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Nikolay G. Golubev

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah

135 South 1460 East #719 Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

(801) 585-3505 (phone), (801) 581-7065 (fax)


Data processing, modeling and inversion in geophysics
Visualization and interpretation of geophysical data
Joint interpretation of different geophysical methods
Numerical methods and computer systems design in geophysics


Ph.D in Physics and Mathematics, 1983, IZMIR at the RussianAcademy of Science, Moscow, Russia

B.Sc. with Honors in Geophysics , 1976, GubkinUniversity of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia


2002 –presentResearch Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah.

1997 – 2002 Research Associate, Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion (CEMI), University of Utah.

1987 - 1998 Deputy Director, Laboratory of Numerical Methods in Geoelectrics, United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Troitsk, Russia

1995Visiting Researcher, Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany

1989 - 1991 Director, Division of Electromagnetic Sounding Interpretation, Geophysical ResearchCenter of the World Laboratory, Moscow, Russia

1983 - 1987 Senior Researcher, Institute of the Physics of The Earth, Troitsk, Russia

1978 - 1983 Researcher, Institute of the Physics of The Earth, Troitsk, Russia

1976 - 1978 Geophysicist, Central Geophysical Company, Ministry of Geology, Russia


Ph.D. Graduate Committee Member:

Salah Mehanee, post-doctoral researcher, CEMI, University of Utah

Ken Yoshioka, post-doctoral researcher, CEMI, University of Utah

Alexander Gribenko, Ph.D. student, University of Utah

Assistant Instructor, Inversion Theory, Spring 2002, University of Utah

Instructor, Summer Geophysics Field Study, 1989 - 1992, GubkinUniversity of Oil and Gas, Russia


Professional AffiliationsSociety of Exploration Geophysics, American Geophysical Union

Conference PresentationsSEG (1998,1999,2001,2002,2004), AGU 1998,1999,2001,

3D electromagnetic (1999), EM workshop .(1988,1999,2002)

Committee Member Organizing Committee for the Second International Symposium on 3D Electromagnetics, 1999, University of Utah

Organizing Committee for the Russian-German Seminar on the Current Issues in Deep EM Studies, 1997, IGEMI, Moscow, Russia.

Reviewer SEG, Journal of Applied Geophysics


Co-PI, $1,500,000 DOE Grant for Development of New Geophysical Technique for Mineral Exploration and Mineral Discrimination Based on Electromagnetic Methods, 2004

PI, Russian Foundation for Basic Research 95-05-15066, 1995-97

Co-PI, Russian Foundation for Basic Research 93-05-8387, 1993-94


CEMI industry sponsors1998 – present

- development of fast three dimensional inversion codes

- interpretation of field data

- consulting on the CEMI software application

Toole Army Depot, Toole, Utah2002

- joint interpretation of well and gravity data

Metronix GMBH, Germany1994

- interpretation of geophysical data


Recognition of Research Excellence, RussianAcademy of Science, 1997


U.S. Permanent Residence (Pending)


Michael S. Zhdanov

Professor of Geophysics

Director, Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion (CEMI)

Dept of Geol. & Geophysics, University of Utah

Phone: (801) 581-7750
FAX: (801) 581-7065

John Weaver

Emeritus Professor

Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOSC)

Phone: (250) 721-6155


Michael A. Frenkel

Houston Technology Center, Baker Hughes Inc, 2001 Rankin Road,

Houston, TX77073,

phone: 713-625-5819,



Zhdanov, M S; Varentsov, I M; Weaver, J T; Golubev, N G; Krylov, V. 1997, Methods for modelling electromagnetic fields; Results from COMMEMI, the international project on the comparison of modelling methods for electromagnetic induction [monograph]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol.37, no.3-4, pp.133-271.

Zhdanov M.S., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Krylov V.A., 1989, The methods of electromagnetic field modeling (materials of international COMMEMI Project). Nauka, Moscow, 198 p. (in Russian).

Publications in peer reviewed journals

Zhdanov M.S., Golubev N.G., Hursan G., 2003, Rapid 3-D Inversion of Array Magnetotelluric Data. AEG Proceedings. In publ.

Varentsov I.M., Fomenko E.Y., Golubev N.G., Mehanee S., Hursan G., Zhdanov M.S., 2002, Comparative study of 3-D finite-difference and integral equation. Applied Geophysics. In publ.

Golubev N.G., Hursan G., Zhdanov M.S., Czornobay B., 2002 Three-dimensional interpretation of magnetotelluric data. Geophys. J. Int. In publ.

