Planning Excellence Awards Entry Form 2017

(Deadline for submitting your entry form is Friday 5 May 2017)

Applicant’s Contact Details
Name (s)
Telephone Number (s)
Email address
Brief title of entry
The address or location, if relevant; this must be sufficiently detailed for a judge to find and identify the scheme, on the ground. A location plan may well help
Web reference (if applicable)
Note: It is the quality and relevance of documents submitted which is important for the judges, not their volume!
Other agencies/partners involved in this scheme (please add additional boxes if required)
Contact name
Relationship of entrant to responsible body, if any

Please note; if some of the boxes are not completed as they are not relevant to your

application, this will not affect your entry when being judged. However, please see the criteria that the judges will be using to consider your entry.

Description of entry (Maximum of 4 sides of A4)
Ways in which the entry meets the criteria, which the judges will be considering.
The answer to this questions is particularly
important for the judges’ assessment of the
entries. To answer this fully, entrants need
to refer back to the list of criteria, in separate
High Res quality photographs for promotional material (min of 1 MB)
If appropriate and available, supplementary information may also be submitted, such as;
Before and after photographs, plans/published material
Documents, preferable in pdf format
Web-site references
Sustainable benefit to the community and/or environment as well as the relationship of the entry to the surrounding area (if relevant)
Community involvement – What is the degree of which local residents and business have been involved and engaged in delivery in the project? How have their thoughts impacted into the final outcome
The extent to which the entry may serve as a model of best practice for work elsewhere
How to enter
We would prefer to receive regional entries by email to
If it is not possible to send entries this way, then please get in touch and a postal address will be confirmed. If you are submitting anything by post, please send two copies of each item. Some well-illustrated entries can produce very large computer files, in which case it may be more practical to submit the entry on a memory stick.