You will find:
Information about programs being offered by other organizations for GS troops.
Changes and updated information abut council program events
List of equipment available for loan from the CouncilServiceCenter
Council patch programs
Information from GSUSA
Reminders of upcoming Girl Scout dates (ie. Juliette’s Birthday, GS week)
List of suggested service projects
List of suggested trips
For further information or to give suggestions of things to add to the web page, contact Melanie at
(908) 232-3236 Ext. 1212 or
Council Shop Hours
Monday-Thursday 8:15 am-5:30 pm
Friday 9:15 am-11:30 am
Additional Hours September through June
1stSaturday of the month 10:00 am -2:00 pm
(Shop open Saturday, September 10, 2005)
2nd Tuesday of the Month 8:15 am – 7:30 pm
Phone orders may be placed at (908) 232-3236 Ext. 1232
You will be notified by phone once your order is complete.
Labor DayMonday, September 5, 2005
Inventory(Shop Only)Friday, September 30 until noon Monday October 3
ThanksgivingThursday & Friday, November 24-25, 2005
Winter BreakFriday, December 23-Monday, January 2, 2006
(Office and Shop will reopen on Tuesday, January 3 at 8:00 am)
Memorial DayMonday, May 29, 2006
Independence Day Tuesday July 4, 2006
The Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council has a commitment to its volunteers to provide ongoing Adult Education. Washington Rock recognizes that a well-trained volunteer is one who provides a happy, healthy and safe program. She gains personal skills and has a higher level of commitment to Girl Scouting. Training reaches through our adult volunteers to touch the lives of the girls. A well-trained Leader/Advisor knows Girl Scouting guidelines and requirements. As a trained Leader/Advisor, you will be able to concentrate on bringing the best program to your troop and everyone will have a great time! Required trainings should be taken in order:Introduction to Girl Scouting, Basic Leader Training(BLT), and the appropriate Program Age Level Training (PALT).
Before meeting with their troop, all Leaders/Advisors and Assistant Leaders/Advisors must complete a volunteer application, submit two references, have GSWRC approval and must complete the Introduction to Girl Scouting course. Basic Leader Trainingmust be completed by the leader and co-leader within six months of beginning the troop and the appropriate Program Age Level Training is required for at least one Leader/Advisor of each troop.
Enrichment trainings are also suggested for leaders as you advance from one level to the next,learn how the girls are changing, and stay informed on changes from GSUSA and GSWRC. Expand your horizons and try new things!
Please remember our trainers are VOLUNTEERS just like you. They go to considerable effort to tailor the activities and materials to the size of the class. Please extend them the courtesy of arriving on time and please thank them for their hard work.
Managing a troop of girls is a huge job. Parents, family members, and/or friends are always needed to assist the troop. Troop Cookie/Nut Sale Manager, program aides, and First Aid/CPR adults are very important to survival of the troop. They are welcome to attend adult educational opportunities to learn the nuts and bolts of the Girl Scout program and their job. Please observe course prerequisites.
Introduction to Girl Scouting
This is a one-time, required workshop for all first time adults in Leadership positions. This course must be completed prior to taking Basic Leadership Training. It must be completed prior to meeting with your troop for the first time. We will introduce you to the “business aspect” of running a troop, as well as where to go for help and information. You will receive your New Troop Packet which contains the forms and information you need to get your troop started including, membership forms.
Prerequisite: None
To register: Contact the Service Unit Manager in your community or call your
Membership Specialist at the GSWRCServiceCenter
Bring: Pen, paper and your questions
Time and Location: Arranged in your service unit
Basic Leader/Advisor Training
Basic Leader Training (BLT) is a one-time course for all first time Leaders and Co-leaders. This course must be completed within 6 months of starting your troop. It is the nuts and bolts of running a troop and an introduction of the Girl Scout Mission. This includes an overview of the history and traditions of Girl Scouting, the Girl Scout Promise and Law, as well as program goals, girl/adult partnership, Safety Wise, pluralism and more.
Prerequisite:Introduction to Girl Scouting
To register: Complete registration form and return to Education Registrar
Bring: Safety Wise, Council Training Card, pen, paper
Time: All courses begin at 7:00 unless noted. This course takes 3 hours to complete.