Ernst, T., Sokolova, E.Yu., Varentsov, Iv.M., Golubev, N.G., 2001, Comparison of two MT data processing techniques using synthetic data set. Acta Geophys. Pol., v.49, N2, p 213-243.

Vanyan, L L; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Sokolova, E Yu., 1998, Derivation of simultaneous geomagnetic field components from tipper arrays: Izvestiya - Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics of the Solid Earth, vol.34, no.9, pp.779-786.

Vanyan, L L; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Sokolova, E Yu, 1997, Construction of magnetotelluric induction curves from a profile of geomagnetic data on electrical conductivity of the continental asthenosphere in the EMSLAB experiment: Izvestiya - Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics of the Solid Earth, vol.33, no.10, pp.807-819.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Gordienko V.V., Sokolova E.Yu., 1996, The study of deep geoelectrical structure along Lincoln-Line profile (EMSLAB experiment). Fizika Zemli, No 4, pp. 124-144 (in Russian, with English translation: Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 1996, v.32, No 4, pp. 375-393).

Abramova, L. M., Varentsov, I. M., Golubev, N. G. Zhdanov, M. S., Martanus, Y. R., Sokolova, E. Yu., Shneyer', V. S., Velev, A., Gavrilov, R., 1996, Study of the geoelectric structure of Bulgaria, Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Solid Earth ,V 30, N 11, P 986-995.

Kulik S.N., Logvinov I.M., Zhdanov M.S., Abramova L.M., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Sanin S.I., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., 1993, Geoelectric models of Europe. Regions of Alpine folding. In: Lithosphere of Central and Eastern Europe. Generalization of results. (Ed. A.V. Chekunov). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 105-110 (in Russian).

Zhdanov M.S., Abramova L.M., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Shneyer V.S., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., 1993, Electrical inhomogeneities of the tectonosphere. In: Lithosphere of Central and Eastern Europe. Young platforms and Apline folding belt (Ed. A.V. Chekunov). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 174-190 (in Russian).

Abramova L.M., Varentsov Iv.M., Velev I.M., 1994, The study of geoelectrical structure of Bulgaria. Fizika Zemli, No 11, pp. 59-69 (in Russian, with English translation: Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, v.30, No 11).

Zhdanov M.S., Abramova L.M., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Shneyer V.S., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., 1991, Deep electromagnetic studies. In: Lithosphere of Central and Eastern Europe. Geotraverses III, VII, IX. (Ed. A.V. Chekunov). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 119-123 (in Russian)

Zhdanov, M S; Abramova, L M; Varentsov, I M; Velev, A A; Golubev, N G; Dachev, Kh Y; Sanin, S I; Shneyer, V S, 1990, Deep electromagnetic soundings in Bulgaria Transactions (Doklady) of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences: Earth Science Sections, vol.312, pp.69-73.

Aslibekyan, S G; Berdichevskiy, M N; Zhdanov, M S; Frenkel', M A; Podchufarov, V V; Katsevich, A I; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Spichak, V V; Chernyak, V V; Faynberg, E B; Zinger, B Sh; Avdeyev, D B; Yevstigneyev, V V; Kuksa, Yu I; Kul'nitskaya, L V; Kotok, V V; Velikhov, Ye P, 1989, Interpretation of local anomalies of an electromagnetic field Geoelectrical investigations with high-voltage current sources in the Baltic Shield pp.184-250.

Zhdanov, M S; Berdicheskiy, M N; Shneyer, V S; Svetov, B S; Varentsov, I M; Zhdanova, O N; Golubev, N G, 1988, Geoelectrical model of the transition zone between Asian mainland and the Pacific Ocean: Geophysical fields of the Pacific and Indian oceans, pp.45-52

Abramova, L M; Bilinskiy, A I; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Gordiyenko, V V; Zhdanov, M S; Shneyer, V S, 1988, Construction of complex geoelectrical models in the Eastern Carpathians: Asthenosphere as interpreted using comprehensive geophysical methods; a collection of scientific works. pp.8-13

Zhdanov, M S; Golubev, N G, 1987, Interpretation of results of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational studies of horizontally heterogeneous geoelectrical sections: Studies of the lithosphere by geophysical methods; electromagnetic methods, geothermy, and complex interpretation. pp.53-66.

