Volume 2006, XLVIII, Number 1
Author: / Joachim VetteOriginal title: / Hiobs Fluch und Gottes Antwort: Bedrohung und Erhaltung der Schöpfung als thematische Klammer
English title: / Job’s Curse and God’s Answer: Menace and Preservation of Creation as Thematic Frame
Abstract: / Article is trying to create thematic frame in Book of Job and suggests its specific structure. First two chapters represent prosaic introduction, in third one follows monolog. Chapter four opens main part of the text consisted of dialogs. First between Job and his friends, further between Job Elihu (begin in 32, 2) and finally between Job and God (from 38, 1 to 42,6). The Book is concluded again with prosaic section. Chapter 3 creates break between narrative introduction and dialog section. For the whole structure of the Book is crucial first part of chapter 3 with Job´s damnation of his day of the birth and plea to delete this day. This should accomplish Leviathan and link in that way chapter 3 and chapter 41, where God states that there is nobody who would be able to fulfill Job´s plea. In chapter 42 Job takes back his words from chapter 3. Chapter 3 and section 38 to 42,6 thus create second frame inside the prosaic one containing chapter 4 – 37.
Keywords: / Job, thematic frame, damnation, Leviathan
Author: / Pavel Keřkovský
Original title: / The Biblical Language of Law
English title:
Abstract: / The article follows the idea of Božena Komárková, Czech philosopher that special heritage of Old Testament called theological language of law shapes later development of Europe and stands behind the idea of human rights. It is neither idea of image of God nor some divine element in human nature but language of law in New Testament interpretation that led to the modern idea of human dignity. Crucial for this sort of language are relational categories in contrast to ontological, substantial or cosmical language usual in other cultural areas, especially in Greek tradition. In modern era Komárková distinguishes between anthropological and chrématomorphical style of locution. Second one we know as the language of science based on mathematical rationality. Antropological form of language Komárková identifies not so much with myths or art but especially with the sphere of law. Language of science (scientific law) organizes area of natural causality and mathematics, juridical law organizes human will and has therefore priority by organizing human society and articulation human dignity. Theological component with Old Testament mercy message and New Testament reinterpretation of Old Testament law helps to grasp human situation adequately in its uniqueness and individuality.
Keywords: / human rights, biblical language, Božena Komárková
Author: / Filip Susa
Original title: / Neuere Studien zum tridentinischen Rechtfertigungsdekret. Zum Verständnis der Gerechtigkeit, mit der wir beschenkt wurden
English title: / New Studies concerning Trident decret of justification. Towards understanding of justice we are endow with
Abstract: / Council of Trident attracts attention of theologians and historians more than any other church council. Among other reasons it is also its polemical and confessional character. As a symbol of protestant-catholic controversy may serve article about justification. In twenties century it was Peter Brunner who wrote first detailed protestant monography on Tridents justification decretum. Most interesting part of his study analyses justification of unbaptized godless men, where preparation for justification is not separate event but represents inner part of justification itself. This interpretation may bring catholic and protestant position very close to each other. Another, totally different and much more controversial interpretation of Trident decretum shows in his study Wilfried Joest. His strong legalistic point of view does not have much understanding for catholic anthropology and ontological positions. The work of other theologian P. Fransen depicts . The scale of interpretation is closed by work of Hans Jorissen who anylyses councils justification understanding with position of Luther.
Keywords: / Council of Trident, justification, Tridents justification decretum
Author: / Gerhard Sauter
Original title: / Sterben in Würde?
English title: / Dying in Dignity?
Abstract: / Article analyses solitude of dying people as a social disease in our society. Our relief by dying tends to be rather relief to life. Dying person is instructed how to deal with his up to now living, but he is not prepared on fact of his own death. It is caused by the conception of death as natural phenomenon, not the enemy in biblical sense. Attention shifts from solitude by dying to solitude of dying person. Every person is individual and irreplaceable in dying. Everybody stands on his own, but is not left alone. Preparation for dying should consist of promise of eternal life with God. God has to say the last word in the life and because of Gods last word the dying person is not left alone by coming end of the life. He has unlike view of man’s life and the life of dying person gains unexpected unity.
Keywords: / dignified dying, death, hospice, solitude, eternal life
Book reviews
Author: / Jan Zámečník
Original title: / Jesus von Nazareth: geschichtliches Bild und seine Interpretation
English title: / Jesus from Nazareth : the historical image and its interpretation
Reviewed book: / POKORNÝ, Petr. Ježíš Nazaretský: historický obraz a jeho interpretace [Jesus from Nazareth : the historical image and its interpretation]. Praha : Oikoymenh, 2005. 174 p. ISBN 80-7298-135-8.
Author: / Jan Zámečník
Original title: / Vom das Kreuz Jesu zu seiner Lebensgeschichte
English title: / From the Jesus´ cross to his life story
Reviewed book: / TROJAN, Jakub S. Ježíšův příběh - výzva pro nás [Jesus´ story - a challenge for us]. Praha : Oikoymenh, 2005. 413 p. ISBN 80-7298-136-6.
Author: / Kateřina Tůmová
Original title: / Discovering Girard
English title:
Reviewed book: / KIRWAN, Michael. Discovering Girard. London : Darton, Logman and Todd, 2004. 137 p. ISBN 0-23-52526-9.