Location: GSWRCServiceCenter (Location subject to change. Participants will be notified)
Basic Leader TrainingBLT 601 / Mon., 8/22 / BLT 608 / Mon., 12/5
BLT 602 / Tues., 9/13 / BLT 609 / Tues., 1/10
BLT 603 / Mon., 9/26 / BLT 610 / Tues., 2/14
BLT 604 / Tues., 10/11 9:00 am / BLT 611 / Wed., 3/15
BLT 605 / Tues., 10/25 / BLT 612 / Tues., 4/11
BLT 606 / Tues., 11/8 / BLT 613 / Mon., 5/15 9:00 am
BLT 607 / Wed., 11/30 9:00 am / BLT 614 / Wed., 6/14
Program Age Level Training
Program Age Level Training (PALT) is a specific course for each age level. It is required for new Leaders/Advisors and those moving to the next level in the Girl Scout program. This very informative course introduces the participant to the program aspect of Girl Scouting. You will explore the Petals, Try Its, Badges, Interest Patches, bridging activities, ceremonies, product sales, trips and more. Leaders/Advisors completing this course will be able to take their troop on day trips and one night overnights in a building. (It does not include cooking over a fire.)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Girl Scouting and BLT
To register: Complete registration form and return to Education Registrar
Bring: Safety wise, Program Age Level Books, Council Training Card,
pen, paper
Time: All courses begin at 7:00 unless noted. The courses are 2.5
Location: GSWRCServiceCenter
(Location subject to change. Participants will be notified.)
Program Age Level TrainingDaisy / Brownie / Junior / Older Girls
PALT601 Wed., 8/24 / PALT602 Thurs., 8/25 / PALT603 Tues., 8/23 / PALT604 Wed., 8/24
PALT605 Thurs., 10/20 / PALT606 Wed., 9/21 / PALT607 Mon., 9/19 / PALT608 Thurs., 9/15
PALT609 Wed., 11/16 / PALT610 Thurs., 10/27 / PALT611 Wed., 10/26 / PALT612 Mon., 10/17
PALT613 Thurs., 12/1
9:00 am / PALT614 Mon., 11/14
9:00 am / PALT615 Thurs., 11/17 / PALT616 Tues., 11/15
PALT617 Tues., 1/24 / PALT618 Tues., 12/6 / PALT619 Tues., 11/29 / PALT620 Thurs., 12/ 8
PALT621 Mon., 2/27 / PALT622 Thurs., 1/26 / PALT623 Tues., 1/10
9:00 am / PALT624 Thurs., 1/12
PALT625 Thurs., 4/27 / PALT626 Mon., 2/6
9:00 am / PALT627 Thurs., 2/2 / PALT628 Wed., 2/15
PALT629 Wed., 6/7
9:00 am / PALT630 Thurs., 4/20 / PALT631 Mon., 4/3 / PALT632 Mon., 4/10
PALT633 Mon., 5/22 / PALT634 Thurs., 5/11 / PALT635 Thurs., 5/18
PALT636 Tues., 6/ 13 / PALT637 Tues., 6/ 6
Girl Scout Leaders Day at the Franklin Institute
Participate in a long-standing program to encourage girls and women in science called the National Science Partnership (NSP) for Girl Scouts and ScienceMuseums. Take home a packaged science program that will provide 5-7 weeks of activities for the completion of a science Try-It (Brownie Girl Scouts) or badge (Junior Girl Scouts). Bring along your family to enjoy the museum at reduced rates. Participate in an optional afternoon workshop for girl-adult partners.
Prerequisite:Introduction to Girl Scouting, BLT
To register:Contact the Franklin Institute by emailing or call (215) 448-1124
Date: Saturday, September 24
Time:9:30 am-12:30 pm
Cost:$35.00 per leader Includes museum admission, light refreshments, one training workshop and one
leader kit. Additional fee for family members and afternoon workshop.
Beyond the Basics (ENR601)
So you went through PALT and you’re looking for more! Then extend your journey into Girl Scouting for this very informative hands-on workshop that will enhance the programs and activities you do with your troop. This enrichment course is designed for Brownie and Junior Leaders. Try-It and badge related program ideas, SWAP’s, trips, songs, and games will be explored.
Prerequisite:Introduction to Girl Scouting, BLT and PALT
To register: Complete registration form, enclose the fee and return to Education Registrar.
Fee:$5.00 for supplies (Fee not refundable if you do not show up for the class.)
Bring: Scissors, Safety Wise, PAL books, Council Training Card, pen,paper
Date & Time: Wednesday, January 11 at 7:00 pm. This course is 2.5hours.
Location: GSWRCServiceCenter (Location subject to change. Participants will be notified.)
