Kardell Employee position
The employees of Kardell have a few concerns of the level of contamination in the community’s water as well as their employments with the plant. The main concern that the employees have is that the waste water is not being properly disposed of which is reflecting the contamination of the water with high levels of sonox. The employees concern about the health problems are starting to affect the city in a negative manner. The Kardell employees do feel that something needs to get done solve the problem. Yet they are also concerned that in the process of fixing the problem they will be out of a job due to the plant having to shut down for approximately a year as well as reducing production in order for the plant to do the necessary adjustments in order for the problem to be fixed. This means that employees of the Kardell plant would not only have to lose their jobs for the time being the plant is closed but it will also affect the local economy since their will not be any money coming in to keep producing product. All the employees would like to come to an agreement of what can be done in order for their families and community who live in the area be safe from drinking contaminated water. They would also want to continue to work while the plant fixes the problem since the shutting down of the company would cause employees to lose their jobs having to look for a new employment in order to take care of their families.
Let me first start out by asking one question. Are we proud of where we work? That is a question that I have been asking myself since I found out about sonax. To be proud of where you work, your work has to be doing everything it can for the community and its employers. I’m not so sure I can say that about Kardell Paper Co
Ladies, has any of you been pregnant or knew somebody who has been and had a miscarriage. Gentlemen, I’m sure you have known someone who has lost a baby. It’s very sad, it does not end there, you always wonder what it would have been, how old it would be now, how he/she would of looked, etc., the list goes on and on.
Miscarriage is defined as any pregnancy that ends spontaneously before the fetus can survive. Also called a spontaneous abortion. They occur in about 20% of all recognized pregnancies. (1)
We all know what respiratory problems are, to give a few examples of: asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. That is just a short list of the problems. We all should know how they feel and the cost of the treatment it takes to get medicine and everything not including the loss of work.
Kardell Paper Co. is discharging Sonax into our rivers, not enough to be against the law but enough for the doctors in town to be worried. So I think and I hope to be speaking for all the employees here, that Kardell should spend the money on the research that is needed to find a solution for this problem. REMEMBER ALL THE BABIES! IT COULD BE YOUR BABY OR YOUR GRANDCHILD
On behalf of the employees of the company, I am here to have some of their concerns heard. Some of the concerns are the pollution that is spreading across the Riverside River. With the One of the thing that we would like to see improve the healthcare plan. With the contamination so near the property they are concern that their present insurance plan is not adequate to cover any illness should it ever happen. They do not believe that their employee benefits are as good as it could especially given the present situation. The present working condition could also be improve, even thought the factory building is very old they believe is that the working condition should be improved for example the air conditioner filter should be change more often. Next they would like assurance that the sonox contamination that is showing up near the plant be looked into on a more in-depth scale. With this investigation, the true cause of the health problems that they are experience could be reveal. To conclude, they would like your assurance that if the pollution around the plant is what’s causing the illness within the community that they be laid off with pay until the problem has been solve. They would like me to extend their appreciate for your time and efficiency in these matters.
I am presenting an issue which concerns all employees and their families at Kardell Paper Co. This company has been consistently financially stable; but at what cost? As the board and attorney are aware, toxic waste water, specifically the chemical sonox, is being dumped into the Cherokee River. There are families suffering from cancer and otherwise unexplained illness which appear to have been ignored. I understand you have read all evidence and Doctor reports and still do not believe this chemical has caused these health problems. There is one thing to consider before making a final decision to not change to the recycle approach (Ch. 5, pg.372).
There is a chance that the plant could be closed longer or permanently if it is found that sonox is causing environmental and public problems. The company is at risk of lawsuit especially knowing the possibilities and not proceeding with positive changes. I understand that $70 million dollars as well as the temporary production loss or closure seems like a considerable financial loss; however, would a permanent shut-down prove to be any better for all involved (Ch. 5, pg.372) ?
