Welcome to 6th Grade Math & Science

Room 302

Contact Information:

Teacher: Mr. Patros / E-mail:
Phone: (619) 588-3092 / Website: http:cajonvalley.net/patrosw

The Class Website includes information such as: Homework, Upcoming Events, School Wide Information, Fun Websites for games and other resources regarding math, science and education in general. The website is updated weekly to keep you up to date regarding your students.

Suggested School Supplies:

●3 Ring Binder
●Classroom Folder/Notebook
●Three Pencils!
●Two Red Pens (for corrections only)
●Highlighter / ●Colored Pencils/Crayons
●Lined Paper
●Pencil Pouch (Bag)

Some of these supplies many need to be refreshed as the year goes by. Student may also purchase these items from me for $1 in classroom store.

If you have any questions about the supplies, feel free to contact me.

Math Homework:

Students will receive math homework approximately 2 days a week. Homework is due the following day it was assigned. Students must “show work” and write neatly to receive full credit.

Science Homework:

If classwork is not completed by the end of the period then it must be completed at home and returned the following day.


When a student scores a 79% or below on an assessment they will complete a revision to master the Common Core State Standards. The revision may be retaken until student feels as if they are proficient in the Common Core State Standard.


Academics is based on how well your student demonstrates mastery of the 6th grade math and science standards in class. The breakdown for a student’s grade is as follows: 50% Assessments/Projects and 50% Classwork. Work can always be turned in throughout the trimester for students to work their grades up. Please see effort for more information.

Effort & Citizenship:

Effort is based on homework completion and extra effort in class. I look for students who exude this throughout the year, not during a shining moment. Student’s who work hard to get their grades up will be noticed and their effort grade will rise. / Citizenship
Based on how well students behave in the classroom toward their peers and others around the campus. We want to build model citizens inside AND outside of the classroom using the Cougar Way.

The effort and citizenship grades are truly earned because of relentlessness from the students who strive to better themselves each and everyday. An “A” is rarely given unless a student go up and beyond the normal circumstances.

Grade Printouts:

Assessment grade printouts will be sent home regularly throughout the school year or through parent request. Parents need to sign the grade printout and send it back to school – this will be counted as part of the Homework grade.

Additionally, there will be 3 progress reports and 3 report cards during the year.

Restroom/Food & Beverage Policy:

While there is a lot of learning done in the class I understand that there are emergencies to use the restroom. I would strongly encourage students to please take time outside of class during breaks, before and after school to use the restroom and get drinks of water.

There will be no eating or drinking in Room 302. Not even during breaks. You may bring small bottled water bottles with water in them, but they must remain on the floor. There will be NO GUM – as per the school-wide rules.

Students who take advantage of or misuse restroom or water bottle privileges will have them revoked, with the possibility of receiving additional punishments.

Behavior Management Policy (strikes):
✔ = warning
✔ ✔ = 10 minute detention
✔ ✔ ✔ = 20 minute detention/parent call home
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ = 30 minute detention/parent call home
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ = teacher consequence
Strikes will accumulate EACH DAY.
Starting over at the beginning of each new week.
Strikes will affect overall citizenship grades

Students, please share this information with your parents. This is your first homework assignment! Have your parent or guardian sign on the line below, and you sign the line beneath it.

Mr. Patros Office Hours:

I am available after school or mornings by appointment. I do offer “Friday Tutoring” from 3:30 to 4:30pm. This is subject to change and will be communicated.


Parent/guardian signature


Parent/guardian printed name


Student signature


Student printed name


Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your lives. I look forward to teaching you wonderful things about Math and Science. We are going to have a wonderful year.

Mr. Patros