Trip Training (ENR602)
For leaders,who are not Troop Camping Certifiedand who want to take an overnight trip of more than one night. (NOT OUT OF DOORS).Included will be trip planning, budgeting, insurance, health and safety, staying in hotels, transportation tips and ideas on where to go.
Prerequisite:Introduction to Girl Scouting, BLT and PALT
To register: Complete registration form and return to Education Registrar.
Bring: Safety Wise, program level books, Council Training Card, pen, paper
Date & Time: Thursday, December, 8, 2005 7:00 pm. This course is 2.5hours.
Location: GSWRCServiceCenter (Location subject to change. Participants will be notified.)
Community First Aid and Safety (Must attend all sessions if on separate days)
This training provides certification in emergency care, rescue breathing including CPR for adults,children and infants. The course is taught by an American Red Cross Certified Instructor followingtheir curriculum. Participants must review the Community First Aid &
Safety 2002 book prior to attending class.
Prerequisite:Physically able to do CPR
Fee:$40.00 (Must be enclosed with registration form.)
To register:Complete Course Registration form and return to the Education Registrar.
Bring: Pencil, paper, tie back for long hair, and a bag lunch (if attending an all day
Class) Wear comfortable clothing. NO LIPSTICK.
Time: This course takes 9 hours to complete.
Location: All courses are currently scheduled for GSWRCServiceCenter. They are
subject to change. (Registered participants will be notified of changes.)
Community First Aid and SafetyCode / Date / Time / Location
CFA601 / Sat. 9/10 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA602 / Sat. 10/8 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA603 / Sat. 11/5 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA604 / Sat. 12/3 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA605 / Sat. 1/7 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA606 / Sat. 2/11 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA607 / Sat. 3/11 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA608 / Sat. 4/8 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA609 / Sat. 5/6 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
CFA610 / Sat. 6/10 / 9:00 am -6:00 pm / GSWRC
First Aid/CPR Challenge For Re-Certification (NO REVIEW)
This course is for those who possess current certification. If you fail this Challenge, you must register for the Community First Aid & Safety Course. Participants must review the Community First Aid and Safety Book 2002 prior to class.
Prerequisite:Current certification of Community First Aid and Safety including CPR for
adults, children and infants.
Fee:One Course $15.00 Both $20.00
To register:Complete Course Registration form and return to Education Registrar. A copy of your current card(s) must be attached to the registration form at time of registration. Registration will be delayed without it.
Bring:Your current First Aid and/or CPR cards: pencil, paper, tie-back for long hair.
Wear comfortable clothing. NO LIPSTICK.
Time:This course takes approximately one hour to complete.
Location: All courses are currently scheduled for GSWRCServiceCenter. Theyaresubject to change. (Registered participants will be notified of changes).
First Aid/CPR Challenge For Re-CertificationCode / Date / Time / Location
CHA601 / Sat. 8/27 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA602 / Sat. 9/10 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA603 / Sat. 10/8 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA604 / Sat. 11/5 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA605 / Sat. 12/3 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA606 / Sat. 1/7 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA607 / Sat. 2/11 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA608 / Sat. 3/11 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA609 / Sat. 4/8 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA610 / Sat. 5/6 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
CHA611 / Sat. 6/10 / 10:00 or 1:00 / GSWRC
First Aid And/Or CPR Review for Re-Certification
Participants in this training must hold current certification in Community First Aid and Safety and/or CPR cards. They will review with an instructor for recertification based on personal needs. Participants must review the Community First Aid and Safety Book 2002 prior to class.
Prerequisite:Current certification of Community First Aid and Safety including CPR for
adults, children and infants.
Fee: One Course- $15.00 Both courses- $20.00
To register:Complete Course Registration form and return to Education Registrar. A copy of your current card(s) must be attached to the registration form at time of registration.Registration will be delayed without it.Indicate time you wish to take this challenge.
Bring:Your current First Aid and/or CPR cards: pencil, paper, tie back for long
hair. Wear comfortable clothing. NO LIPSTICK
Time: This course takes approximately 4.5 hours to complete.
Location: All courses are currently scheduled for GSWRCServiceCenter. They are
subject to change. (Registered participants will be notified of changes.)
