progress.
-The Realtime Parent Portal is available online so that you can easily and frequently monitor your child’s progress.
Ø Late Assignments
Ten (10) points will be deducted from each late class assignment. For projects, ten points will be deducted for each day late. I will plan to set aside time in class so that students can work on projects. Some work will have to be done at home.
Ø Student Absence from school or from class (ex: band lesson, trip)- All students are expected to make up missed work (notes, classwork, homework, tests, quizzes).
Ø Communication!
Email me, call me, write to me in the agenda! I will do the same.
732-705-5400 x 5473
I am looking forward to meeting each you and to working closely with you to make this year in English-Language Arts a great success.
-Mrs. Chodkiewicz
Please fill out and return this portion ONLY to Mrs. Chodkiewicz.
Save all of the above for your records.
v Please share any ideas you have about how we can better work together to ensure your middle schooler’s success. ______
I have read and have shared the above expectations, grading policies, and procedures with my middle schooler.
-Student Signature: ______
-Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
-Parent/Guardian Email:______
-Phone numbers: HOME#:______
Email Home # Cell #
-Do you have access to a computer in order to check the Realtime Parent Portal? YES NO
-Does your child have access to a computer to research, type, and print assignments as needed? YES NO