Application and Authorization for OPSB System Access Form Instructions
Note: Document contains interactive form fields. You should start from a blank form, or from a completed form used for previous incumbent. Please follow the instructions below for saving the completed form and submitting to DBM.
1. Select action requested: New, Change, or Inactivate
- New, used for an employee without previous access with your agency.
- Change, used for an employee changing their access, specific role, or systems.
- Inactivate, used for an employee who no longer requires access.
2. Enter the effective date of the requested action. This is the date you want requested action to start.
3. Enter Previous Incumbent (if applicable). The previous incumbent is the employee who had prior access before new employee, or who is having their access changed.
4. Check all systems in 1st column left hand side of system chart (under heading) for each requested access.
- Personnel Officers’ Website-site for HR info, policy and procedures
- HRIS SharePoint-SPS Project PD and Org Data Forms
- OPSB Eligible Lists-access to eligible lists created prior to JobAps
- Personnel Transaction System (MS-310)-HR transactions system
- Answers-reporting for various HR transactions and information
- Benefits Administration System (BAS)-benefits transaction system
- Pre-Offer Confirmation (POC)-list of ineligible former State employees, to check all hires prior to any offer of employment
- OPSB CICS (PP01)-employee and position transactional historical information
- ViewDirect for HR PEP Application-PEP reporting
- PEP Entry-employee PEP entry system
- JobAps-State’s recruitment, testing and selection system
5. Enter (if applicable) the Agency STARS Code(s) in 3rd column that apply to system request. This is a 2, 4, 6, or 9 digit code for your agency. You may enter multiple codes as necessary. Always select the agency code that will give the employee the necessary required access. If the employee does not need to see the entire agency, use the 4, 6 or 9 digit agency code to limit access.
6. Check of type, (if applicable) the appropriate Role(s) in the 4th column that the employee is requesting access. If you have questions regarding roles, please contact the OPSB office responsible for the system for assistance. The MS-310 System has a drop down list of roles; and in the PEP Entry System, one person can hold multiple roles. Please check all that apply.
7. Record Other/Comments in the 5th column, if needed for additional information required to process the request for certain systems. This information was previously part of each individual form. Please complete as required.
- Answers, Sensitive View yes or no, responding “yes” will grant access to sensitive data (DOB, Ethnicity)
- BAS, Check Distribution Code(s), this limits access by locations/agency units
- POC, Agency Contact yes or no, responding “yes” will list the employee as the agency contact on the POC site for your agency.
- OPSB CICS and ViewDirect, ACF2 Log-On ID, Remote Printer and Agency TSO Acct. Code
- PEP Entry, ACF2 Log-On ID
8. User Information: Information for Employee Requesting the Access
- Enter the employee’s First and Last name.
- Enter Signature of employee. Must be signed.
- Enter Agency name of the department/agency.
- Enter Agency Code of the department/agency.
- Enter Agency Mailing Address/ work address.
- Enter Phone/ office telephone number.
- Enter User ID or Network ID (example: jsmith or or , whichever is used by your agency).
- Enter email address, is the official email address.
- Enter Agency HR Director (Authorizing Official). (Must be the Agency HR Director, or an authorized designee.) This signature assures DBM and DoIT that the employee requesting access has a position/role in the agency that requires information contained in the system(s) and that the agency is approving this access request.
9. Save the completed form to your local or network drive to avoid losing the information.
10. Print the completed form. Obtain signature from employee, and HR Director or designee.
11. Scan the signed form and save to your local or network drive using agency name, last name of employee requesting access, and 6 digit date (example: DBM Smith 012714 for Department of Budget and Management John Smith January 27, 2014).
12. Email the completed, signed, scanned form as an attachment to for review and approval. If you have access to an electronic signature, you may submit the form with electronic signature(s).