MCA Reading Prep
Ms. Leuthner
Phone-(763) 497-2192 ext. 83472
100-94 = A 76-73 = C
93-90 = A- 72-70 = C-
89-87 = B+ 69-67 = D+
86-83 = B 66-63 = D
82-80 = B- 62-60 = D-
79-77 = C+ Below 60%= F
Grades will be determined by daily work, participation, homework, quizzes and tests.
Course Content
This class is an in depth review of the skills and concepts needed to pass the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment of Reading. The state of Minnesota has recently placed passing this test as a high school graduation requirement. It is the goal of this course to prepare students to do so. We will focus on building vocabulary and language skills; finding main ideas, passage analysis, and inferential reasoning; identifying author’s argument, audience, purpose, credibility; analyzing literary elements; and becoming familiar with consumer, public and workplace documents. We will do this through full group instruction, small group and individual work focused on areas of importance identified by past test results, independent and group reading as well as frequent tests to check improvement.
Be responsible for your own ideas, words, actions, and belongings. My most important expectation for you is to take ownership of your education. This translates into coming to class with a positive attitude, being ready and willing to learn, believing in yourself and your abilities, working through challenges, and not giving up. This class is meant to help you, but I can’t do that without your agreement and self-motivation. Work hard and show that you are juniors and seniors. Participate in class discussion, persevere, ask questions when you don’t understand, do your own work, and learn from constructive criticism. If you are absent for class but in school at any point on a given day, your work is expected to be handed in and new work picked up. Missing class will result in makeup work for the time and work done in class. I don’t intend to give much, if any, homework, but time in class will need to be made up to get credit for the time and activities missed. You can also check on the day’s activities and assignments by visiting my wiki site: My expectations are high for both you and me. You will only get out of this class what you put into it.
Be respectful of yourself, others, and your surroundings. Allow yourself and those around you to learn and me to teach by keeping your hands and belongings to yourself, listening attentively when others are talking, and being open to new ideas and opinions by not putting yourself or others down. Be empathetic with others. Respect also extends to being on time, not using cell phones in class, and bringing only water into the classroom.
Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. ~Arnold H. Glasow
I look forward to helping you light that fire! ~Ms. Leuthner