There is a potential profit to be made by recycling the waste water and selling the chemical to other companies. Follow the ethical and moral decision because not only could the company benefit from the change; the public will be safe and the environmental elements will be around for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.
Subject: Concerns of the Plant Closing for a year
I am an Employee who is concerned about the possibility of the Plants’ closure for a year; I have worked here 12 years and I am a sole supporter for my family; The reports of Sonox is may be the cause of the increase in Miscarriages and Respiratory Problems in this area due to the water, I understand that The Ecological system is very important to all life on Earth, the water levels could affect us now by causing Miscarriages and Respiratory problems, but is it also affecting the water life such as fish which may be an important part of the ecosystem as well, or will it affect the plants around this area and other life that exists on the water here. It already seems that the water has penetrated into the ground core in which our drinking water is tapped into, this problem may get worse; is our Plant going to wait until more problems arise or are we going to make a positive change, and how will this change affect us as employees? Will we get our jobs back after a year?
Kardell legal counsel position
The Kardell Paper Co. – Legal Council Presentation
As part of the Kardell Paper Co.’s legal council, I would like to present some ideas about sonox. This is being deposited into the river right behind our mill. Recently, it has been brought to our attention that sonox may be the leading cause of miscarriages and respiratory disorders within the community. Though we are currently screening to remove the level of contaminants required by provincial regulations, we may want to consider doing more to protect our community and our company.
The Future of Kardell Paper Co.
Let’s think about what this would mean to the Kardell Paper Co. if these doctors are on the right track and sonox is causing these terrible things. We may face additional law suits from members of the community that are fighting against these respiratory disorders or have suffered a miscarriage. Changing the way that the mill screens for contaminants will not only take away any legality issue with personal law suits but it would also help the members of the community that are employed with Kardell Paper Co.
Raise Profits with Community Support
If Kardell were to take the necessary steps to remove the contamination from the river and make sure that the mill does not pump this into the river, the community would be more than impressed. We must think that though the next two years would be a struggle, the future would be bright. Sales may sky rocket when people know they are purchasing from an environmentally safe company and a company that thought about the community first before they thought about their own profits.
As part of the legal council, I would like to present the idea of switching the plant over to the new processing technology that would recycle the waste water and that Kardell Paper Co. operates a “closed cycle” business. I believe that this would reduce the liability that Kardell faces if sonox is proven hazardous and will also reduce the likelihood that an individual may sue the mill. To protect the mill and its employees, shareholders, and the community around us, let’s protect the future and rule out any legal obligations we may have with sonox and the illness that it may cause by going “closed cycle”.
Thank you for this opportunity as your legal representation to share my concerns regarding the recent sonox discussion. Though the unfortunate circumstances threat the local community is enduring at this time the Kardell Paper Co. is following all regulations put into place by Province of Ontario. The recent suspected link of sonox in the water and the issues involving miscarriages and respiratory condition in a neighboring town are at this time undetermined. This legal counsel advises the board of no concerns of legal action involving the suspected link as The Kardell Paper Co. is meeting all regulation. Recent possible litigations involving the same issues were thrown out as they were unable to see enough evidence to prove liability by those companies. It is advised however to keep close watch for the first signs of provincial actions towards stricter regulation involving the possibility of reducing the amount of sonox. It would be more harmful for the community to take the loss of income than meet any unnecessary standards. The Kardell Company is once again in legal provisions set by the province of Ontario and is advised to stay in those provisions as any changes may occur. As your legal counsel will be sure to advise The Kardell Paper Co. of any legal changes that come our way as well.
