Be a Homeowner -- Turning hope into homes
Habitat for Humanity of Prairie Lakes
To find out if you might qualify to own a Habitat for Humanity of Prairie Lakes home, please answer the questions that follow and return the completed form to the address below within one week. Your information will be reviewed, and you will be contacted by a Habitat for Humanity family selection team representative.
Applicant’s legal name (please print)
Co-applicant’s legal name (please print)
Address (street)
(city, state, ZIP) email: ______
Phones: daytime ______evening ______cell ______
If approved, how many people would be living in the house? adult(s) and _____ children
I. Applicant’s gross income from work: $ ______per £ week £ 2 weeks £ month
Disability benefit $______per month / MFIP $______per monthSSI $______per month / Child support $______per month
Other income $______per month
Co-applicant’s gross income from work: $ ______per £ week £ 2 weeks £ month
Disability benefit $______per month / MFIP $______per monthSSI $______per month / Child support $______per month
Other income $______per month
Have you ever filed bankruptcy? £ Yes £ No If “yes,” when was it discharged?
Are there any legal judgments against you? £ Yes £ No If “yes,” total amount: $
II. Describe concerns with your current housing situation.
III. Do you currently rent or own? ______
IV. Are you willing to partner with Habitat for Humanity? £ Yes £ No
V. Are you willing to live in Pope County, Minnesota? £ Yes £ No
Mail this Pre-application form to: For assistance, please call: 320-634-0355
Habitat for Humanity of Prairie Lakes
P. O. Box 122
Glenwood, MN 56334
Habitat for Humanity of Prairie Lakes, a Christian organization,
builds simple, decent and affordable houses through the efforts of partner families, donors, and volunteers.
pre application form – Prairie Lakes.docx