Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management (Lowland)
Level 2
Awarded by The Scottish Qualifications Authority
Accredited from 30 August 2006 to 31 July 2009
Group award number: G8CT 22
This SVQ is based on standards developed by Lantra. Lantra represent a wide variety of people working in a broad range of occupations within the gamekeeping and wildlife management industry.
Structure of the SVQ
The way the SVQ is made up is shown below. The unit title appears in bold and the elements that make up each unit are listed under the unit title.
Mandatory units
Candidates must complete all of these units:
D9JH 04
Monitor Game Populations and Habitat
1Determine game population characteristics
2Monitor game populations
D9JM 04
Assist with the Management of Public Relations and Access to a Sporting Estate
1Assist with the management public relations and access
2Assist with incidents associated with access
B5N7 04
Maintain and Repair Structures and Surfaces
1Maintain structures and surfaces
2Repair structures and surfaces
D9N7 04
Control Vertebrate Pests and Predators by Shooting
1Determine the need for vertebrate pests and predator control
2Shoot vertebrate pests and predators
FON1 04
Assist in Game Shooting Activities
1Prepare equipment and facilities in support of shoot day activities
2Support game shoot day activities
3Conclude shoot day activities
D9JX 04
Maintain Game Populations
1Maintain game populations
D9JR 04
Maintain and Improve Game and Wildlife Habitat
1Maintain and improve game and wildlife habitat
D9N6 04
Control Vertebrate Pests and Predators Using Traps
1Monitor vertebrate pests and predator populations
2Trap vertebrate pests and predators
Optional units
Candidates must also complete 2 of the following units, in addition to the mandatory units:
D9JN 04
Assist with Heather Burning Activities
1Prepare for heather burning
2Support heather burning
B345 04
Assist in the Production of Fertile Game Eggs
1Assist with the catching of breeding stock
2Establish and maintain breeding stock
3Collect and store eggs in preparation for incubation
D9KJ 04
Assist in the Production of Game Chicks
1Assist with the incubation of game eggs
2Assist with the hatching of game chicks
D9K4 04
Assist in the Care of Game Chicks
1Establish game chicks in a rearing unit
2Care for juvenile gamebirds
D9K8 04
Assist the Establishment of Reared Gamebirds in the Wild
1Assist with the care of gamebirds during release
2Assist with the release and establishment of gamebirds into the wild
D9KC 04
Care for Animals Used in Support of Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management
1Feed and water animals
2Maintain the health and well-being of animals
B5LA 04
Construct and Maintain Structures and Surfaces
1Construct and maintain structures
2Construct and maintain surfaces
B5RM 04
Maintain Equipment and Machines
1Prepare equipment and machines for maintenance
2Carry out maintenance procedures
B5XT 04
Handle and Care for Animals to Enable them to Work Effectively
1Handle animals to enable them to work effectively
2Care for animals after they have worked
D9KF 04
Control Vertebrate Pest Populations Using Chemical Means
1Monitor the incidence of vertebrate pest populations
2Control vertebrate pest populations using chemical means
F0N4 04
Stalk and Cull Deer
1Stalk deer
2Cull deer
F0N3 04
Prepare Deer for Human Consumption
1Transport and store dead deer
2Prepare and inspect dead deer
D9HF 04
Manage Fisheries Habitat
1Maintain and improve habitat in support of fisheries
D9HM 04
Support Angling on a Fishery
1Advise anglers on a fishery
2Deal with incidents of unauthorised access and fishing
D9HN 04
Implement Procedures to Protect Fisheries
1Detect illegal fishing activity
2Deal with incidents of illegal fishing
The award can be taken in 4 different contexts. The contexts and group award numbers are listed below:
Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management (Deer) G8CN 22
Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management (Game Rearing) G8CP 22
Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management (Lowland) G8CT 22
Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management (Upland/Grouse) G8CV 22
There may be publications available to support this SVQ. For more information, please contact
Customer Contact Centre
The Scottish Qualifications Authority
The OptimaBuilding
58 Robertson Street
G2 8DQ
Tel: 0845-279-1000
Fax: 0845 213 5000
Game Keeping and Wildlife Management/Level 2/02.06.03/SQA