Half-day Workshop
Images in a Process of Transformation. Art Therapy in Analytical Psychology. A Case Study by C.G. Jung
Presented By
Ursula Weiss
Date: Saturday March 20th, 2010.
Time: 9:30am-1:00pm
Venue: ST522, 5/F, Rehab. Sciences Dept. Seminar Rm, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Target Group: Mental health professionals, psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, students of counselling and psychology.
It could be said that we do not have direct access to the soul: that soul shows in our thoughts, feelings, and imagination. Out of Carl Jung’s experiences, which he laid down in the Red Book, he formulated a new conception of his psychotherapy. He no longer solely focused on the psychopathology of his patients, but tried to interest them for the development of their whole personality. He told them how to induce visions, how to get into a conversation with the figures appearing, and he suggested to express the contents also in the form of drawings and paintings.
"I let my patients find their own symbolic expressions, their 'mythology'." (C.G. Jung)
In this workshop, we will look at a series of pictures painted by one of C.G. Jung's clients over a period of more than ten years, and we will compare Jung's comments with our own observations. Come and join us on this short journey as with Ursula Weiss together consider in discussion.
“Soul is Image” (C.G.Jung)
About the speaker:
Ursula Weiss is a graduate of the CG Jung Institute. She is currently Director of Studies at the CG Jung Institute, Zurich and is knowledgeable in Chinese language and culture, having taught for nine years in China at the University of Taiyuan in Shanxi Province. She is currently the IAAP liaison officer of the Hong Kong developing group.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points can be awarded to registered Physiotherapists and registered Occupational Therapists for attending the full workshop (pending for approval).
Registration at the door will depend on space availability.
No confirmation of registration will be given. Assume you have a place unless contacted otherwise.
All Students need to present student IDs or similar form of verification when attending the workshop
Limited car park spaces are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please indicate you need for booking in the registration form.
Send the registration form with a cheque made payable to THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY and send it to Janet Boyce/seminar at Flat 8B, 3 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong." Enquiries:
Information can also be found below: http://www.rs.polyu.edu.hk/sandplay/Events.html
Registration Form
Images of a Process of Transformation. Art Therapy in Analytical Psychology. A Case Study by C.G. Jung
March 20th, 2010 (Saturday)
Name: (To be written on the certificate of attendance): ______(English)
Tel:______(Day) ______(Night) E-mail:______
Correspondence address: ______
HKIAP member:Yes No Registration Deadline: 13th March, 2010
Check attached (please tick): $300 (HKIAP member) ____
$400 (early bird non-member before 19th Feb, 2010) ______
$500 (Non-HKIAP members normal rate) ____
$200 (Full-time Student I.D.:______)
Check No.: ______
Car park needed: Yes (Car No. )