Guidance Office Bulletin
Week of Nov. 2 - 6
TEST DATESRegistration DeadlineLate DeadlinePhoto Deadline
Dec. 12Nov. 6Nov. 7 – 20Dec. 4
Feb. 6Jan. 8 Jan. 9 – 15Jan. 29
Apr. 9 Mar. 4Mar. 5 – 18Apr. 1
Jun. 11May 6May 7 – 20Jun. 3
Hannibal LaGrange University will be here Nov. 5
Truman State University will be here Nov. 10
Grand River Technical School will hold their 14th Annual Career Fair on November 17. Registration begins at 8:30 am with tours starting at 9 am. Tour two programs of your choice. Demonstrations, speakers, financial aid info, college credit options and prizes. You could win a $500 scholarship. Please RSVP to 660-646-3414 by Monday, November 16. For more information contact Marla Harrington or Debby Peery at Grand River Technical School at 660-646-3414
SCHOLARSHIP/AWARD OPPORTUNITIES is a website that is considered the authority on colleges/university scholarships. They take pride in having the most comprehensive free and up to date information available online. Create your free student profile and get your matches out of over 250,000 scholarships. Scholarships are listed by sate.
Washington University in St. Louis is seeking nominations for the William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth Scholars Program. Candidates should exhibit a capacity for service and leadership, as well as academic excellence, and who will embrace the challenges of a rigorous academic curriculum. If you are you contemplating applying for Washington University and would like to be considered for nomination stop by the Guidance office for more details. Deadline is Jan. 15.
NASSP 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award – students who have participated in community service activities over the past year are encouraged to fill out an online application and student/parent agreement for this award. This is a National Scholarship and the deadline is Nov. 3. For more details log on to or Brochures are also available in the guidance office.
Missouri Farm Bureau – FFA Public Speaking Contest is under way. The purpose for this contest is to dhow the need for farmers to be organized, o get a better understanding of Farm Bureau and to develop capable agricultural leadership by providing the opportunity to improve the public speaking ability of FFA members. If you are interested in this contest stop by the Guidance office or talk to Mr. Frankenbach or Mrs. Brandt. Contest will be held in November.
The Hagan Scholarship is intended for high achieving students who will require financial assistance in order to attend college. Each scholarship is worth up to $40,000 over four years. Recipient responsibilities are: must maintain a four year graduation schedule, must achieve a 3.00 GPA each semester, must meet all eligibility criteria, and must attend the free summer workshop in July of each year. For a complete set of rules and application information, stop by the Guidance office or visit the website at Deadline is November 15
Show-Me Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society offers a Chapter scholarship of $2000 for a high school senior planning to major in conservation or a natural resourced-related field. Information can be found at Applications must be submitted by November 30
The Conservation Foundation Scholarship of $1000 is available for seniors who plan to study in a different natural resource area. (There will be 5 of these awarded.) Preference will be given to those demonstrating financial need. Applications must be submitted by December 31. Information can be found at the same website.
Elks National Foundation sponsors the “Most Valuable Student” scholarships. The Elks Foundation wants to help students who need financial assistance to fulfill their dreams of attending college. Most Valuable Student scholars are outstanding students who are at or near the top of their classes, active in their school and communities, and recognized as leaders by their peers. Applications are available online, visit Deadline to submit applications is on or before Dec. 4. Brochures are available in the Guidance office.
National Wood Flooring Association Education and Research Foundation Wood Studies Scholarship is designed to promote the post-secondary study of forestry and related fostry science. Trees are a natural resource providing the raw materials that support the livelihood of those employed in the forestry industry, including members of the NWFA> This nonrenewable scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded to a senior who will be studying forestry in an effort to advance and improve forestry practices for generations to come. Requirements: GPA of 3.0 or higher, ACT score of 25 or higher, future study at a four-year college/university in the field of forestry, environmental science, or natural resources. Deadline is Feb. 1 and applications can be found in the guidance office.
Missouri University of Science and Technology has listed their Open House and Miner Day visit times. Stop by the Guidance office for a copy.
The 2016 edition of U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges is in the Guidance office. This magazine is full of tips for choosing the right college for you, rankings of colleges, tips for applying and finding financial aid. Stop in and check it out.
The Guidance office also has The Best of Co-op: a Guide to the Leading Colleges and Employers publication. Corresponding with this is the National Co-op Scholarship program brochure and application. The Best of Co-op Guide has been rated as the most informative source about college level co-op programs and can be found online at Also, you can find them on Facebook (WACEINC) and Twitter (WACE_INC). This year 175 merit scholarships will be awarded to students who are admitted to one of the ten institutions listed in the scholarship brochure.
The Common Application instructions can be found at Students should visit the website to more fully explore the now over 600 diverse institutions in the Common App membership. The Guidance office has a brochure listing updates and highlights.
Truman State University’s Summer Talent Academy for Professions in Health (STAPH) and the Zombie Scholars Academy: A Problem-Based Exploration of Science, Literature and Leadership (ZSA) is looking for students who are bright and enthusiastic young learners. Each program is one-week long during the summer. STAPH: students completing the 10th and 11th grade who currently have a 3.25 GPA and a 3.5 GPA in basic science courses are eligible for nomination. ZSA is a unique academic program that takes the unprecedented interest young people have in the fiction of a “zombie apocalypse” and turns that creative energy into a vehicle for learning about some of society’s most pressing needs. There is no minimum GPA. If you are interested in being nominated for one or more of these programs stop by the Guidance office.
Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center has listed their upcoming Medical Explorations in Science and Anatomy Dissections. “Journey of the GI System” will be held October 20 and “Follow Your Heart” will be held November 12. Both will be held in Kirksville. Visit the website for full information.
Enrollment/registration is now open for students that would like to take Dual Credit classes online through Missouri Valley College for the spring 2016 term. The spring term at MVC begins on Tuesday January 12 and will meet for 16 weeks. MVC will be flexible to work with students that are interested in enrolling students through the last day to add a class which is Jan. 19. A list of online courses available are in the Guidance Office as well as a registration form. Cost is $80 per credit hour.
University of Missouri School of Music staff have developed an assortment of programs that will aid in the development of young composers’ diverse talents and provide opportunities necessary for training performers who specialize in new music. Competition is statewide, recognizes students K – 12 who compose original works. Two highly competitive full-tuition scholarships are awarded each year. If you are interested please contact Ryan Wall, at or call 1-573-822-4471. Check out the flyers on the Guidance bulletin board and in the Guidance office.