___[Course Title]___

Prof. ______

Kristin Partlo & Paula Lackie


Outline: what I’ll cover / Students: Goals and what they’ll complete
Finding a topic
3 Search Comparison (Google Scholar, EconLit, EconPapers)
●  Compare results lists
●  Not 1st search, not last
●  Collect new keywords
EndNote Intro / Goal: understand overall process
Goal1: Search multiple resources
Bonus: Endnote
Hands-on / Do #1-2
Discussion (points to cover)
●  Econlit
○  Descriptors
○  Abstracts
○  Find-It Button
○  Keyword drop-down
○  Relevance sort
●  Google Scholar
○  Advanced search
○  Accessing papers not there
●  EconPapers
○  Advanced search
○  JEL terms
Search one GS/EP article in EconLit
Citation search in SSCI / Goal 2: Descriptors
Goal 3: Citation search
Hands-on / Do #3-6
Searching Data
●  Resources on guide
●  Using the literature (show grid)
●  Scanning an article
●  LexisNexis Statistical / Goal4: Taking notes & reading instrumentally to find data
Goal5: Have multiple ideas for searching for data
Hands-on / Do #7-8
Discussion & Questions