Coolwater Complex
September16, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
Total Complex Fire Size: 3,118 acres, 4% containment
  • Andy’s Hump 1,664 acres
  • Old Man 1,352 acres
  • Glover 102 acres
Events:Several fire information boards will continue to be updated daily in the community of Lowell and surrounding areas. However, boards along Hwy. 12, east of Lowell will no longer be updated on a daily basis.
Closures: Some closures have been lifted and more are expected in the coming week. For a complete listing of Forest closures, please visit the forest’s website or call the District Office in your area before heading out.
Advisories:Stage 1 fire restrictions are in effect in the Grangeville Fire Restrictions Area. The restrictions do not include wilderness areas. Information on fire restrictions across the state is located at
For today’s air quality, visit the Idaho Department of Environmental Air Quality at
The temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) over the fires is in effect. This restriction applies to drones as well.
Weather:Temperatures will be slightly warmer and drier today with a high of 70 in the valley and near 60 on the ridges. Light winds are expected out of the SW this afternoon.
Fire Behavior:Minimal fire behavior expected today due to the increased relative humidity.
133Firefighters:8engines, 2dozers, 6 water tenders, 3 skidders, 1 helicopterand various overhead personnel.
Location: Approximately 3 miles east of Lowell, Idaho on the north and south sides of Coolwater Ridge.
Started: Old Man Fire 8/27/17
Glover Fire 8/28/17
Andy’s Hump Fire 8/30/17
Coolwater Complex established on 9/7/17
Management:Eastern Area Incident Management Team
Cooperators: Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests (Moose Creek & Lochsa/Powell Ranger Districts), Idaho Department of Lands, Idaho County Sheriff, Idaho County Office of Emergency Management, town of Kooskia and various local fire departments. / Summary:
The three fires in the Coolwater Complex received light precipitation on Friday. Fire activity remained docile due to the increased humidity and cooler temperatures. Warmer and drier weather is forecast for today.
Firefighting crews worked to fortify structure protection lines around Lowell and along the Selway River corridor. Fuels reduction and salvaging operations continue with timber being removed from the fire line and hauled toa staging site.
Be advised there will be an increased amount of heavy equipment on the roads around Lowell today.
Andy’s Hump Fire:
The fire has had only mild activity for the last few days due to increased humidity and light rain. The majority of the active burning is currently on the ground. Crews continued to improve fire line around the community of Lowell by installing hose lays and using heavy equipment to cut and remove heavy slash and timber to enhance pre-established fire lines. Additional work is being done to strategize for structure protection along the Selway River corridor to include USFS properties.
Glover Fire:
Minimal fire activity and growth occurred thanks to the mild weather and light precipitation. This fire continues to be in monitor status.
Old Man Fire:
This fire received some moisture which helped slow growth. It continues to be most active in the northeast and northwest parts, with mostly backing down ridgetops with short uphill runs. This fire continues in monitor status.
The Eastern Area Incident Management Team (EA IMT) took over the Coolwater Complex Fires on September 9th at 6 pm. The Complex includes Andy’s Hump, Glover and the Old Man fires.The EA IMT is in the process of returning management of these fires over to the Forest Service.
The main objectives remain: safety of firefighters and public, protection of private property, the historic Fenn Ranger Station and other identified values at risk, maintaining positive relationships with the public and cooperators as well as the consideration of key resources in the area including cultural, Wild and Scenic Rivers, Inventoried Roadless and Wilderness and high value fisheries.
Incident Information:
Facebook: search,“Coolwater Complex 2017”
Fire Information: or208-926-4258