Weekly Information Sheet- Amazing Louisiana Animals

App Name / Steve Parish Postcards
Blooms Taxonomy Level / Understanding/Comprehension
Webb’s DOK Level / Recall and Reproduction
Objective /
  • TSW create a digital postcard about an animal that they have discussed and/or read about.
  • TSW identify the name of an animal and its habitat.

CCSS Writing
CCSS Reading /
  • Standard 6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
  • RI Standard 10: With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.

Extension Ideas /
  • This app and product can be used to create a collection of postcards for an animal from each major habitat around the world (rainforest, arctic tundra, wetlands, prairie, grasslands, desert, ocean). The collection could be a final project grade.

Procedures /
  • Each student will pick an animal from Louisiana that is being discussed. (Alligator, white-tailed deer, barred owl, catahoula leopard dog, black bear, brown pelican, white perch, crawfish, honey bee, green tree frog)
  • TSW use books and World Book Kids to locate information about their animal. There will be a question sheet provided. (Where do they live? What do they eat? Would they make a good pet?)
  • TSW create a postcard using the app with a picture of the animal, an a letter to his/her class discussing the animal facts they learned about.
  • TSW be encouraged to use their imaginations and pretend that they are on an adventure to learn about this animal. (write like they are on vacation and actually there to see it)

How to use the app
(directions for app use) / §  With teacher assistance if needed, TSW chose a picture of their animal from the World Book Kids site or National Geographic Kids site. TSW take a screen shot of the animal to have for the postcard.
§  TSW open the postcard app and tap “Create Postcard”
§  TSW select the full screen layout for one image and tap “Load Image”.
§  TSW position the picture in the frame and add text. TSW type in the name of the animal chosen.
§  TSW tap the arrow button and begin writing the letter on the back of the postcard, and include the information researched.
§  TSW email the postcard to TT.
Teacher Name / Heather Chadwick
Grade/ Subject / First Grade/Reading and Writing