Ladies and Gentleman of the Board,
As you know, we were recently presented with information concerning the levels of sonox produced by the Kardell Paper Company that are washing into the Cherokee River. Although Kardell’s operations produce emissions that are considered to be in compliance with the Ministry of Environment, as legal counsel we are concerned that the company could still have a large risk exposure to legal suits. If the high rates of miscarriages and respiratory disorders are confirmed to be linked to sonox, then the company could be facing serious legal trouble. Though it is unlikely there would be fines from the Ministry, Kardell could still be sued for damages, possibly in a class action lawsuit, from members of the population of Riverside. Further, the report developed by Mr. Green could be damaging. The implication would be that the company was well aware of a problem with sonox long before the government was, and chose to ignore it. We believe some steps should be taken in an effort to protect the company’s assets.
The report developed by Mr. Green included water tests conducted by a summer student. Though the student’s tests may be accurate, they lack professional credibility. We recommend that Kardell retain the services of a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) to perform water tests on the Cherokee River, and provide a report on the levels of sonox. The report should include detailed steps to remediate the contamination, if necessary.
Further, Kardell is not the only industrial plant on the Cherokee River. The CIH should be instructed to sample areas of the Cherokee River upstream from Kardell, as well as further downstream. If serious and possibly dangerous levels of sonox are present, it may be possible to shift some of the liability to the other industrial plants. If the levels of sonox downstream are present in only trace amounts, a CIH’s report stating this fact would be a valuable defense tool.
We feel that a decision to shut the plant down for a retrofit of the waste water system should be placed on hold until the results of the CIH testing can be reviewed. However, if the results of the CIH testing are conclusive in that sonox is present in dangerous levels, then we believe it would be prudent for Kardell to be proactive, and proceed with the retrofitting of the plant. The legal risks are too great to ignore if Mr. Green’s assumptions are validated.
Kardell investors perspective
Ladies and gentlemen of the board, thank you for allowing me the time to present my concerns to you today. As an investor, I am highly concerned with the company's decision to sweep its problems under the proverbial rug.
The decision to forego the upgrade and await government research makes me a little nervous when it comes to putting money into the paper mill. My concerns are not with the cost of the upgrade, but the decision to wait. If the decision remains as it stands, I feel that waiting will ultimately be the company's downfall.
Performing the upgrade ahead of government regulations would be very good for the company's image, thus increasing stock price. By attempting to be green, outsiders would notice that Kardell is thinking about more than just profits. Performing the upgrade after a major finding would destroy the company's image; especially if word got out that the board knew about the problem years ago.
As I see it, the upgrade will be done either now or later. Choosing to do it now will insure the positive image that Kardell has worked so hard to attain will not be destroyed. Let’s use this as a springboard into a more profitable future, while at the same time adopting a greener philosophy. Thank you for your time.
As an investor in this company, my main concern is the people that work here. How is this going to affect them in the near future? Are they going to get sick? Are their families going to get sick? This is something we need to consider. We also need to think about if we put this problem off for now, what is it going to cost us at a later date to fix it? How long are we going to be shut down then? How many people will sue us when and if we are the source of the sonox?
What I think that could be done is find something else to use instead of the sonox or we find another way to dispose of the water waste. I know this maybe costly but it may also save us a lot of money in the long run. We need to think about the community and the people that work for us or there will never be any profit.
City of Riverside and Community
It seems that Kendall Paper Co. has a strong decision to make. The fact that there is sonox being leaked into the Cherokee River has become an issue with the Riverside Community. The citizens are concerned about their health and the health of their loved ones. The rates of miscarriages, respiratory problems, and other medical conditions have been on the rise for many years. Jack’s report stating that remodeling the mill will have a positive impact on the chemicals released into the river is something that you, the board members, need to think seriously about. The town realizes that the remodel will cost $70 million and that the mill workers could be out of work for over a year. This is an issue that the mill workers and their family will have to face head on; however, isn’t the health of our families and the future generations of the town what we need to think about? If the board members decide to remodel the mill, it is possible that other factories on the river will follow your lead and make their facilities better for the environment. If the Kendal Paper Co. is concerned about the cost to remodel; think about the pride you will have in knowing that the product you are making is not part of the many health concerns of the local residents.