First Aid And/Or CPR Review for Re-CertificationCode / Date / Time / Location
REW601 / Sunday, 8/28 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW602 / Sunday, 9/11 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW603 / Sunday, 10/9 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW604 / Sunday, 11/6 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW605 / Sunday, 12/4 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW606 / Sunday, 1/8 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW607 / Sunday, 2/12 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW608 / Sunday, 3/12 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW609 / Sunday, 4/8 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW610 / Sunday, 5/7 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
REW611 / Sunday, 6/11 / 9:00 – 1:30 / GSWRC
Outdoor training provides Girl Scout volunteers with skills necessary to prepare troops to plan and carry out a successful outdoor trip experience. Outdoor training is a two-part training. GSWRC requires that at least one adult receives the appropriate training before participating on anovernight campingtrip.The troop camp certified adult must remain with the troop the entire time.
Troop CampCertificationwith Overnight (TCC)
This course will explore trip planning and simple overnights both indoors and out-of-doors. We will cover required GSWRC policies and procedures, paper work, Safety Wise, equipment, transportation, insurance, food preparation, program activities, emergency and safety procedures, resources and the eight basic outdoor skills. You will learn fire building, open fire cooking using various methods, emergency procedures while at Camp Hoover, available programs and equipment, as well as low-impact camping. This course allows you to put into practice all the skills and principles that you have learned. Upon completion of this session participants will be Troop Camp Certified and can lead a group tent camping, cook out-of-doors and lead trips longer than one night.
This course takes 3 hours of prep and a 27 hour overnight at CampHoover. This is a rain or shine event! Transportation is not provided. Plan your travel time to arrive on time to be ready to begin class on time.
To register:Complete registration form and return to Education Registrar.
Bring: Council Training Card, pen, paper, and Safety Wise. An addition equipment list will be sent with
Fee:$12.00 including Outdoor Education in Girl Scoutingbook. (Book will be given at the prep.)Fee is
non-refundable for no-shows.
Troop CampCertification with Overnight (TCC)
(Dates cannot be mixed and matched)TCC601
/Wed., Sept. 14 Union Catholic Regional High and Sat.-Sun., Sept. 24-25 Camp Hoover
/Tues., Nov. 1 Union Catholic Regional High and Sat.-Sun., Nov. 12-13 Camp Hoover
/Thurs., Feb. 23 Union Catholic Regional High and Sat.-Sun., March 4-5 Camp Hoover
/Tues., April 11 Union Catholic Regional High and Sat.-Sun., April 22-23 Camp Hoover
/Thurs., June 1 Union Catholic Regional High and Sat.-Sun., June 10-11 Camp Hoover
Advanced Outdoor Camping (ENR603)
This new class is for those leaders who have completed TCC and want to learn more advanced skills in the out-of-doors. The course will cover advanced camping skills, primitive camping, low impact camping, tent pitching and much more. The course includes a prep night and overnight at CampHoover. You will be sleeping on the floor at Valhalla and cooking all your meals out doors!
To register:Complete registration form and return to Education Registrar.
Bring: Council Training Card, pen, paper Outdoor Education in Girl Scouting book and Safety Wise.
An additionalequipment list will be sent with confirmation.
Location:Prep at GSWRCServiceCenter. Overnight at CampHoover
Date/TimePrep.Thursday, May 11 at 7:00 and
Overnight, Saturday, May 21at 9:00 am to Sunday, May 22 at noon.
New Encampment Director’s Training
This mandatory seminar is for all new Service Unit Encampment Directors. We will cover safety regulations, GSWRC policies and procedures, certification requirements, fees, deadlines and much more. We will be sharing experiences, ideas, resources and how to run a successful Encampment at Camp Lou Henry Hoover.
Code:ENR604 Date: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005Start Time: 7:00 pm Location:GSWRC
Waterfront Management(ENR605)
This course will qualify you to be an on-site manager of the waterfront facilities at CampHoover. We will go over scheduling, waterfront management, personnel considerations, program ideas and safety standards. We will discuss the different types of watercraft, deep water testing, cost of boating and waterfront staff. You do not need to be a lifeguard to take this course. Dress warmly and wear boots.
Code:ENR605 Date: Wednesday, Oct 5, 2005 Start Time: 7:00 pm Location: GSWRC
Code:ENR606 Date: Saturday, March 18, 2006 Start Time: 11:30 am Location: CampHoover
Dining Hall/Kitchen Management (ENR606)
If you plan to use the Dining Hall/Kitchen Complex at CampHoover then this course is for you. Upon completion, you will be qualified as an on-site manager of the Dining Hall/Kitchen Complex. This course includes how to plan for your group’s needs, purchasing for your group, and gathering enough volunteers. You will also tour the building and the mechanical systems. You will obtain hands on experience using the kitchen equipment, washing dishes, and setting up a meal as you help prepare lunch for the Work Weekend participants. This course takes 5 hours to complete.