AUGUST 15TH, 2017
The August 15th, 2017 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting was convened pursuant to law at the hour of 6:00 p.m., courtroom, courthouse, McLeansboro, Illinois.
Vice-Chairman, PE Cross, asked everyone in attendance to join in the Pledge to the Flag.
On roll call, the following members were noted as being present which represented a quorum:
John Chapman Here
PE Cross Here
Willie Grubb Here
Chad May Here
Brad Miller Absent
4 Here 1 Absent
Vice-Chairman Cross acknowledged guest, Jeff Fetcho, Superintendent of Hamilton County Unit #10 Schools. Mr. Fetcho thanked the board for allowing him to speak and noted that Board President, Dennis “Doc” Lynch and Board Treasurer, Tim Millenbine were with him as well. Mr. Fetcho explained to the board the need to move up the tax cycle in Hamilton County due to the fact that the State of Illinois is not issuing school funding in timely fashion. Fetcho explained that it was in no way the fault of the county, but with taxes being collected in November and December, it puts the school district in jeopardy of not having enough funding to operate past September without barrowing money. Fetcho noted that he would prefer property tax distribution in August as a way of insuring enough funding to operate when school begins each year. Mr. Fetcho just wanted to make the county board aware of the school funding issues and ask for consideration of property taxes to be collected somewhat sooner. Board member, Chad May noted that changing the due dates for tax bills is in the hands of the Assessor, County Clerk and Treasurer, as those 3 elected officials deal with the tax cycle and the board can only make recommendation to the office holders. The board thanked Mr. Fetcho for providing information on the needs of the school district.
Old Business:
Bruce DeLashmit, representative of Bellwether LLC, presented a draft of By Laws that have been prepared to benefit Hamilton County, Illinois. Bruce noted that one main purpose of By Laws would be to allow the County Board the authority to amend the county’s budget if there was a need to do so. Bruce explained that “Robert’s Rule of Order” is typically the order used in conducting meetings. The board agreed that By Laws were needed for Hamilton County.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to approve the Hamilton County Illinois By-Laws as submitted.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad May Yes
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
New Business:
Vice-Chairman Cross introduced Mr. Jerry Prince, representative of the McLeansboro Kiwanis. Mr. Prince thanked the board for allowing him to address the board and wanted to make them aware that the McLeansboro Fall Festival is just a few weeks away. Jerry expressed his gratitude for the county board joining the Illinois South Tourism Bureau a few years ago. With the help of the Tourism Bureau with advertising and a “Feature Story” in the Tourism Times publication, the McLeansboro Fall Festival could very well bring the largest crowd that McLeansboro has ever seen. The board members were presented with a copy of the publication. Jerry noted that a couple of new features were added to the event list this year that is expected to draw large crowds. On behalf of the McLeansboro Kiwanis, Jerry was asking the County Board to once again consider their annual sponsorship of $250.00.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to contribute $250.00 to the McLeansboro Kiwanis with funding coming out of #1123 Miscellaneous.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Abstain
PE Cross Yes
Bard Miller Absent
3 Yes 1 Absent 1 Abstain
Motion Carried
On further discussion of the Illinois South Tourism Bureau board, Vice-Chairman Cross, noted that Hamilton County is allowed 2 representatives on this board and we currently only have one ( Mary Anne Hopfinger). It was recommended to add Mr. Prince to the Illinois South Tourism Bureau board to represent Hamilton County
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by Chad May to approve the appointment of Jerry Prince to serve as a representative of Hamilton County, IL on the Illinois South Tourism Bureau Board. Motion carried by acclamation.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the annual renewal of membership to the Illinois South Tourism Bureau in the amount of $225.00 to be paid out of #1123 Miscellaneous.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
On discussion of “Board of Review” it was noted that Supervisor of Assessments, Mark Becker is reviewing this situation.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to table “Board of Review” appointments at this time. Motion carried by acclamation.
ESTB board member, Nathan Taylor reported that Chairman Dorothy Smith had a death in the family and could not attend tonight’s meeting. He was asked him to give a report.
Nathan noted that funding is starting to come in on a regular basis. The installation of 911 signage is now complete, but some signage that has been knocked down are still in the process of being re-installed.
