One Voice Committee Meeting Minutes

1st Feb 2011 – Stallingborough Grange Hotel

In Attendance

Justin Atkin (Chairman)

Brian Duke (Community Rep/ Treasurer)

George Bass (Community Rep)

Elaine Norton (Community Rep)

Corinna Duke (Community Rep)

Hazel Bell (Stallingborough Parish Council)

Lisa Gibson (AAG)

Rick Weatherill (Website Support)

Nicola Wilson (Personal Advisor Connexions)

Vikki Piper (E Factor)

Sarah Baker (Humberside F&R)

Sarah Hewins (Resident)

Luke ? (Young Person – accompanied by NW)

Karen Linton (Young Peoples Support Service)

Mark Evans (NELC Young Peoples service)

Apologies Received

Shane Linford (Oasis Academy)

Jez O’Kane (Vanel)

Doreen Hinds (Pilgrim Rambling Club)

Jan Wilson (NELC Health Trainer)

Gordon Smith (Community Rep/Vice Chair)

Les Mason (Community Pride)

Sgt Nick Mortimer (Humberside Police)

Jean Keyworth (Community Rep)

Trevor Oliver (Ward Councillor)

Janet Cowan (Extended Schools)

Christina Letter (Shoreline)

Discussion Items / Action
House Rules / ·  Thanks extended to Stallingborough Grange Hotel for allowing use of the meeting room. Fire alarm procedure explained and restrooms pointed out.
Welcomes / ·  Sarah Hewins, resident of Immigham
·  Mark Evans, Senior Neighbourhood Youth Worker
Karen Linton, Young Peoples Support Service and careers guidance. Hoping to provide a member of SMT to the AAG’s
Nicola Wilson working towards ASDAN award – accompanying student Luke and also brought funding bid for consideration
Matters Arising / ·  JA and Mark Evans attempted to make contact, return calls but missed one another.
·  JA contacted Simon Falkner (GSMG), who sent a couple of reporters along to Studio-1 and gave a positive report
·  EN - Skate Park and One Voice engagement event have been publicised by Grimsby Evening Telegraph
·  JC had asked about putting on an event at Studio-1. JA explained original agreement with Helen Philpot was for 12 events. HP has now left Immage and meeting arranged with her temporary successor on 08th Feb to discuss scope for extending number of sessions at Immage. Other requests from friends of Coomb Briggs, Guides, Sikh community.
·  JA gave positive feedback from LSP on positive work being done on OV website. Please continue to feed the information to Rick for entry into the calendar /website.
·  RW asked that any personal information / contact details only forwarded with consent of those whose details shown (eg, PDF supplied by Immingham Ramblers).
·  JC has submitted funding bid for Canon Peter Hall School – to be discussed under Funding
·  JA circulated Playbuilder plans. SH and EN have stated many people are talking about what’s going on in Immingham. RW to put copy on website and can also link to Facebook page
·  JA again asked for ideas/initiatives for OV in 2011 – please forward ideas to JA
·  EN Set up Skatepark subgroup meeting scheduled for 5pm Tuesday 08th, Civic Centre
·  EN also gave update about YOF funding having all been spent of Immingham projects. / JA
Summary Report / ·  JA introduced NW who is working to achieve the ASDAN award which aims to assist young people with learning difficulties to gain esteem and confidence during a 10 week programme (working with Oasis)
·  Luke is attending meetings about himself. This is giving him the confidence to speak up about what he wants for himself. Luke is 3 weeks in to the 10 week programme. Young people would like to have a buffet at the end to celebrate with their parents friends and family and they will write and submit a bid to help fund this.
·  JA advised still vacancy for Minutes Secretary. No response from VANEL advert. Future Jobs Fund (for 18-25yr) is not suitable as we would have to recruit on employed basis. JA asked committee to consider ‘hired in’ assistance for few hours per week
·  Offer made by Sarah Baker re employability post coming into Fire Service Community office
·  JA & LG met with Amy Wood. Amy has produced a template for committee members to fill in and send to her. AW will then produce draft article, return for approval with copy to JA. Once approved this will then go into Linc up if appropriate and will be sent on to large comms distribution list.
·  EN sent JA email about a newsletter that goes out from Children’s Centre.
·  SB stated HFRS now have Facebook group that they want linking up to OV and Studio 1 and Skatepark.
·  Consultation e-mail sent out by Humberside Police regarding reduced opening at Immingham Police Station, closing on Saturday mornings. JA advised only received 1 item of feedback stating that supposing this then doesn’t lead to a reduction of desk time in the week this is supported.
·  JA acknowledged excellent work of Trinity Methodist Church Panto, supported by OV donation. BD to send photo / article for newsletter.
