Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge

Refuge Total December 1 -15, 2016

Survey Period

Tundra Swan / Redhead
Trumpeter Swan / Ring-necked Duck / 1,070
Canada Goose / 1,334 / Canvasback / 100
Brant / Scaup / 30
White-fronted Goose / 1,620 / Common Goldeneye / 18
Snow Goose / 28 / Bufflehead / 269
Ross’s Goose / 6 / Ruddy Duck / 220
Hooded Merganser / 470
Mallard / 42,031 / Common Merganser
Black Duck / 249 / Red-breasted Merganser
Gadwall / 11,017 / American Coot / 1,320
American Wigeon / 1,156 / Eagles:
Pintail / 3,580 / Bald (Adult) / 9
Green-winged Teal / 4,040 / Bald (Immature) / 10
Blue-winged Teal / Golden (Adult)
Northern Shoveler / 600 / Golden (Immature)
Wood Duck / 50 / Other: Sandhill Crane / 4
Unidentified Duck / Other: White Pelican / 599
TOTALS: / Swans / 0 / Geese / 2,988 / Ducks / 64,900 / Eagles / 19
Bald / 19
Geese / Ducks
Change From Last Survey Conducted This Year / +486% / +88%
Change From Last Year Survey During the Same Period of the Year / +16% / -28%
Change From 5-Year Average During the Same Period of the Year / +16% / -34%
Change From 10-Year Average During the Same Period of the Year / +24% / -39%
Change From 20-Year Average During the Same Period of the Year / +34% / -26%

NA = no previous survey for comparison

Survey Details: Ground X Aerial Water 100 % of Area Date Conducted: 12/02/2016

Wheat _


Form 3-1867