EMA Director, Nathan Taylor, reported that the courthouse took a hit by lightning around the middle of August. It caused in excess of $20,000.00 in damages. Most of the damages were in the sheriff’s department as it knocked out all communications for a short time. Nathan recommended that the board look into getting extra grounding protection for the courthouse due to all the new 911 equipment.
Nathan also noted that Hamilton County had 99.7 totality with the August 21st, 2017 Eclipse.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to accept check# 035971 from the City of McLeansboro in the amount of $2,092.59 ($2,083.34 for the City/ County monthly fee for dispatching agreement and $9.25 for reimbursement of cost sharing for “Prevailing Wage Publication” fees,)
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the request from Dr. Lawrence Fillingim, Regional Superintendent of Schools, District #20 in the amount of $2,947.79 for the 1st quarter FY 18 (July, August and September 2017).
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
A copy of the1% School Facilities Tax report was reviewed by the board.
Motion by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to accept check # 14941 in the amount of $400.00 from United Counties Council of Illinois for reimbursement for attendance of (1) UCCI membership meeting held in the second quarter of 2017. Motion carried by acclamation.
Hamilton County Coal, LLC submitted the monthly Royalty Summary Report.
A) Check # 1000004967 in the amount of $54,986.51 was received on July 24th, 2017
B) Expected Revenue for July 2017 is $171,725.75
@ 6:57 p.m.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to go into Executive Session according to 5ILCS 120/2 (c) (7) Contract Performance and to allow representatives from Bellwether LLC to attend Executive Session.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
@7:08 p.m.
Returned to regular session.
Bruce DeLashmit presented and explained the Professional Services RFP for external auditors. Bruce noted that it is customary that the Treasurer coordinate the bid process. He suggested releasing the RFP as soon as possible with the closing date of October 2nd, 2017. Bruce indicated that the term of this agreement is a (4) year term.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to approve the request proposal for auditing services as prepared by Bellwether LLC.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad May Yes
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to approve Ordinance #05-2017
RE: The authority to amend the FY 2017 Budget and approve the amendments as presented:
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
MOTION by Chad May seconded by Willie Grubb to accept checks for the Hamilton County Health Department for the month of July 2017. Salaries: $8,228.32 Fringes: $1,163.98 Unemployment: $13.29 and Insurance : $840.95. Motion carried by acclamation.
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by John Chapman to approve the Claims List and Late Claims with signatures of approval. Motion approved.
Correspondence received:
Thank you from Wheeler family for expression of sympathy for the Loss of Gary Wheeler. Cody Wheeler’s father and Wade Wheeler’s brother
Thank you from Hamilton County Relay of Life for county’s sponsorship and support of the FY17 Hamilton County Relay of Life
Thank you from Kevin Pyle manager of Hamilton County Communications for past patronage of Futiva
@7:42 p.m.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to go into Executive Session according to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(3) Official Performance and 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21) Review Executive Session minutes:
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Chad May Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
@7:28 p.m.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to return to regular session.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to rescind the Motion to go into Executive Session according to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(3) Official Performance.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John Chapman Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad May Yes
PE Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
@7:35 p.m.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by Willie Grubb to go into Executive Session according to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21) to review Executive Session minutes.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad May Yes
Willie Grubb Yes
John Chapman Yes
P E Cross Yes
Brad Miller Absent
4 Yes 1 Absent
Motion Carried
@ 7:46 p.m.
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by John Chapman to return to regular session. Motion carried by acclamation.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to keep Executive Session minutes from October 18th, 2016, October 31st, 2016 and February 28th, 2017 closed.
Motion carried by acclamation.
There was no Highway Business to discuss.
Public Comment:
Board member, Willie Grubb had discussed the installation of the GPS systems with Hamilton County Sheriff, Robert Crow. Willie noted that the Sheriff intends to allow
D K York to install the GPS systems instead of Auto Trim out of Harrisburg. The board showed some concern but wanted to the systems installed. It was noted that the system has been installed in the sheriff’s vehicle and Tracy Lakin’s. ( These are the 2 newest vehicles in the sheriff’s department).It was discussed holding off with installation in Jason Stewart’s and Kaitlyn Stout-Wilson’s vehicles’ due to the possible replacement of these two vehicles.
@7:56 p.m.
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by John Chapman to adjourn. Motion carried by acclamation.