Welcome!! Below are the guidelines for your participation in this class. Keep this sheet in your binder.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: English III-CP is the study of American Literature. We will survey classical and contemporary American literary genres, writing techniques and conventions, grammar, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension skills. The units are organized chronologically from the discovery of America to the present. Each unit will cover another “milestone” in America’s history.

1.  Goals:

Ø  Read and analyze a variety of literature from different genres and time periods.

Ø  Improve vocabulary skills and reading fluency.

Ø  Improve understanding of grammatical conventions.

Ø  Use the writing process to produce a variety of compositions.

2. Materials:

Ø  3-ring binder for this class with 6 sections: Colonialism, Federalism, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Post-Modernism

Ø  College ruled notebook paper, pen/pencil, textbook and/or novel, and spiral-notebook or composition notebook

Ø  Coming to class without necessary materials—pen, paper, binder, book—is grounds for detention.

3. Grades: Grades will be calculated using the following categories and weights:

Tests/Essays/Major Projects: 60%

Quizzes/Mini Projects: 30%

Daily/Homework: 10%

Ø  Grades are updated on Powerschool regularly. If you cannot sign into PowerSchool, tell me, and I will show you your grade any time after class, during lunch, or by appointment. There should be no reason that any student should be unaware of his or her current grade at any given time.

Ø  10 point scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 or below = F

4. Late Work: Most assignments will be accepted after the original due date with 10 points taken off per day. Assignments more than 10 days late will result in a zero.

5. If you’re absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you’ve missed and make it up. I will have a copy of the assignment for you, but do not rely on me to remember you were absent. You must come to me!! Assignments due on the date student was absent will be due the day the student returns; due dates on work assigned while absent will be extended the number of days missed.

Ø  THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; you must do all assigned work, even if you were out when it was assigned. You will receive a zero for any missing assignments.

6. Classroom Rules:

1. Come Prepared. This means having your supplies and being on time.

2. Work Hard. I expect you to pay attention, complete class work, and try your best.

3. Follow the “Golden Rule”. The "golden rule means being a nice person in general.

Class will be much more fun this way.

4. No Cell Phones. Unless I allow you to listen to music while you work or look something up on your phone, if I see it out I will take it for the class period or send it to the office for a parent to retrieve.

5. No Food (Breakfast exception). We cannot lure rodents and insects into our room with leftover crumbs from snacks.

6. Practice Dignity and Respect. Dignity is defined as “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.” Respect your classmates. Respect your teacher. Respect yourself.

Daily Classroom Expectations: In addition to following the student code of conduct, here are a few expectations for this class:

Ø  Assignments will be turned into the box under Promethean board.

Ø  Be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings.

Ø  Keep all handouts and work given in class

Ø  Do not talk while others are talking; be respectful to all class members.

Ø  You may have a closed top beverage, but no open food or food containers.

Ø  Participate in class by answering questions when called to do so.

Ø  DO NOT write on the desk or inside the textbook


7. Hall/Bathroom Passes: According to school policy, an escort may be called to escort the student to the restroom.

8. Academic dishonesty (cheating): See the school’s policy on academic dishonesty. Cheating includes turning in the same answers as another student and all forms of plagiarizing work off the internet or any other source. If you work together, you must write your own answers in your OWN words. Word-for-word answers will be treated as a cheating. Copying work from any source, without proper citation, will result in a zero for the assignment.

9. Substitute expectations: I expect your best behavior when there is a sub. Anyone whose name is written down will receive a teacher detention and a level I referral; no exceptions.

Consequences: Consequences for not following classroom procedures can include the following:

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Teacher detention/ call home

3.  Referral to office

Fighting, insubordination, or threatening behavior will result in immediate office referral and expulsion from the classroom.

What we will study:

On-going throughout the year:

•  Grammar and mechanics review and drill

•  Writing practice (creative writing and journal writing)

•  Written assignments (essays, reports, personal narratives, etc.)

•  Vocabulary expansion

•  Literary elements, terms, and convention

Unit 1: Colonialism

·  Colonial literature

·  Native-American tradition

·  In-class readings and discussion

·  The Crucible – Arthur Miller

Unit 2 – Federalism

·  Founding America

·  Selected readings

·  Informational texts

·  Speech

·  Persuasion

Unit 3 –Romanticism

·  Historical Context

·  Selected readings

·  Transcendentalism

·  Gothic Fiction

·  Poetry

Unit 4 –Realism

·  Historical Context

·  Selected readings

·  Whitman/Dickinson

·  Novel- TBD

Unit 5 –Modernism

·  Historical Context

·  Poetry

·  Harlem Renaissance

·  Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck

Unit 6 – Postmodernism

·  Historical Context

·  Non-Fiction

·  MLA Research Paper

Work Expectations:

Ø  You will be required to read outside of class.

Ø  You will be assigned homework—both reading and other assignments.

Ø  You will be assigned projects to be completed at home

Ø  You will be expected to use your time in class wisely.


I reward good behavior! Students who are consistently on-task, help their peers without being prompted, and other positive classroom behaviors will receive good behavior cards worth 5 extra credit points to apply to an assignment of their choice.

Please initial each item, sign below, and turn in this sheet for a grade. It will be returned so you can keep it in your binder.

Student Contract:

I, (print your name) ______, have read and understand the procedures and expectations for English III-CP with Mrs. Davis. Please read and initial each item below.