Zhdanov, M S; Golubev, N G; Varentsov, I M; Abramova, L M; Shneer, V S ; Berdichevsky, M N ; Zhdanova, O N; Gordienko, V V Kulik, S N; Bilinsky, A I, 1986, 2-D model fitting of a geomagnetic anomaly in the Soviet Carpathians: Annales Geophysicae, Series B: Terrestrial and Planetary Physics, vol.4, no.3, pp.335-341

Zhdanov, M S; Berdichevskiy, M N; Abramova, L M; Bilinskiy, A I; Bobrov, V N; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Gordiyenko, V V; Zhdanova, O N; Kulik, S N; Faynberg, E B; Shneyer, V S, 1985, Deep-seated electromagnetic surveys of the Soviet Carpathians: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol.285, no.1, pp.78-82, (In rus.)

Abramova, L M; Golubev, N G; Karpman, I V; Kondraseva, N V; Shneyer, V S,1984, Geoelectric inhomogeneities in the eastern part of the International Geotraverse V (region of the Kerch and Taman peninsulas): Proceedings of the 1st symposium of the KAPG Subproject 1.1; Geophysical and geodynamic models of the lithosphere of the Carpatho-Balkan region Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica, vol.19, no.1-2, pp.15-18.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., 1983, Finite-difference technology for the solution of 2D forward problem of geoelectrics in the class of regional models. In: Elektromagnitnoe zondirovanie Zemli, IZMIRAN SSSR, Moscow, pp. 23-28 (in Russian).

Zhdanov, M S; Golubev, N G, 1983, Use of the finite functions method for the solution of the 2D inverse problem: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, vol.35, no.11-12, pp.707-721, 1983

Zhdanov, M S; Golubev, N G; Spichak, V V; Varentsov, I M, 1982, The construction of effective methods for electromagnetic modeling: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.68, no.3, pp.589-607, 1982

Golubev, N G; Slavkin, V S, 1979, Precision in predicting local crustal structures using quasi-determined functional relationships: Razvedochnaya Geofizika, no.86, pp.58-69.

Linear models in connection with field and hypsometry for interpreting geological-geophysical data

Golubev, N G; Slavkin, V S, 1979, Linear models in connection with field and hypsometry for interpreting geological-geophysical data: Razvedochnaya Geofizika, no.86, pp.70-73, 1979

Zhdanov, M S; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G, 1978, Determination of the position of geoelectric inhomogeneities by methods of analytic continuation of variable geomagnetic fields: Soviet Geology and Geophysics, vol.19, no.7, pp.45-52, 1978

Conference abstracts

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 2002, Three-dimensional Inversion of Array Magnetotelluric Data Based on Quasi-Analitical Approximation. Expanded Abstracts. Society of exploration geophysicists. Seventy-second annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 6-11, 2002

Golubev N.G., Pavlov D., Zhdanov M.S., 2002, The Correlation Method of Gravity Data Separation and Interpretation. Expanded Abstracts. PF 3.4 Society of exploration geophysicists. Seventy-second annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 6-11, 2002

Zhdanov M.S., Golubev N.G., Hursan G., 2002, Rapid 3-D Inversion of Array Magnetotelluric Data. Program and Abstracts. The 16th Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 16-22, 2002

M S Zhdanov, N G Golubev, 2001, Electromagnetic Methods in EarthScope Project. EarthScope Workshop, Making and Breaking, October 10-12,2001 Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, pp 489-491

Golubev N.G., Hursan G., Zhdanov M.S., Czornobay B., 2001, Three-dimensional Interpretation of Magnetotelluric Data. Expanded Abstracts. PF 3.4 Society of exploration geophysicists. Seventy-first annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 9-14, 2001

N G Golubev, M S Zhdanov, 2001, Fast three-dimensional interpretation of magnetotelluric data. AGU 2001 Fall meeting. GP21A-0251, F324.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 1999, Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data collected for hydrocarbon exploration in the overthrust area in Japan. Expanded Abstracts. EM 2.1 Society of exploration geophysicists. Sixty-ninth annual meeting, Houston, Texas, October 31-november 5, 1999

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., Matsuo K, Negi T., 1999, Three dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data over Minami-Noshiro oil field. P 305-308.The second international symposium on three-dimensional electromagnetics, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 26-29.

Zhdanov, M. and Golubev, N., 1999, Electromagnetic swap effect for sea bottom MT anomalies, 61st Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:4007.

Golubev N.G., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., 1998, Geoelectric model in the central section of the Bulgarian Balkans. XIV

Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Sinaia, Romania, p. 145.

Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu. and Varentsov Iv.M., 1998, On the resolution bounds of bi-modal inversion and the validity of 2D approach on the Lincoln Line (EMSLAB experiment). XIV Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Sinaia, Romania, p. 114.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 1998, Comparative study of land and sea bottom geoelectric anomalies: Expanded Abstracts. EM 1.5 Society of exploration geophysicists. Sixty-eighth annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 13-18.

Mehanee, S., Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 1998, Weighted regularized inversion of magnetotelluric data: Expanded Abstracts. EM3.7 Society of exploration geophysicists. Sixty-eighth annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 13-18.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1998, General scheme of stable nonlinear inversion of EM data within piece-wise continuous geoelectric media. XIV Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Sinaia, Romania, p. 122.

Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., Ernst T., 1997, The comparison of two MT processing systems using synthetic time series. Russian-German seminar "Actual problems in deep EM studies" (Extended Abstracts). IGEMI, Moscow, Russia, p. 50.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., Baglaenko N.V., Sokolova E.Yu., 1997, Important trends for MT data 2D-3D inversion: finite function model approximation, stable optimization, visual interaction. Russian-German seminar "Actual problems in deep EM studies" (Extended Abstracts). OIFZ RAS, Moscow, pp. 40-41.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., Nalivaiko K.V., 1997, Magnetotelluric processing system PRC-MTMV and its applications. Russian-German seminar "Actual problems in deep EM studies" (Extended Abstracts). IGEMI, Moscow, Russia, p. 51-52.

Baglaenko N.V., Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1996, Finite difference analytic continuation of EM fields in 2D conductivity structure: XIII Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Onuma, Japan. P. 69.

Golubev N.G., Fomenko E.Yu., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., Nalivayko K.V., 1996, The use of MT impedance dispersion relations in processing and interpretation techniques and model checks of their validity in complex 2D-3D structures: XIII Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Onuma, Japan. P. 103-104.

Vanyan L.L., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., 1996, New data analysis and interpretation approaches using geomagnetic components. XIII Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Onuma, Japan, P. 111.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1996, Multi-dimensional data inversion in models with conductivity approximated by continuous "finite functions": XIII Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Onuma, Japan. P. 102.

Golubev, N G; Sokolova, E Yu; Varentsov, I M; Vanian, L L;Zhdanov, M S., 1996, Geomagnetic data as the reliable source of information about the deep geoelectric structures (experiment EMSLAB, new interpretation approach). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol.77, no.46, Suppl., pp.156, 12 Nov 1996

McNeice G.W., Golubev N.G., Matzander U., 1995, Application of CSAMT/MT to hydrocarbon exploration in Northern Germany: 57th Conference of European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (Extended Abstracts). Edinbourgh, U.K., paper P106.

Golubev N.G., Krylov V.A., Varentsov Iv.V., Zhdanov M.S., 1995, Comparison of 3D modelling results (COMMEMI-2 project): International Symposium on 3D Electromagnetics (Abstracts). Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA. Slumberger-Doll Research. P. 201-202

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1995, Inversion of array MT data in thin sheet models with finite-function approximation of conductivity distribution: International Symposium on 3D Electromagnetics (Abstracts). Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA. Slumberger-Doll Research. P. 371-372

Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., Zhdanov M.S., 1995, New look at the deep conductivity structure in the EMSLAB experiment through the analysis of simultaneous geomagnetic data: AGU Fall Meeting (Abstracts). AGU, Washington, D.C., USA. P. 168.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., Zhdanov M.S., 1995, Array MT inversion in models with finite function approximation of anomalous conductivity distribution: AGU 1995 Fall Meeting (Abstracts). AGU, Washington, D.C., USA. P. 168.

Sokolova, E Yu; Golubev, N G; Gordienko, V V (Gordiyenko, V V); Varentsov, I M, 1995, Lateral conductivity inhomogeneities of the asthenosphere layer in the EMSLAB experiment, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, vol.21, Week B, pp.90, 1995

Golubev N.G., Krylov V.A., Varentsov Iv.M., Zhdanov M.S., 1994, COMMEMI-2: further comparison of 3D modelling results: XIIth Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Brest, France, P. 90.

Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., 1994, Resolution of deep conductivity structure along the Linkoln line in the EMSLAB project: XII Workshop on EM induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Brest, France. P. 73.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1994, MT data inversion: stable optimization and interactive graphics: XII Workshop on electromagnetic induction in the Earth (Abstracts). Brest, France. P. 80.

Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., Zhdanov M.S., 1994, Deep conductivity structure resolution in the EMSLAB experiment: AGU Fall Meeting (Abstracts). AGU, Washington, D.C., USA. P. 201.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1994, Deep 2D geoelectric sections across Balcans in Bulgaria: EGS General Assembly (Abstracts). Annales Geophysicae, N7 (Suppl.). P. 336.

Varentsov Iv. M., Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., 1994, Arguments for the existing of inhomogeneous asthenosperic layer below the Lincoln-line profile in the EMSLAB experiment: EGS General Assembly (Abstracts). Annales Geophysicae, N7 (Suppl.). P. 341.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1993, Algorithms of robust inversion of magnetotelluric sounding data for 2D geoelectric structures: EGS General Assembly (Abstracts). Annales Geophysicae. Suppl. to V11, Part I. P. C48.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Baglaenko N.V., Sokolova E.Yu., 1993, Practical inversion of magnetotelluric data caused by lithospheric conductivity inhomogeneities: EGS General Assembly (Abstracts). Annales Geophysicae. Suppl. to V11, Part I. P. C52.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1990, Robust nonlinear MT data inversion code in 1D and 2D conducting media with discrete parametrization: Xth Workshop on electromagnetic induction in the Earth and Moon (Abstracts). Ensenada, Mexico, P. 2.5.

Golubev, N G; Varentsov, I M, 1989, Inverse problems in geoelectricity and their comparative possibility, Proceedings of the 6th scientific assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, IAGA Bulletin, vol.53, pp.153, 1989.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M., 1988, Solution of inverse problems in geoelectrics by newtonian minimization of Tikhonov's regularization functionals: 9th Workshop on electromagnetic induction in the Earth. Dagomys, USSR. P. 2-18.

Zhdanov, M S; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Krylov, V A, 1988, Final report on the COMMEMI Project: 9th Workshop on electromagnetic induction in the Earth. Dagomys, USSR. P.29.

Zhdanov, M S; Abramova, L M; Golubev, N G; Sanin, S I; Shneyer, V S; Varentsov, I M; Martanus, E R; Sokolova, E J; Dachev, H; Gavrilov, R; Velev, A, 1987, Electromagnetic investigations along geotraverses in Bulgaria, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, vol.19, Vol. 2, pp.450, 1987

Abramova, L M; Golubev, N G; Sokolova, E J; Varentsov, I M, 1987, Coastal and shelf EM soundings in the Black Sea region, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, vol.19, Vol. 2, pp.454, 1987

Golubev, N G; Varentsov, I M, 1987, Newtonian optimization of 1D and 2D geoelectric models, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, vol.19, Vol. 2, pp.454, 1987

Zhdanov, M S; Varentsov, I M; Golubev, N G; Krylov, V A, 1987, Progress report IV on the Commemi Project, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, vol.19, Vol. 2, pp.464, 1987

Reports in the Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion Annual Proceedings

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 2003, 3-D Magnetotelluric Inversion Over Complex Geological Structures, Proceedings of 2003 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 337-366.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., Cole C., 2003, Reconstruction of the Bedrock Surface from the Gravity Data Using the Correlation Method. Proceedings of 2003 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 3-18.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., Czornobay B., 2002, Three-dimensional inversion of the array magnetotelluric data based on quasi-analytical approximation: Proceedings of 2002 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 481-528.

Zhdanov M.S., Golubev N.G., Pavlov D.A., Cole C., 2001, The correlation method of gravity data separation and interpretation: Proceedings of 2001 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 239-260.

Golubev N.G., Hursan G., Zhdanov M.S., 2001, Three-dimensional interpretation of magnetotelluric data: Proceedings of 2001 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 635-666.

Varentsov I.M., Fomenko E.Y., Golubev N.G., Mehanee S., Hursan G., Zhdanov M.S., 2000, Comparative study of 3-d finite-difference and integral equation: Proceedings of 2000 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 35-74.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S., 2000, Three-dimensional interpretation of magnetotelluric data collected for mineral exploration in Voisey’s Bay, Labrador, Canada: Proceedings of 2000 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 559-594.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S. 1999, Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data collected for hydrocarbon exploration in the overthrust area in Japan: Proceedings of 1999 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 535-594.

Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S. 1998, Comparative Study of Land and Sea Bottom

Geoelectric Anomalies. Proceedings of 1998 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 175-217.

Mehanee, S., Golubev N.G., Zhdanov M.S. 1998, Improved Regularized Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data Proceedings of 1998 Annual Meeting Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion. P. 359-399.