WFHS PTSA Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Attending: Angie Levy, Shelby Carter, Kristy Grigg, Geri Davidson, Cindy Trainer, Patti Hamler, Johnna Giordano, Nancy Clapsaddle
President: Meeting called to order at 7pm. Angie thanked all those who donated time/food to the senior breakfast and ER teacher event. EF Foundation for Foreign Study-Host a student. Please contact Angie if you or someone you know wants to sponsor a student. Students against hunger Food Bank – Angie will ask SGA & NHS. Johnna thinks NHS is already involved. PTSA will put out a blast if asked. WFHS earned the Blue Key Award from the NCPTA for getting our dues in by Oct 15th.
Local units not allowed to make modifications to the Uniform Bylaws. However, Local standing Rule 1: Section 7.6 meetings by electronic media: board meetings may be held using telephone or electronic conference with participating members. Board/Membership shall use dial-in number 877.663.3373, conf code 4020554546 from July 1-June 30, 2014. A member participating in this type of conference meeting is deemed to be present at said meeting and “quorum” constitutes transaction of business. Motion to carry, Johnna and 2nd by Nancy.
Treasurer: Report distributed. Post card PTSA exempt entity 2011 not completed and the penalty is to complete a lengthy form 990. Help is requested to complete forms.
Principal’s Report: Power School continues to be down frequently. Absence and tardy issues fixed. Report cards went out on time. Senior luncheon Dec 20 held in aux gym. It was suggested by Ms Hamler to do the luncheon after regular lunch. Change menu to sandwiches and chips and change the theme to something more casual so the students don’t mind eating on the floor on blankets/towels. Ms Hamler also suggested using 2 sides of the gym to accommodate so many students.
Wake PTA Council grant for $500. Ms Hamler will get the application to the correct person to complete before the deadline.
Membership: Johnna reports 280 members last year and 240+ this year. PTSA table at meet the teacher next semester Feb 6 at 5.30. NCPTA offering $100 grants for writing an essay on male-involvement in PTSA. Tony Pearson was suggested. Angie will write the essay.
Website: No report.
Communications: Stephanie is working on Make-a-Wish. Angie invited anyone who needs anything communicated to contact Stephanie.
Academic Boosters: Weighted vs Unweighted for college applications depends on the college. Our process is to keep it unweighted to earn patch for straight A’s. patch now available using unweighted scale.
Hospitality: per Larissa’s report, ER went very well. Continuing with celebrating teacher birthdays. Please continue to support donations for food.
Fundraising: Shelby reports we have collected $2000 toward Phantom Fundraiser. Target - $450 accumulated toward Sept check and growing. Harris Teeter - $136 accumulated toward Dec check and growing. Will put out a blast informing parents that they need to re-link their Food Lion cards to WFHS otherwise, their cards will remain linked to the school they originally linked them to. Kroger now offering school support program and Shelby will look into this further as Harris Teeter has taken over Kroger stores.
WRAP: Nancy offered a season pass for membership drawing. Auditions for The Hobbit Feb 6-8 7-9.30
Athletic Booster: per Donna’s report Fall Banquet Nov 19. Volunteers needed at basketball concessions. Any students needing service hours should sign up to volunteer. See signup genius.
12th Grade Rep: per report, Nice senior breakfast. Much food was donated from local businesses. Amanda Levy, Melissa Trainer and Big Sisters will write personal thank you notes.
Old Business: SGA PowerPuff gate entrance earned $345. Motion to forward $345 revenue to SGA given by Johnna and 2nd by Jeri..
New Business: Patsy Moffat winner of the Leith Honda Facebook vote for favorite teacher. She will receive $1000 for Elizabethtown Middle School.
Sat, Nov 16 from 9-3pm NC Center for Advancement of Teaching, Cullowhee; Healthy Living; learn about finance and leadership strengths.
Next PTSA Meeting: Tues, January 14th, 7pm Media Ctr. NO DECEMBER MEETING.
Meeting Adjourned: 8.30 pm