September 2017

Meet the team…….

Pre-School Leader / Emma
Qualified Practitioner / Laura
Qualified Practitioner / Rukaya
Qualified Practitioner / Lucy
Nursery Apprentice

Welcome back

Welcome back after the summer break- it was lovely to read all the communication diaries with the special times each child has had over the summer holiday. A warm welcome to all our new children and their families.

Session times

Please would you drop off and collect your child on time. The session starts at 9am (if you are dropping off at school first, please arrive before 9.15am). The afternoon session finishes at 3.15pm. If you are collecting before a school pick up, please do not arrive before 3pm. If you need to collect your child early as a one off, please let a member of the team know in advance, thank you.

Breakfast club

Breakfast club starts at 7.45am – 9.00am. You can arrive at anytime between these times and breakfast will be toast/cereal or fruit at around 8.30am. For insurance and staffing purposes, we cannot let you in before 7.45am.

Wrap around care

Like breakfast club, you can collect your child at any time between 3.15pm and 5.45pm. We will have a small ‘tea’ at around 4.30pm. If you would like your child to have a hot tea, you are welcome to bring a ready meal or something similar that we can heat up in the microwave.

Water bottles

If you have not already brought in a water bottle, please could you bring in an empty bottle to stay at pre-school. We will wash/sterilise them and fill them up daily.

Communication diaries

We love reading all the special times each child has had and share these with the other children during circle time. At the start of your child’s session, please could you place the diaries in the green box. If your child’s diary is not in the box, it may not be written in on that day.

Term dates

Please find attached to this newsletter an updated copy of the term dates for this year. On the previous term dates, the Christmas holiday was printed wrong.

Family photos

Please could we have ‘family’ photos for our display in the home corner.


If your child has fruit, in particular grapes, please could you ensure that they are cut in half-length ways. Please could all boxes be labelled too.


In the entrance,area above the pegs there is a copy of the weekly planning.

We have also decided to do a 3-week rota for snack. The menu is displayed above the children’s pegs and a separate list will be put up daily, which shows how well your child has eaten.

Key person

Each child has a ‘key person’ who will complete your child’s record of achievement book. All staff work with, and make observations on every child. There is a list displayed of key workers on the notice board, if you are unsure please ask a member of the team. Please note there may have been a slight change to your child’s key person, depending on the days/hours your child does.


Please can you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing with them. Please do not send your child in with their best clothing, as we are always in the paint, mud and water! If you would like your child to have wellies, please bring a pair in to keep in the box.


Please settle any outstanding invoices. Invoices are to be paid within 2 weeks of receiving your invoice. Failure to pay promptly may result in your child’s place being withdrawn. Please note that we are now able to take credit/debit card payments over the telephone – please phone 0161 427 4730.

We are really excited about some of the activities we have planned for this term. These include:

  • Walks to the library and out and about

Our curriculum is enhanced by visiting places in the local area. We would be very grateful if you could fill in the enclosed consent form.

  • Autumn walks and craft

Learning about autumn festivals from different religions and celebrating Children in Need – more to follow.

Please ensure that the contact numbers we have for you are up to date, especially mobile phone numbers.

Useful Contact Numbers

  • Swann Lane Pre-School – 07469 706 237
  • For finance/admin enquiries 0161 427 4730 – including credit/debit card payments
  • Emails to:-

Thank you for your continued support.