Welcome! My name is Ms. LaFata and I am looking forward to another wonderful year at School Lane Charter School. I have very high expectations for each and every one of you and will do everything in my power to help you all reach your highest potential.
2015-2016 Music Class Procedures:
- The Start of Class:
Walk in quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Check the board for directions, opening activities etc.
- Instrument/music/book Use:
You will have an assigned instrument number. When I call your number you will walk over to your instrument and carefully take it out of its case. You may not play the instrument until instructed. I will be around to check the instruments at the end of class. You will be responsible for any damages that have occurred to your assigned instrument in-between checks.
Do not let anyone else touch or play your assigned instrument.
- End of Class: I will call your numbers one at a time to put away materials and instruments. I will perform a check to ensure all materials are intact. When we are done rehearsing there should be no more instruments being played. Once you have packed up please return to your assigned seat and take something quietly out to do while the rest of your peers put their belongings away.
- Bathroom:
Please use the restroom before 8:00AM and during your lunch.For bathroom emergencies during Music class, please choose an appropriate time to ask (not in the middle of a discussion). Raise your hand, sign out and sign back in. Only one person at a time is permitted toleave the roomforthe bathroom.
- Classroomdiscussion:
Actively engaging, asking questions and participating are an essential part to learning. I expect everyone to be engaged in class.
- Fire Alarm: When the fire alarm goes off during class, stop what you are doing immediately and quietly line up and exit through the designated door and exit. ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING. This is for everyone’s safety.
- Dismissal: The teacher will dismiss the class. I expect all materials to stay open until I dismiss the class. I do not want to see books and materials put away before the class has been dismissed.
- Absence: If you know you are going to miss class, please come to me beforehand, that way I can assign you readings and materials that will be missed during that class. If you have missed class, please see me as soon as possible so that we can get you caught up. We will schedule an extra tutoring session if need be.
The list below is a list of the National Standards for Music education. I understand that not everyone will be comfortable performing these tasks but I expect 100% cooperation and effort. I will be addressing all the following standards in my music classroom:
National Standards for Music Education
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Classroom Rules:
- Treat others with respect and courtesy. This is my number one rule! We are all a team and we are all learning. I will not put up with any teasing, bad attitudes, bullying etc.
- Respect yourself, your property and the property of others. This includes any instruments, glasses, lanyards etc.
*If you damage an instrument you will be asked to cover the cost and will lose all instrumental privileges.
- Complete your homework! Homework is meant to reinforce content we have learned in class. You are responsible for turning in all assignments on time.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- No gum, candy, or food is permitted. Please, free to bring a bottle of water. Hydration is very important when singing!
- Listen to directions the first time they are given.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes and accept the consequence. We all make mistakes, the key is LEARNING from our mistakes and that begins by taking responsibility for our mistakes.
- No cell phones or any other distracting objects. (As per SLCS policy, cell phones are to be powered off and stored in locker for the school day.)
- Come prepared with all necessary materials. (notebook, pencil, music, positive attitude etc.)
- Try your best! “I can’t” is never a valid response. We are here to experience new things and grow. It is okay to make mistakes, we are here to learn!
Students are responsible for following the established classroom rules and procedures, as well as the SLCS code of conduct, at all times. The following are a list of consequences that will be administered if the rules and procedures are not followed.
- Phone call home
- Lose playing privilege
- Alternate/ additional assignments
- After school detention
- Parent-teacher meeting
- Office Referral
These rules and procedures are meant to ensure a safe and efficient learning environment for EVERYONE.
Please, feel free to come and talk with me about any concerns or issues in or outside of my classroom. These rules and procedures are not here to scare or intimidate you but to ensure the BEST learning environment for you and the entire class. Together we will learn, grow and spread the joy of sound.
Ms. Helen LaFata 215-245-6055 Ext. 121
*A copy of these Policies and procedures can be found on the SLCS Website on Ms.LaFata’s webpage.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I have read the Music Classroom Procedures and Policies paper and I understand what has been presented and what is expected of me. I agree abide by the stated rules, procedures and consequences.
Student Name (printed): ______Grade____ HR teacher: ______
Student’s Signature: ______Date:______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______Date:______