______I understand that I am expected to come to class prepared with all supplies.

______I understand that I am expected to participate in class.

______I know where to find work when I have been absent and this is my responsibility.

______I know how to check my grade when posted.

______I know that late work is 10 points off per day, and may not be accepted after three days.

______I understand that to pass this class I must turn in work on time.

______I understand that I deserve an enjoyable class environment and so do my peers.

______I know I can get help in this class by making an appointment with the teacher.

Student signature: Date:

Parent signature: Date:

Welcome!! Below are the guidelines for your participation in this class. Keep this sheet in your binder.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: English III-H is the study of American Literature. We will survey classical and contemporary American literary genres, writing techniques and conventions, grammar, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension skills. The units are organized chronologically from the discovery of America to the present. Each unit will cover another “milestone” in America’s history.

1. Goals:

Ø  Read and analyze a variety of literature from different genres and time periods.

Ø  Improve vocabulary skills and reading fluency.

Ø  Improve understanding of grammatical conventions.

Ø  Use the writing process to produce a variety of compositions.

2. Materials:

Ø  3-ring binder for this class with 6 sections: Colonialism, Federalism, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Post-Modernism

Ø  College ruled notebook paper, pen/pencil, textbook and/or novel, and spiral-notebook or composition notebook

Ø  Coming to class without necessary materials—pen, paper, binder, book—is grounds for detention.

3. Grades: Grades will be calculated using the following categories and weights:

Tests/Essays/Major Projects: 60%

Quizzes/Mini Projects: 30%

Daily/Homework: 10%

Ø  Grades are updated on Powerschool regularly. If you cannot sign into PowerSchool, tell me, and I will show you your grade any time after class, during lunch, or by appointment. There should be no reason that any student should be unaware of his or her current grade at any given time.

Ø  10 point scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 or below = F

4. Late Work: Most assignments will be accepted after the original due date with 10 points taken off per day. Assignments more than 10 days late will result in a zero.

5. If you’re absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you’ve missed and make it up. I will have a copy of the assignment for you, but do not rely on me to remember you were absent. You must come to me!! Assignments due on the date student was absent will be due the day the student returns; due dates on work assigned while absent will be extended the number of days missed.

Ø  THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; you must do all assigned work, even if you were out when it was assigned. You will receive a zero for any missing assignments.

6. Classroom Rules:

1. Come Prepared. This means having your supplies and being on time.

2. Work Hard. I expect you to pay attention, complete class work, and try your best.

3. Follow the “Golden Rule”. The "golden rule means being a nice person in general.

Class will be much more fun this way.

4. No Cell Phones. Unless I allow you to listen to music while you work or look something up on your phone, if I see it out I will take it for the class period or send it to the office for a parent to retrieve.

5. No Food (Breakfast exception). We cannot lure rodents and insects into our room with leftover crumbs from snacks.

6. Practice Dignity and Respect. Dignity is defined as “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.” Respect your classmates. Respect your teacher. Respect yourself.

Daily Classroom Expectations: In addition to following the student code of conduct, here are a few expectations for this class:

Ø  Assignments will be turned into the box under Promethean board.

Ø  Be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings.

Ø  Keep all handouts and work given in class

Ø  Do not talk while others are talking; be respectful to all class members.

Ø  You may have a closed top beverage, but no open food or food containers.

Ø  Participate in class by answering questions when called to do so.

Ø  DO NOT write on the desk or inside the textbook


7. Hall/Bathroom Passes: According to school policy, an escort may be called to escort the student to the restroom.

8. Academic dishonesty (cheating): See the school’s policy on academic dishonesty. Cheating includes turning in the same answers as another student and all forms of plagiarizing work off the internet or any other source. If you work together, you must write your own answers in your OWN words. Word-for-word answers will be treated as a cheating. Copying work from any source, without proper citation, will result in a zero for the assignment.

9. Substitute expectations: I expect your best behavior when there is a sub. Anyone whose name is written down will receive a teacher detention and a level I referral; no exceptions.

Consequences: Consequences for not following classroom procedures can include the following:

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Teacher detention/ call home

3.  Referral to office

Fighting, insubordination, or threatening behavior will result in immediate office referral and expulsion from the classroom.

What we will study:

On-going throughout the year:

•  Grammar and mechanics review and drill

•  Writing practice (creative writing and journal writing)

•  Written assignments (essays, reports, personal narratives, etc.)

•  Vocabulary expansion

•  Literary elements, terms, and convention

Unit 1: Colonialism

·  Colonial literature

·  Native-American tradition

·  In-class readings and discussion

·  The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne

Unit 2 – Federalism

·  Founding America

·  Selected readings

·  Informational texts

·  Speech

·  Persuasion

Unit 3 –Romanticism

·  Historical Context

·  Selected readings

·  Transcendentalism

·  Gothic Fiction

·  Poetry

Unit 4 –Realism

·  Historical Context

·  Selected readings

·  Novel- TBD

Unit 5 –Modernism

·  Historical Context

·  Poetry

·  Harlem Renaissance

·  The Great Gatsby – F.Scott Fitzgerald

Unit 6 – Postmodernism

·  Historical Context

·  Non-Fiction

·  MLA Research Paper

Honors Expectations:

Ø  You will be required to read novels outside of class.

Ø  You will be assigned homework—both reading and other assignments.

Ø  You will be assigned projects to be completed at home

Ø  You will be expected to use your time in class wisely.


I reward good behavior! Students who are consistently on-task, help their peers without being prompted, and other positive classroom behaviors will receive good behavior cards worth 5 extra credit points to apply to an assignment of their choice.

Please initial each item, sign below, and turn in this sheet for a grade. It will be returned so you can keep it in your binder.