Writing Workshop II Assignment
On your Essay, you will find highlighted sentences or paragraphs. You need to review these sections in your essay, and determine how to revise them in order to fix the mechanical issues. On the front of your essay, you will find a number (1-5) indicating how many areas of your essay you are required to address for this assignment. If you did not complete Essay II, you may use Essay I or one of the Response assignments in order to complete this assignment.
Indicate the number of sections:__________________
For each of these identified sections in your essay, you must complete the following:
A. Copy and Paste the underlined sentences as they originally (incorrectly) appear in your essay.
B. Consult your handbook or “Punctuate Like a Pro Handout” in order to identify the problem(s) and determine the rule(s) needed to make the corrections. Provide specific details of the rule and indicate the corresponding pages in your handbook where you found the information.
C. Using the information you gathered from your handbook, revise the identified section and correct all the mechanical errors.
I. Highlighted Example 1
A. Original (incorrect) sentence(s):
B. Rule/pages consulted in Handbook:
C. YOUR Revision:
II. Highlighted Example 2
A. Original (incorrect) sentence(s):
B. Rule/pages consulted in Handbook:
C. YOUR Revision:
III. Highlighted Example 3
A. Original (incorrect) sentence(s):
B. Rule/pages consulted in Handbook:
C. YOUR Revision:
IV. Highlighted Example 4
A. Original (incorrect) sentence(s):
B. Rule/pages consulted in Handbook:
C. YOUR Revision:
Highlighted Example 5
A. Original (incorrect) sentence(s):
B. Rule/pages consulted in Handbook:
C. YOUR Revision: