WECC Criterion

PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2 Underfrequency Load SheddingPage 11 of 113


  1. Title: Underfrequency Load Shedding
  2. Number:PRC-006-WECC-CRT-23
  3. Purpose:To document the WECC Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan (Coordinated Plan), or its successor,and to assure consistent and coordinated requirements for the Coordinated Plan among all WECC applicable entities.
  4. Applicability:

4.1.Functional Entities:

4.1.1.Balancing Authority

4.1.2.Underfrequency load shedding entitiesLoad Shedding (UFLS) Entities) shall mean all entities that are responsible for the ownership, operation, or control of UFLS equipment as required by the Coordinated Plan. Such entities may include one or more of the following: Owner Provider

4.1.3.Generator Owner

4.1.4.Transmission Operator

4.1.5.Reliability Assurer

  1. Effective Date:March 9, 2016First day of the quarter following WECC Board of Director approval.

B.Requirements and Measures

WR1.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall designate the WECC Underfrequency Load Shedding Review Group (Review Group) or its successor, as the WECC group that reviews the Coordinated Plan every other year.

WM1.The Reliability Assurer shall have and produce upon request, evidence that it designated the WECC Underfrequency Load Shedding Review Group (Review Group) or its successor as the group that reviews the Coordinated Plan every other year, in accordance with WR1. Evidence shall include the minutes from the Joint Guidance Committee, or its successor, indicating the designation.

WR1WR2.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall verify the Coordinated Plan contains the comprehensive data and information necessary to comply with NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-2, Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding.

WM2.The Reliability Assurer shall have and provide upon request, evidence verifying the Coordinated Plan contains the comprehensive data and information necessary to comply with NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-2, Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding, in accordance with WR2. Evidence may include, but is not limited to, production of the database containing the data as required in PRC-006-2.

WR3.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall instruct the Review Group to conduct simulations of the Coordinated Plan (Attachment A) by November 1 of every other year, to ensure the Coordinated Plan meets all the requirements of NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-2.

WM3.The Reliability Assurer shall have and provide upon request, evidence that it instructed the Review Group to conduct simulations of the Coordinated Plan (Attachment A) by November 1 of every other year, to ensure the Coordinated Plan meets all the requirements of NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-2, in accordance with WR3. Evidence may include, but is not limited to: 1) documentation that the Reliability Assurer made the required instruction, or, 2) Review Group reports or other documentation showing the simulations were conducted in accordance with Requirement WR3.

WR4.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall verify that the Review Group conducts a review of the Coordinated Plan (Attachment A) for completion no later than November 1 of every other year, to determine whether changes are necessary to the Coordinated Plan.

WM4.The Reliability Assurer shall have and provide upon request, evidence that the Review Group conducted a review of the Coordinated Plan (Attachment A) for completion no later than November 1 of every other year, to determine whether changes are necessary to the Coordinated Plan, in accordance with WR4. Evidence may include, but is not limited to: 1) documentation that the Reliability Assurer verified that the Review Group completed the required review, or 2) reports or other documentation produced by the Review Group indicating the reviews were done in accordance with Requirement WR4.

WR5.Each Balancing Authorityshall annually allocateits Balancing Authority Area’s Peak Demand toitsrespectiveTransmission Operator(s) baseduponon its previous year’s actual Balancing Authority Area’s Peak Demand, byJune 1.

WM5WM1.Each Balancing Authorityshallwill have and provide upon request, evidence thatit annually allocateditsBalancing Authority Area’s Peak Demandtoits respective Transmission Operator(s) basedupononits previous year’s actual Balancing Authority Area’s Peak Demand, byJune 1,in accordance with WR5. Evidence may include, but is not limited to: a written document illustrating that it has supplied the information to its respective Transmission Operator(s).WR1.

WR6.Each Transmission Operator shall identify to the Review Group and to its UFLS Entities, each sub-area Coordinated Plan of the Coordinated Plan it has adopted.

WM6.Each Transmission Operator shall have and provide upon request, evidence that it identified to the Review Group and to its UFLS Entities, each sub-area Coordinated Plan of the Coordinated Plan it has adopted, in accordance with WR6. Evidenceshallmayinclude, but is notlimitedto, a written document illustrating that the Balancing Authority has supplied the information to its respective Transmission Operator(s).

WR2.: documentation indicating which sub-area Coordinated Plan(s) of the Coordinated Plan it has adopted, and that the identified Each Transmission Operator shall report to the WECC UFLS Group (Review Group), or its successor, and to each UFLS Entity connected to its facilities, the sub-areaCoordinatedPlan(s)it has adopted.[1]

WM2.were communicatedEach Transmission Operator will have evidence that it reported totheReview Groupor its successor anditsto eachUFLSEntities. This documented evidence may be in Entity connected to its facilities, each of theform of a copy of documentation provided to the Review Group and the UFLS Entities indicating the sub-areaCoordinatedPlan(s)it adopted, in accordance with WR3.

