Public Transportation Division



A United We Ride Grant Project

United We Ride Grant Opportunity Announcement

Application Deadline: September 26, 2006

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) accepted the Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) proposal for a $75,000 United We Ride (UWR) grant. The UWR program is a federal interagency national initiative to foster transportation coordination and break down barriers between federal transit and human service programs. (See for more information.)

Grants of approximately $27,500 each will be made to two agencies for the purpose of removing or diminishing a specific, identified constraint to transportation coordination. An advisory group to the department conceived the idea of offering grants that allow peers with a role in transportation coordination to help each other, one as a mentor and the other as a peer needing to resolve a constraint identified by the regional planning process. There is no match requirement. Funds can be used for planning, travel, administration and computer hardware and software (justified as needed for the project). Operating and other capital expenses are not eligible. A full description of the project and the application process is covered in a separate attachment.

Whether you chose to submit a proposal for this grant or not, please give us your opinion of the urgency of the need to address the constraints by returning the Issue Prioritization survey. The results may be useful in selecting projects or using future UWR funds if they become available. There is a separate attachment with this information.

We are asking the regional service planning lead agencies to send this notification to stakeholders and others that may be interested. In addition to electronic distribution to the distribution listed agencies, this announcement will be posted to the TxDOT Public Transportation Division home page ( and the Regional Service Planning website (

Responses are due to TxDOT-PTN by September 26, 2006. Respondents should use the fax or email address at the bottom of the form.

Please contact Karen Dunlap at (512) 416-2817 or (place UWR in the subject line) if you have questions.

Distribution: Regional Service Planning Lead Agencies

FTA Section 5303, 5307 and 5311 Recipients

TxDOT Public Transportation Coordinators