Scoil Bhríde

Nurney, Co. Kildare

Telephone: (045) 526767


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome Back to School Mass

What a wonderful mass we had last Thursday! The children sang beautifully and read so well. Many thanks to the large body of parents and members of the Nurney community who turned out in great numbers to join us. A sincere word of thanks goes to the brilliant Ms.Behan and her 4th class pupils for organising the mass. Thanks also to Ms.Owens for leading the singing. A final word of thanks to Fr. Gaspar and his Parish team and servers for preparing the church and leading us all in such wonderful prayer and song. We are very grateful to you all for all your extra hard work.

Parents Association

On the 10th of October Scoil Bhríde’s Parents Association will hold its AGM at 8pm to elect a new PA committee. The following officers are required to be nominated and elected to the Parents Association Committee: (i) Chairperson

(ii) Secretary (iii) Treasurer. Nominations for the above posts will be accepted by post (into the school office) before the AGM date or in person at the AGM. The AGM is open to all parents. We wish to say a big word of thanks to the present PA, (Chairperson: Catherine Lennon Secretary: Patricia ChastonTreasurer: Rose Stynes / Emer Moran) for all the great work they did on behalf of the school over the last year. We are so grateful!

What is the Parents Association all about?

For all the information you need about the Parent Association in Scoil Bhríde, its role, its function, how it contributes to school life and how you can get involved please visit our website at the following link:

Dates for your diary

  • Clothes collection – 4/10/2017
  • School Book Fair – October 19th and 20th
  • PTA AGM – October 10th @8pm. All are welcome!
  • Parent/Teacher meetings 14th and 15th November
  • Witches Walk – October 27th
  • Parent Teacher meetings – November 15th and 16th
  • Halloween break – School closed Oct. 5th to Nov. 3rd inclusive


Swimming classes for 4th and 5th class began on Wednesday Sept. 13th. The children will go for 8 weeks. 8 lessons cost €50. This can be paid by cash, cheque or online using the payment access link sent to you on your mobile device.

Money outstanding for additional requirements

All monies for additional requirements by now should be paid. Many thanks to those who have paid fully and on time as this allows us to purchase the necessary resources needed to give your child the best chance possible in their learning this year.

Please find attached to this week’s note an article from last week’s “Irish Independent Newspaper”

Dates for your diary – October 5th!!!!

School Photographer coming for all pupils!! (Apologies for last week’s copy and paste error!!)and Xmas calendars! On this day full school uniforms (no track suits!) are to be worn by all pupils as class photos will also be taken on the same day with teachers for our upcoming Christmas calendars. Thank you.

Thank you parents

As we draw to the close of a busy month back to school may we take this opportunity to say thank you for all your wishes of goodwill and appreciation to our hard working staff. Thank you for your involvement in your child’s education at home. We greatly appreciate your efforts at home in reinforcing the learning we give your children every day. We cannot thank you enough for the important work you do in reading to your child, monitoring their homework and discussing expectations regarding conduct and citizenship, all crucial skills for a successful life. We, parents and teachers, are all on the same team trying to ensure that your child succeeds in education. We cannot stress to you enough how valuable you are to this mission and to our school community. Thank you for having them ready for school every day with uniforms, equipment and lunches. Thank you for getting them into school and on time every day. It’s tough going but it will be so worth it in the end. So, thank you, and well done on an amazing job.

Thank you parents for car pooling to GAA matches

A sincere word of thanks to parents for car pooling to local matches last year and this year. The savings to the school in terms of not constantly hiring buses has been very significant. Only last week due to car pooling to matches last year the school was able to buy a new €800 euro interactive whiteboard projector for 3rd class. This new ICT teaching and learning resource will be available to many children for many years to come, so thank you everybody! Every little helps!

School Pupil Insurance – changes to Allianz procedures

Allianz are now accepting pupils on to their school insurance scheme without any deadline date in place. This new approach was not communicated to the school. Therefore if you still wish to partake in the scheme please do one of the following:

  • Fill in the form, ticking either the school activities option or ticking the 24 hour cover option and send it back with your cash or cheque payment to the class teacher
  • Fill in the form, ticking either the school activities option or ticking the 24 hour cover option, return it to the class teacher and pay onlinefollowing the payment access link sent to you on your mobile device. On your online payment page you will be offered the choice of paying for either the school activities option or paying for the 24 hour cover option. Just tick the one relevant to you.
  • If you have already paid online just fill in the form ticking either the school activities option or ticking the 24 hour cover option and return it to the class teacher

Wednesday Note and school information also available


Thank you for your co-operation with the above.


Vinny Thorpe – Principal

(Doctoral student) M.Ed (SL), MA.Comp.Mus, H.Dip.Prim.Ed, H.Dip.Mus.Tech, P.Grad.Dip.Ed.St(SEN), B.Mus.Ed(H.Dip.Ed), Dip.Mus.Ed, T.Dip.ICT