BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Learning Pathway Application Pack



of Leadership and



This work has been produced for the Centre for Community Welfare Training (CCWT) by Lesley Furneaux-Cook Learning and Development Project Managerfor Diploma of Leadership and Management.

Version No / 9
Date released / 2017


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Diploma of Leadership and Management

Who is this qualification designed for?

Workers who undertake this qualification generally work, or aim to work, as managers in community service organisations, however,it is transferable across sectors. They work independently and report to executive management or Boards, and may supervise other staff or are responsible for managing a team. These workers have input into the development of policies, procedures, budgets and operational plans.

Why should I undertake this qualification with CCWT?

  • CCWT is a leading training provider for those in the community services sector. Our trainers have experience in this sector as well as expertise in adult education and training.
  • Within the training sessions you will have an opportunity to learn with other managers and co-ordinators in the community services sector, enabling the sharing of ideas and the development of networks.
  • CCWT offers flexible options for completing the qualifications. These options include:
  • Choice of appropriate subjects for your work role (see below).
  • Distance packages for some units of competency.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning.
  • CCWT’s program offers quality, relevant training and support at a highly competitive price.

What subjects will I cover?

To complete the Diploma you will need to achieve twelve (12) units of competency. Four (4) are core units, which must be completed. You will then be able to choose the remaining eight (8) units from a number of topic options. These can be either in a face-to-face delivery mode or by Distance Kits. You should consider your interests and work role when choosing your units.

How long will it take me to achieve the Diploma?

It really depends what pathway you choose to complete your Diploma. Workshops are offered at least once a year, so you may choose to complete the qualification in one year. However, you can take upto two years to complete the workshops and assessments. With other pathways(e.g.RPL) the time can vary between 6 months and 18 months to complete.

Can I have my current skills and knowledge recognised?

Yes, you can elect to undertake Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for one or more units. If you think that you already have the skills for the unit, consult with the Course Coordinator. RPL can be done either by portfolio or by workshop.

Are there any prerequisites?

There are no prerequisites for this Diploma however on enrolment we will send you a LLN (Language, Literacy,Numeracy) Self Assessment Tool that will assist us to identify any support you may require. If you are considering the RPL pathway, we believe that you will need at least 2 years experience in a management role.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the program depends on the elective units that you choose.Enrolling in the whole Diploma will give you a 10% discount. See page 13to calculate the cost of your Diploma. These fees cover all workshops or distance options, learning materials and support services.Part payment is generally required before commencing the course.

Cost of other Pathways

If you choose to do your Diploma by RPL workshop, the cost will be $2500/$2400MEMBERS.

How do I enrol?

Please send in your completed Application form to

Pathways to a Qualification

Pathway 1 – Learning and Assessment

This pathway is recommended for participants who have limited management experienceand for participants who enjoy the opportunity to learn skills in a face-to-face workshop environment.

The four (4) core units are offered as face-to-face workshops. You need to attend these workshops. To complete the remaining units of competency you can choose from a range of workshops and/or distance kits, depending on your areas of interest and relevance to your work role.

Assessment is by completion of written assessment tasks. You will draw on your workplace experience to complete these assessments. You may also find that you can submit examples of your work for part or all of your assessment requirements.

Pathway 2 – Assessment Only (RPL)

This pathway is for experienced managers/coordinators to demonstrate their skills and knowledge to gain a formal qualification. It is also known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). There are two options for RPL:

  1. RPL Workshop-Participants prepare for a 3-day workshop using material given to you prior to theworkshop. In the workshop, Diploma participants demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the units with an assessor.Please ask for a separate application pack.
  1. Portfolio - Participants need to collect evidence from their workplace to demonstrate their skills and knowledge or complete other assessment tasks. Participants are supported by an experienced assessor and written resources. Please ask for a separate application pack.

Pathway 3 – A Combination

If you are experienced in some of the knowledge areas, you may apply for RPL for these units and complete the remaining units by learning and assessment. The cost for this pathway will be negotiated with the Course Coordinator.

How do I know which pathway to choose?

Before undertaking the Diploma of Leadership and Management you can discuss your options with the Course Coordinator. Pathways 2 and 3 require you to complete a self-assessment process before registering. This is also a useful tool if you are unsure about the Recognition of Prior Learning process. The Self Assessment and other relevant information is available on our website:

Can I attend an individual workshop and not complete the whole Diploma?

