To: All StaffFrom: Meg McFadden
Since it’s difficult to get everyone together for staff meetings, without cutting into your personal time, I will review items for you with this memo. For returning staff, this is already familiar, but it helps to review things periodically.
Throughout the year, you will occasionally see notes added to your paycheck because we can be sure each person will see them. There may also be notes attached to the sign-in sheet to keep staff informed of various items. We have so many requirements from the Child Care Administration and from the Family League of Baltimore, that it is overwhelming to go over them all at once. Reviewing few at a time helps new and experienced staff to remember all the expectations.
The goal for FF&G supervision is a 1:10 ratio of staff to students. If it is less than that, we are not taking in enough tuition to pay your salary, along with the other expenses of operating the programs. The child care license requires no more than 15 students per adult. This affects our license, our lease agreements and our liability insurance. Therefore, staff dependability is critical.
If you cannot come to work during your scheduled time, do not just assume that we will have enough staff to cover your absence; you never know what other emergency may come up to pull out another staff person.
1) Plan ahead and make arrangements with the Center Director if you need to miss work.
2) Contact your Site Director right away if an emergency forces you to miss work. Keep phone numbers with you. Leaving a message is the first step, but follow up to make sure the director actually receives your message and is not caught by surprise with your absence. If you cannot reach the director in time to resolve your absence, call me 443-562-5704.
Do not give my cell phone number out to parents. It is for staff only. Parents can leave a message at 410-433-2719. I check it frequently throughout the day and evening. Most calls are returned within 24 hours.
Parents are paying for supervision for their students. They expect to see an adult with their children. They expect that an adult is nearby to prevent injuries, resolve conflicts and to facilitate productive use of their time. CCA requires students to be “within sight and sound” at all times. Do not allow students the option of playing in areas without an adult or going by themselves from place to place. It only takes a moment for an injury or behavioral issue to occur without supervision.
Don’t hesitate to check the person picking up the child if you’re not sure they are authorized persons listed on the emergency card. When in doubt, parents prefer caution. They are likely to feel reassured if you double check, and anxious or angry if you do not check (aunt, grandparent, etc.).
Students will look to you during the first weeks to establish the rules about:
1) where to put their belongings
2) where they are allowed to eat and play
3) rules for using the bathrooms and water fountains
4) homework expectations
5) clean-up responsibilities
6) communication, such as:
a) taking turns talking (not interrupting each other)
b) using “inside” voices (show them, and expect them to speak to others at “arm’s length” - not across the room)
c) no name-calling or teasing (describe annoying behavior, instead)
d) asking for help when needed (but not “tattling”)
e) telling people, respectfully, what you want
They also need your assistance to get to know each other in positive ways and to become engaged in meaningful activities on a consistent basis. Planning ahead for appropriate activities is very important.
After snack has been served, please make sure all food and drinks are put away and the area is left clean (with help from the students). Students may have water ONLY between snack and dinner.
Parents may need to be reminded about signing students out, especially if they are new, and about the late pick-up policy.
It is easier to require all paperwork to be in hand, before the student starts in the program. If you feel pressured to let them start without all the forms, only allow 48 hours to complete everything. Our licenses will be withheld if we don’t have every required form. This can jeopardize our snack reimbursement fund, our leases, our insurance, our payments from social services, etc.
Remember, you are not a “baby-sitter”. You are a professional “afterschool child care provider”. You are more likely to receive the respect you deserve from school staff, parents and children, if you dress and behave as a professional. That means:
1) Avoid wearing blue jeans, sweat pants, tops that reveal cleavage, tops that reveal your midriff, or tops that are “see-through”. Clothes that have words or images of smoking, drinking, drugs, sex or profanity are unacceptable for work. The hem of shorts and skirts should be closer to your knees than to the top of your legs. Gum-chewing, visible tattoos, extreme hair styles, and visible body piercings (except ear lobes), excessive jewelry, and visible underwear waistbands or shoulder straps are also inappropriate for your role as a leader of children.
Please help set a standard of acceptable behavior for the students by limiting CD’s and video games to those rated “E” for everyone. Videos, should be “G” rated only, unless parents have signed permission for “PG” ratings. PG-13 and R ratings are not acceptable for students in our programs. Videos should be used rarely, as a special occasion, or in relation to extended inclement weather. TV viewing should be allowed only occasionally, Channel 22 or 67 only.
Paychecks will be ready on the Monday, following your two week pay period, by 5:30 pm. You are responsible for the accuracy of the times that you sign in and out. Dishonesty in reporting your times may result in dismissal from your position. If you think there is an error in your paycheck, feel free to call me any time. Salaries are reviewed in September, January and June each year. In determining your salary, the following factors are taken into consideration:
educationyears of service with Fitness Fun & Games
experiencecontinued training
dependabilityquality of job performance
level of responsibilitybenefits available, such as health care, child care, etc.
full or part time hourscertification in CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding, Water Safety
Your salary is carefully considered to pay you as fairly as possible in light of these areas. It is preferable that you keep your own salary information confidential, since figures, without explanations, can cause hard feelings between co-workers. I can truthfully say that each of you deserve better salaries and benefits than you receive. Unfortunately, it is the nature of the child care business that limits the amount of money available to compensate its workers. (There is a subcommittee of the Maryland Committee for Children, called the Compensation Committee which continues to try to find ways to improve the income of child care workers.) If you have any questions about your compensation, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
You can help increase the amount of money available for staff compensation with the following measures:
teach students to use supplies carefully to reduce the costs of broken, lost and wasted supplies,
monitor parent payments to ensure full, timely payments to cover our expenses,
take advantage of acquiring low-cost supplies, such as donated books, toys and games, “recycled” art
materials, yard sales, etc.,
seek free and low-cost field trips
remind parents, friends and acquaintances to “write in” Fitness Fun & Games when they donate to the United Way
For some of you, we realize this job will be temporary. When it is time for you to move on to your next commitment, please give us as much notice as possible, at least two weeks, so we can ensure the necessary coverage for the students.
We are trying to increase FF&G income to help improve staff salaries. One way to do this is through rentals at the Community Center. FF&G staff can rent the building for half price, if the staff person will be there during the event. This applies to private parties, such as birthdays, anniversaries, family reunions, graduations, Super Bowl, etc. (not fee-based rentals, such as bull-roasts or dances). This will help us increase awareness of the building for rentals. If you are interested in working as a building host for private parties, to earn extra income occasionally on the weekends, contact Brianna or Angie at
Have you completed the application for the Child Care Credential? I can provide verification for you of your hours of experience and of FF&G membership in professional organizations, if you let me know. We are members of the Baltimore City Child Care Association, the Maryland State Child Care Association, the Maryland School Age Child Care Alliance, Maryland Committee for Children, and the After-School Institute Network. These will count toward your “professional activities”.
Even in cold weather, we are still required to provide daily outdoor play for students, at least 10 to 20 minutes. Encourage students to get out for some fresh air and exercise, even if the staff have to take turns to tolerate the temperatures. Please remind parents to send appropriate outerwear for outdoor play and insist students dress warmly, unless they submit an “exemption letter” from parents allowing them to have heavy coats off outside.
Thank you for being patient, dependable, a good listener, and willing to learn. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.