This policy is founded on the basic needs of pupils, staff and parents for safety, security, and a viable learning environment.

If it is hazardous for any or all of the above groups to come to or remain at school this is sufficient reason to close the school. Hazards may relate to conditions outside the school, e.g. snow, flooding, chemical fire, or conditions within the school environs, e.g. boiler breakdown in winter, water cut off, chemical explosion.

An informed decision is always made by the Chair of College.

With weather related hazards, met office reports, other local schools and parents or staff living at distance are consulted. A decision is taken if possible before the hazard (deep snow) arrives and is conditional on the following factors:

1)Site access: is the main road to school blocked? In 2009 the main road near school was open but approach roads on the hills from Stroud were impassable. This was the case with flooding in 2007.

2)Stroud valleys: most of our children live amongst the hills and valleys of Stroud area. Main roads may be passable but feeder roads could be unusable. Consult with parents, staff who live in outlying areas. We are not a “local” school.

3)The pupil/teacher ratio must be viable. There must be enough staff to supervise pupils who get to school. And it is not viable if the school is open for only a small number of pupils. Little or no learning can take place. It is better to close the school otherwise it is a babysitting operation.

All decisions to close need to be clear and effectively broadcasted. Parents need to know well in advance what the procedure is. The school secretary will liaise with the Communications Manager to communicate with parents at school:

1)In an October Weekly the closure procedures are outlined and this is repeated in January. The procedure is in the Parent’s Handbook.


a)If a decision to close the following day takes place during school hours: children are informed; parents informed in the car park; absent pupils’ families are telephoned; announcement made by the Communications Manager to BBC Radio Gloucestershire, Heart FM, and on the website.

b)If the decision is taken early in the morning then by 6.30 a.m. an announcement of this decision will be communicated by the Communications Manager to BBC Radio Gloucestershire and Heart FM. A message will also be put on the Website.The School Secretary will put a message on the school’s answer phone.

c)If decision is to close the school with immediate effect during the school day, for instance, the intensity of snowfall will prevent pupils from getting home after school, no water, no heating/electricity, order and discipline must be maintained at all times. Before pupils leave the school we must be certain that they are going to a safe and secure place. The Upper School just leaving is not viable. It is the responsibility of the Guardians, Class Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers to know where each pupil is going and how. They must report to the Chair of Collegebefore pupils are allowed to leave. Staff must be fully informed before pupils. TheChair of College sees to this. It is recommended to hold a closure assembly in the Barn once all decisions and process is clear. Announcement, cover, process are clearly outlined to all pupils (not KG) and staff.

Otherwise do not close.


1)Decision to close is well informed, clear and effectively broadcast

2)Pupils safety is paramount

3)Decision always taken by Chair of College

4)A review is conducted, reported to College, and filed

Reviewed January 2017