Yes – you can choose to attend only the workshops that interest you. Apply for these workshops through the normal CCWT registration process.

Core Units

Operational Plan: The Key Tool for Managing your Organisation

Grace Leotta

21 May – CCWT, Sydney

Operational, business, service or centre plan. Whatever term you use, your operational plan is your key tool for establishing a shared direction, everyone’s responsibility in achieving it, and the resources to make it a reality. Develop a plan for the day-to-day running of your organisation, program or team, based on the strategic plan. Learn how to support and motivate staff and teams to implement the plan and to keep the plan ‘on track'.

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • understand the process of developing an operational plan
  • identify the resources required to implement a plan
  • discuss performance systems and processes to monitor and review operational performance

Leadership for a Healthy Work Environment

Grace Leotta

24 July – CCWT, Sydney

A positive and healthy work environment is essential for responsive service delivery and staff wellbeing. It nurtures staff motivation, learning, adaptability, and creative teamwork. In a healthy workplace staff are optimistic, highly engaged and committed to their work, inclusive, supportive of their team members, and resilient in the face of challenging and complex work. Staff feel safe to communicate openly and contribute their ideas. Differences and problems are managed positively.
BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • use collaborative and supportive leadership approaches and skills to enhance the health of the work environment
  • develop strategies for managing conflict and problems
  • have critical conversations to improve the workplace environment

Team Leadership

Judi Apte

23 & 24 August–CCWT,Sydney

Effective teamwork is a crucial factor in agencies actually achieving their strategic goals and ensuring the quality of service delivery. Managers and leaders can develop the quality of teamwork, bring together the range of capabilities in the team, and promote collaborative problem solving. This workshop provides a framework for you to identify current strengths and to plan for areas of teamwork that need development. This workshop program is based on Australian and international management studies into the leadership skills we require to establish effective teamwork.

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • examine the leadership role in the development of a team
  • develop strategies to lead and facilitate teamwork and strengthen the team culture
  • identify strategies to manage difficulties faced in the team to achieve positive outcomes

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Belinda Essex

26 March –CCWT, Sydney

2 May – Canberra

22 August – Campbelltown

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a core skill for leaders in the workplace in managing staff, change and conflict. Our ability to effectively lead depends on our ability to recognise and manage our own emotions/triggers and in managing the full range of emotional responses from staff in the workplace.

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • explore your own EI
  • capitalise on your strengths and minimise your challenges
  • use EI tools and strategiesfor team cohesion

Elective Units

Choose 8 units from the following options:

Manage People Performance

Donna Bevan

22 & 23 October – CCWT, Sydney

Want to manage your staff and their workloads more efficiently? Make sure you support your team to get great outcomes for your clients? Work with a staff member to address performance issues? Encourage a positive culture and workplace conditions to get the best out of people?This workshop begins with the development of work plans and the systems needed to monitor work, provide feedback and coaching to staff, to initiate and manage performance support and improvement systems. This workshop is particularly useful for managers of small teams or organisations that do not have trained human resource staff.
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • design of performance management and review systems
  • provide effective feedback to employees (both formal and informal)
  • developcoaching and mentoring skills to improve worker performance


Individual workshop training and assessment cost:$650/$600 MEMBERS

Project Management

Grace Leotta

6 June – CCWT, Sydney

28 November – CCWT, Sydney

Everyone works on projects. We may call them tasks or jobs but ultimately they require our energy and attention. Despite the fact that many project management tools and techniques are available, projects still fail with monotonous regularity. Why? Because the basic principles of project management and the critical success factors to make a project work are frequently ignored.

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • take away project tools to guide a project from start to finish;
  • plan to involve their team
  • implement quality management skills to the project


Individual workshop training and assessment cost:$410/$380 MEMBERS

Debriefing Skills

Gillian Brannigan

5 June – CCWT, Sydney

Are you a manager or team leader who supervises client centred staff?
How do you debrief staff after a difficult situation or support them through a crisis intervention?
How do you ensure your supervision is working for all?
This workshop examines the range of methods by which support can be provided, including structured, planned supervision, reviewing incidents and support to achieve the required skills.

CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support services

Participants will have the opportunity to explore:

  • supervision models and practices
  • techniques to identify staff needs
  • types of internal and external support available to staff
  • effective debriefing skills


Individual workshop training and assessment cost:$410/$380 MEMBERS

You as Manager

Distance kit

This course applies to managers and focuses on the need for managers to be organised, focused and skilled, in order to effectively manage the work of others. As such it is an important topic for most managers, particularly as managers serve as role models and have a significant influence on the work culture and patterns of behaviour.

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Establish personal work goals
  • Set and meet own work priorities
  • Develop and maintain professional competence


Distance kit with assessment $250/$230 MEMBERS

Recruit, Select and Induct Staff

Distance Kit

Successful recruitment and induction of staff is essential for the organisation’s short term needs and long term development. We need to find people who are the most suitable for the job as the results of ineffective recruitment can be additional financial expense, disrupted workplaces and stressed staff.

BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • identify key job requirements
  • develop selection criteria and interview questions
  • review effective interviewing processesd
  • developan effective induction program


Distance package with assessment:$250/$230 MEMBERS

Managing WHS and Other Workplace Risks

Distance Kit

Risk is a part of everything we do. This distance package provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of managers in risk management in general, with a focus on Work Health and Safety in particular, by looking at relevant legislation, common practices, record keeping and the importance of consultation and teamwork.

BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • understandcategorisation, risk priorities and determine appropriate control measures and prepare a treatment plan
  • examine the legislative responsibilities for managers to develop and maintain safe workplaces
  • explore what constitutes an occupational health and safety management plan


Distance package with assessment:$250/$230 MEMBERS

Manage Budgets and Finances

Distance Kit

If the words 'budget', 'debt recovery' and 'cash flow' bring fear into your heart this package is for you. It covers the whole of the financial management process, including setting financial goals, planning a budget, working with staff to effectively implement and monitor the budget and reporting financial information. The theory is well supported by practical activities.

BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • understand the purpose and terminology of budgeting and financial management
  • understand basic accounting principles involved in budgeting, cash flows, financial statements, accrual accounting concepts and electronic spreadsheets
  • understand how cost management plans are developed


Distance Kit with assessment: $250/$230 MEMBERS

Continuous Improvement

Distance Kit

A continuous improvement or quality management system is essential to ensure that our teams and organisations stay on track with quality service delivery, even when workloads are demanding. Identify tools and techniques that you can use to monitor and review your team or organisation’s performance, identify areas of improvement, and initiate new strategies to improve quality.

BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • gain a knowledge of continuous improvement systems and processes
  • identify consultation and communication techniques, including reporting and recommendation processes
  • identify strategies to ensure that team members are actively encouraged and supported to participate in decision making responsibilities and to assume responsibility, as appropriate.


Distance package with assessment:$250/$230 MEMBERS

BuildingDiverse Workplaces

Distance kit

Diversity in a workplace doesn’t just happen. It needs to be planned for and promoted. This course covers underpinning concepts of diversity and provides strategies and processes for promoting and supporting a diverse workforce.
BSBLDR504 Implement diversity in the workplace
Participants will have the opportunity to:
  • Identify techniques to scope workforce diversity.
  • Establish policies and procedures to integrate diversity into workforce operations.
  • Explore strategies that support diversity into the workforce.


Distance kit with assessment $250/$230 MEMBERS

Utilising Learning Strategies to Improve Outcomes

Distance kit

Managers have to balance the need for ensuring staff have the skills to achieve organisation or team goals, with the reality of limited resources and time. In this course you will identify strategies for learning that you can implement in your team, and consider how to make the best use of external training. The strengths and weaknesses of different learning delivery methods will also be outlined.

BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify and analyse a range of different types of learning activities
  • Learn how to review and plan for development needs of individuals and teams
  • Discuss how the management of relationships can achieve a learning outcome.


Distance kit with assessment $250/$230 MEMBERS

Cogs and Wheels: Knowledge Management Systems

Distance kit

Knowledge management systems are the engine room of your organisation but not well understood. As a manager or team leader it is important to set up processes and systems to
capture, use, distil and discard information from internal and external sources.What to use and what to lose is important for the long term sustainability of the organisation.

BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system