Judges 20
Proverbs 28:13
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
I COR. 10:31
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20: 1-7
Examine –
- Remember all of Israel is gathering because of what happened in chapter 19. Reread 19:29-30
- Who came together?
- Where did they meet?
- How many chief fighting men were there?
- Who heard about the meeting?
- Who recounted the story for them?
- Where did the situation take place?
- What in essence had they done?
- Who cut her up?
- What two words does he use to describe their sin?
- What were the people now to do?
Sin always affects everyone. An entire nation is now called to act because of a handful of people.
Who does your sin usually affect?
Do you really know all the people your sin affects?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20:8-17
Examine –
- Were they unified on this matter?
- What % were they going to take of the men?
- What were these men going to do?
- To whom did they send a message?
- What did they want?
- What was Benjamin’s answer?
- How many men did Benjamin have?
- 700 of them had a special gift, what was it?
- How many men did Israel have?
- What were all of these?
The middle of verse 13 tells us Israel’s motivation for doing this, what is it?
How do you show this attitude in your own life?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20:18-25
Examine –
- What did Israel now do?
Note: It appears that Israel has a right attitude and approach to this.
- Who was to go first into battle?
- When did the battle start?
- Where was the battle?
- Who won the first day?
- How many Israelites were killed?
- What did Israel do among themselves?
- How did they fight the 2nd day?
- What did Israel do before God till even?
- Did God want them to continue to fight?
- How many did they kill the 2nd day?
Israel was in the right and God wanted them to fight but some still died. You may be in the center of God’s will and still have difficulty and pain. You still must do right. Many times we say something like, “Well I lost my temper because I am tired or sick”. There is no excuse for not obeying God. When are you tempted to make excuses for your sin? Give some examples.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20: 26-35
Examine –
- Where did they go when they were in trouble?
- What two things did they do before God?
- What two things did they offer God?
- What was with Israel in those days?
- Who was priest?
- What did God tell them would happen the 3rd day?
- Did they change their battle plan?
- What changed?
- What did Israel make Benjamin think?
- How many Israelites died?
- After Benjamin was drawn from the city, what did the ambush do?
- How many chosen men went against Gibeah?
- How many men did Israel kill of Benjamin?
- How many are left (verse 15)?
Good finally prevails. It always will. Which side are you on? It would be kind of foolish to knowingly pick the losing team, wouldn’t it?
What can you do to switch to or stayon the winning side?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20:36-42
Examine –
- What did Benjamin realize?
- What did the “liers in wait” conquer?
- What did they do to the city? (verses 37 and 40)
- What was the sign between the two groups?
- When did Benjamin realize they were in trouble?
- What came on the Benjamites?
- Where did they flee?
- What overtook them?
- Where did they destroy them?
It is important to communicate no matter what you are doing. Are you a good communicator?
What are some ways we communicate?
What are some ways you can better the communication lines between the following:
You parents:
Your brothers and sisters:
Your teachers:
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Judges 20: 43-48
Examine –
- What did they do to Benjamin?
- Gibeah was located in what direction (north, south, east or west)?
- How many men died in the initial battle?
- What was the description of these men?
- To what rock did they flee?
- How many were killed in the roads?
- Where were 2000 more killed?
- How many men went to the rock?
- How long were they there?
- What did they do to all the cities?
Sin always costs! We never know the cost up front. It is always higher that you want to pay but by that time it is too late. Have you begun to pay?
You can keep from paying more later by making the right choices now. What choices do you need to make this week?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Proverbs 28:13
Read – Review
Examine –
- In a nutshell, what is this war all about?
- Who is against whom?
- What are the numbers on each side?
- How many die on both sides?
- Who wins day 1 and 2?
- Who wins day 3?
- What did they do to win day 3?
- What was the sign to turn the battle?
- What did they do to all the cities?
- How could all this have been avoided?
How have you been willing to cover for other people’s sins?
What are you willing to pay?