Moorlands Elementary PTA
15115 84th Avenue NE Kenmore, WA 98028
Executive Board Meeting
January 10, 2017
Meeting called to order by Marcilla at 8:08pm
Present:MarcillaProudfit, Lisa Smith, Kendra Beard, David Baughman, Jennifer Berry, Shelley Holt, Jennifer Blasi
1.Approval of minutes: Motion to approve executive meeting minutes December 1, 2016 by . Second. Minutes approved as written.
2.Appointing of President (MarcillaProudfit): After Tianna stepped down, the PTA is unable to operate without a President. Per rules, the board is able to vote to appoint new president until general membership meeting. Tianna Jiles has offered to stay as president of PTA in title only. She made it clear that she would not be doing any work. Cindy Jensen area rep for council PTA agrees that this may be better for the perception of cohesiveness of the PTA, but concern is that this may not be honest to the PTA general membership. Marcilla and Jen Blasi have suggested being “co-chairs of president elect” through the remainder of the year and plan to take over co-presidency next year. Another option would be to appoint Jen and Marcilla as Co-presidents through the remainder of the year. At general meeting, will open the floor for any nominations for president.
Motion by David Baughman to appoint Jen Blasi and MarcillaProudfit to co-presidents of Moorlands PTA effective immediately, pending general meeting vote on January 17th, second. Motion passed as stated.
3. Chair reports:
a. VP Fundraising (David Baughman)Box tops- unable to reach Maddie Oakley. David will bring the boxtops to general meeting for counting.
b. VP Events: (Shelley Holt): Suggest fewer activities in fall (only one movie night in Spring). Shelley will work to compile information about volunteers- hope to gain insight into why there is a small percentage of people who volunteer/sign up for activities.
4. New Business
a. General Meeting 1/17/17 (Marcilla and Jen Blasi): Plan to have people break into groups according to interest as way to volunteer for specific needs. Volunteer positions are needed for upcoming events. Marcilla will print a half sheet to advertise the upcoming PTA meeting to be sent out in kid mail.
Upcoming Winter and Spring events-
- Spelling bee coming up in February
- Bingo night- march 10th
- Science fair- mentee needed and other volunteers
- Spring movie night
- Auction
- Book fair
- Monthly Staff appreciation days
Calendar for events for next school year will need to be worked on at next PTA exec meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm by MarcillaProudfit
Recorded 1/10/2017 by Jennifer Berry
Submitted for approval 2/2/17 by Jennifer Berry