WR7Evidence may include, but is not limited to, documentation indicating communication of the adoption to the parties designated in WR2.

WR3.Each TransmissionOperator shallcoordinatewith each UFLS Entity connected to its facilities the implementation of each adoptedsub-areaCoordinated Plan contained in the Coordinated Plan with each of its UFLS Entities..

WM7WM3.Each Transmission Operator shallwill haveand provide upon request, evidence thatitcoordinatedwith each UFLS Entity connected to its facilities, the implementation of each adoptedsub-areaCoordinatedPlan contained , as required inthe Coordinated Plan with each of its UFLS Entities, in accordance with WR7. WR3.

Evidence may include, butis notlimited to evidence of, documentation illustrating how the adopted sub-area CoordinatedPlan of the Coordinated Plan is implemented among the Transmission Operator and theUFLS Entities.

WR8WR4.Each UFLSEntityor its designated agent shall coordinate and provide documentation of its responsibilities in meeting the Coordinated Planshall communicate to the Review Group. Documentation shall include:

8.1.A listing of its responsibilities as required , the identity of its designated agent (if any), responsible for all data submissions and simulations that are required from the UFLS Entity under the Coordinated Plan.[2]

8.2.A designation of the agent responsible for all data submission to demonstrate compliance with the Coordinated Plan.

WM8WM4.Each UFLSUSLS Entityor its designated agent shallwill haveand provide upon request, evidence thatit coordinated and provided documentation of its responsibilities in meeting the Coordinated Plancommunicated to theReview Group, in accordance with the criteria set forth in WR8. Evidence may include, but is not limited to a copy of the required documentation and the identity of its designated agent (if any), to which the tasks of WR4 have been delegated.

If an agent has been designated, evidencethat it was providedwill include written documentation wherein the assignee and the assignor agree to the agency designation,to theReview Groupdelegation of and authority to perform the tasks specified in WR4.

WR9If the UFLS opts not to designate an agent, attestation to that choice is sufficient evidence.

WR5.Each UFLS Entity shall provide to the Review Group a written report describing:

5.1.The UFLS entity’s responsibilities under the Coordinated Plan;

5.2.How the UFLS Entity meets those responsibilities; and,

5.3.Coordinated activities undertaken with other entities to meet the UFLS Entity’s responsibilities under Coordinated Plan.[3]

WM5.Each UFLS Entity will have evidence that it provided to the Review Group a written report describing the content required in WR5.

WR6.or its designated agentEach UFLS Entity shall compile their respectiveits Coordinated Plan data and dynamics file in the WECC-defined format, as listed in the Coordinated Plan – Data Submittals Requirements (see Attachment BA of this document), for its entire load and annually, by July 1, submit Attachment BA to the Review Group and to the UFLS Entity’s respective Transmission Operator.

WM9WM6.Each UFLS Entityor its designated agent shallwill have and provide upon request, evidence thatit compileditsrespectiveCoordinated Plan data and dynamics filemeeting thecriteria establishin WR9. WR6.

Evidencemayinclude, butis notlimited to,reports or other documentation demonstrating thatit hascomplied withWR9WR6.

WR10.WR7. Each UFLS Entity or its designated agent shall implement the Coordinated Plan as documented by the Transmission Operator(s) in WR7WR3.

WM10.WM7. Each UFLS Entityor its designated agent shallwillhave and provide upon request, evidence thatit implemented theCoordinatedPlan as documented by the TransmissionOperator(s)inWR7WR3,in accordance withWR7.

Evidence may include, but is not limited to, production of reports or other documentation demonstrating that it has complied with WR7.

WR8.Each Generator Owner shall implement the Coordinated Plan.

WR10. WM8.Each Generator Owner will have evidence that it implemented the Coordinated Plan.

Evidence mayinclude, butis notlimited to, production ofreports or other documentation demonstrating thatit has complied withWR10WR8.

WR11WR9.Each Generator Owner shall implement the Coordinated Plan.

WM11.Each Generator Owner shall have and produce upon request, evidence that it implemented the Coordinated Plan. Evidence may include, but is not limited to production of reports or other documentation demonstrating that it has complied with WR11.

WR12.Each Generator Owner shall annuallycompile andsubmit totheReview Group, no later thanJune 1,theirrespectiveCoordinatedPlan data and dynamics filefor its generation,inthe format definedinAttachmentBA of this document.

WM12.WM9. Each Generator Owner shallwill have and provide upon request,evidence thatitsubmitteditsrespectiveCoordinated Plan data and dynamics file for its generation,inthe format defined in AttachmentBA ofthis document, to theReview Group, meeting thecriteriasetforthinWR12. WR9.

Evidence mayinclude, butis notlimited to, production ofreports or other documentation demonstrating thatit hascomplied with WR12WR9.

WR13.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall designate the Review Group to coordinate and perform all post-event analyses associated with the Coordinated Plan.

WM13.The Reliability Assurer shall have and provide upon request, evidence that it designated the Review Group to coordinate and perform all post-event analyses associated with the Coordinated Plan, in accordance with WR13. Evidence may include, but is not limited to, 1) documentation that the Reliability Assurer verified that the Review Group completed the post event analyses, or 2) reports or other documentation produced by the Review Group indicating the post event analyses were completed.

WR14.The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall instruct the Review Group, or its successor, to review Attachment B, the Coordinated Plan – Data Submittals Requirements, at least once a year, and make changes as deemed necessary by the Review Group.

WM14.The Reliability Assurer shall have and provide upon request, evidence that it instructed the Review Group, or its successor, to review Attachment B, the Coordinated Plan – Data Submittals Requirements, at least once a year, and make changes as deemed necessary by the Review Group, in accordance with WR14. Evidence may include, but is not limited to any form of correspondence between the Reliability Assurer and the Review Group containing the prescribed instruction.

Version History

Version / Date / Action / Change Tracking
1 / December 6, 2012 / WECC Board of Directors Approved / Developed as WECC-0065. Initial version.
1.1 / January 28, 2016 / Errata / In the title, the word “Criterion” was removed to avoid confusionconfuse as documents are subjectedsubject to categorization change. In WR2, the NERC title was added after the document number and the version updated to Version 2 in accordance with FERC Order 763 / NERC Board of Trustees adoption on November 13, 2014.. In WR7, the term “TOP” was replaced with “Transmission Operator.” In WR9, WR12, WM12 the word “criterion” was replaced with “document” to allow the document to remain current in the event of a categorization change.during re-categorizations without confusion. The links/addresses in Attachments A and B were deleted and a generic location included because the document addresses have changed and remain subject to change. The repeat of Attachment A was deleted from Attachment B. “PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1” was deleted from the header of Attachment B to allow the document to remain current as versions change.“Underfrequency Load Shedding Criterion” was deleted from the Attachment B header to allow the documentavoid confusion as documents are subject to remain current in the event of a categorization change.
2 / March 9., 2016 / WECC Board of Directors Approved / Developed as WECC-0116. Change in periodicity from every year to every other year.
2.13 / April 1, 2016TBA / No ChangeTBA / Converted to new templateDeveloped as WECC-0119C, all references to the Reliability Assurer were removed. Where applicable, sentence structure and standardized wording was used aligning the document to current drafting conventions. The definitions for “WECC Underfrequency Load Shedding Review Group (Review Group)” and “Western Electricity Coordinating Council Off- Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan (Coordinated Plan)” were deleted. These two terms are capitalized because they are proper nouns and do not need a separate definition.


WECC receives data used in its analyses from a wide variety of sources. WECC strives to source its data from reliable entities and undertakes reasonable efforts to validate the accuracy of the data used. WECC believes the data contained herein and used in its analyses is accurate and reliable. However, WECC disclaims any and all representations, guarantees, warranties, and liability for the information contained herein and any use thereof. Persons who use and rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk.


Attachment A

The Western Electricity Coordinating Council “Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan” is located in the WECC online library.

Attachment B

The Attachment BA, Excel reportingReporting Form is posted on the Standards page on the Approved Regional Criterion accordion.

If you identify a broken link please contact Standards () for an updated link.


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The comprehensive Coordinated Plan allows for the adoption of a number of sub-area Coordinated Plans that establish different variable thresholds for items such as load dropped and frequency set-points. Coordinated Plan, Section E. Coordinated Plan Details

As used in WR2, the Underfrequency Load Shedding Review Group (Review Group) is a chartered entity established by the Joint Guidance Committee (JGC). The Review Group is a joint regional group comprised of WECC Balancing Authorities, Planning Coordinators, Transmission Operators, and Transmission Planners created by the WECC Joint Guidance Committee to review and maintain an accurate underfrequency load shedding database and simulation models reflecting the WECC Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan. The Review Group is responsible for conducting simulations of the Coordinated Plan to ensure the Coordinated Plan meets all the requirements of NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006.


WR4 is designed to capture the following concept contained in the Coordinated Plan.

H. Individual and Groups

Any groups of UFLS Entities constituted for purpose of implementing coordinated load shedding in conformance with this Coordinated Plan:

3. Must designate an agent to be responsible for all data submission requirements and simulations to demonstrate compliance.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

155 North 400 West, Suite 200

Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114

[1] The comprehensive Coordinated Plan allows for the adoption of a number of sub-area Coordinated Plans that establish different variable thresholds for items such as load dropped and frequency set-points. Coordinated Plan, Section E. Coordinated Plan Details

[2] Coordinated Plan, Section H. Individuals and Groups

[3] Coordinated Plan, Section H. Individuals and Groups