APES = Advanced Placement English Students!

Weekly Schedule for Week of August 24 - 28, 2016Week’s Focus: Outliers Chapters 2&3

Test over Rhetoric, Modes, Strategies

Quarter Theme: Culture -- To what extent does pop culture reflect our society’s values?Writing in Definition Mode

Day of Week / Monday, August 24 / Tuesday, August 25 / Wednesday, August 26 / Thursday, August 27 / Friday, August 28
. / Due: Outliers Reading Chapters 2 and 3
Meet in Outliers group and complete Assignment #3
Check out: Writers Inc book. / TEST: SR follow up – Rhetoric, Analysis, Discourse, Modes, Strategies, SOAPS
( Review Notes from last week to aide you)
Rhetorical Terms List 1 out. (Test next Tuesday on this list.)
Outliers work, cont. / Due: News story that relates to quote (see last week’s calendar for specific details of the assignment)
In-class discussion.
Review Rhetorical Terms List 1 as time permits. / Due: Week 3 Writing
Rough Draft --Definition of a Term
Review Rhetorical Terms List 1 as time permits.
Active Verbs/
Active Voice / TBD/Subject to change:
Review Vocabulary Diagnostic
Take Vocabulary Notes
Intro. Lesson 1 words
OR SOAPS activity (picked up from last Friday’s plans – didn’t get to)
Assigned Work / Week 3 Writing: Due Thursday
Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers due next Monday. / Week 3 Writing: Due Thursday
Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers due next Monday.
Test next Tuesday:
Rhetorical Terms List 1 / Week 3 Writing: Due Thursday
Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers due next Monday.
Test next Tuesday:
Rhetorical Terms List 1 / Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers due next Monday
Test next Tuesday:
Rhetorical Terms List 1
Follow up drafts assigned. / Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers due Monday!
Test next Tuesday:
Rhetorical Terms List 1

Next Week:

Due Monday, August 31: Chapters 4 and 5 of Outliers

On Tuesday, September 1: Test over Rhetorical Terms List 1

Additional as assigned

Reminder from last week’s plans of what is due THIS Wednesday --

Cultural Story Focus: Argument Style Prompt: (quotation Henry David Thoreau) “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” In a well-thought-out essay, examine the accuracy of this aphorism in modern society. Concentrate on examples from your observations, reading, and experiences to develop your ideas.

Directions: After reading the above prompt, be on the lookout for current events or stories within today’s culture that would work well as support in answering the prompt. Do not write the essay. Instead, write down the story or bring in the clipping/printout from the news. Either way, you must include (1) a summary of the event or story – including who, what, where, when, why, and how?; (2) a comment about how the story would work as support for a point in relation to the given prompt; and (3) a citation for the source – whether it be a print or online magazine or newspaper or audio/radio program or television broadcast. Hand write in ink or word process in MLA format.


Definition Writing due THIS Thursday –

(from Page 132, bottom, of 5 Steps to a 5)

“Now it’s your turn. Write a paragraph that defines a favorite word that is special or unique to you or your friends or family. Choose an attitude and go for it. When finished, ask yourself the same analytical questions you asked for the sample essay.”

These analytical questions as well as the sample essay “Bugdust” are located on pages 131 to 132.

You may define a real word or a word that you/your family/your friends have made up and used.

You may currently use it or it may be a word from your past.

You may even make up a word --.

Choose a serious or humorous attitude.

Write, for this Thursday, a minimum of two paragraphs.

You may choose to use any strategy or combination of strategies – description, narration (anecdotal), comparison/contrast, cause/effect, example (exemplification), and so on. Be sure that you can explain which strategies you used.