·  Payback – JA asked for volunteers to accompany him on a walk-about in Habrough, Immingham and Stallingborough to identify priorities and to consider submissions to Community Payback
·  LG informed the group that the service is going to change, with more strict punishments likely for community offenders
·  BD stated that ITC Lengthsman scheme can be used to carry out general tidying activities. If so contact ITC to raise this. LG explained that Habrough and Stallingborough PC can use Lengthsman at reduced rate – speak to Town Clerk
·  MP advised that over last 4 yrs precept reduced by 20%. All 27 points on the action plan have been actioned.
·  Also for the first time in NE Lincs, representatives from Immingham Town Council have been represented on a NELC select committee for air quality. All recommendations from select committee have been agreed and sent to cabinet.
·  Toilets at Homestead Park – MP Has stated they are being used as storage. There are currently no plans to re open them as it is not deemed economically viable. SH asked who she could contact about toilets and possible options - BD advised to contact ITC Town Clerk.
·  HFRS delivering fire safety in ward and wish to bring promotional trailer to Immingham on 24th Feb to promote National Chip Week. JA suggested Studio-1 matinee performance; MP suggested Civic Car Park might be good idea. EN stated handicapped society meet on a Thursday at Civic and may be worth promoting to them.
·  16th Feb - Chip Pan Demonstration, 2pm Oasis Academy. All welcome to attend
·  JA gave key points from Humberside Police Report (full report sent in earlier report)
·  RW – Government have launched a website detailing crimes in postal code areas. Link will be put onto the website for members to use.
Dates for your diary
·  08 Feb – Skate Park Update, Civic, 5pm
·  11 Feb – Young Women’s Night
·  12 Feb - 60/70’s disco night Immingham Golf Club
·  15 Feb – Localism event, Ropewalk, Barton
·  16 Feb – Chip Pan Demo, Oasis Academy 2pm
·  17 Feb – ‘Dirty Dancing’, Studio-1 7.30pm
·  24 Feb – ‘Jungle Book’, matinee 2.00pm, Studio-1
·  24 Feb - HFRS mobile promotional trailer unit
·  04 Mar – Womens World Day of Prayer, Trinity Methodist, 7pm
·  12 Mar - 1940’s night Immingham Golf Club
·  26 Mar – Launch of Immingham in Bloom, 11am-2pm, Civic Centre
·  £439.26 - Poster Frames. Any ideas for using balance?
·  £2209.10 – Skate Park
·  £12218.75 – General Fund
·  £4124.46 – In Bloom holding account
·  £2852.64 – studio-1 (although £430 to pay for promotional leaflets)
·  Total = 21844.21
·  JA stated that need to continue to replenish funds if we are to continue to offer funding support. JA will consider ways in which to attract further support from business community.
·  BD suggested OV to consider engagement event that will also assist in raising funds we need to look at fund raising events. Will also give positive publicity.
·  Committee discussed various options including live event at Studio-1 (either Immage or Civic Centre), summer show / carnival
·  BD suggested next year the docks are 100 yr anniversary, also Olympics
·  LG also reminded group that Immingham Police Station’s centenary this year
Funding Applications
·  Canon Peter Hall School - request for £1000 towards residential trip for under privileged local children – total cost £4500. Funding sub-group were unified in supporting bid (£800) and recommended this to the committee. Funds to be held until they secure the rest of the funds.
·  HB Asked why should we be fundraising for them when they could potentially do their own fundraising. This seems strange. JA explained they are fundraising and have had other external funding gained from Immingham Partnership and other local businesses.
·  CPO Media – Steven Ryder and 3 other members of staff are doing a sleep easy sponsored event in attempt to raise £1000. Sub-group approved £50 donation
·  Young Offenders Programme – further application for £500. Sub-Group raised a number of questions which have been forwarded to applicant for clarification – pending.
·  Habrough Newsletter – application for £500. Sub-Group raised a number of questions which have been forwarded to applicant for clarification – pending.
·  £50 bid submitted to OV by Luke – JA to forward to Sub-group / All
Local Priorities / ·  JA read through summary of Referrals that were submitted in January:
·  1- Parking Issues – these are already on Action Plan
·  2- Lack of Grit and state of roads. MP advised that ITC looking into taking on some of these responsibilities from NELC and will feedback. SH raised point that many people not aware of roles carried out by ITC / NELC. May be worth publicising this. JA to speak to Town Clerk.
·  3- Number of referrals regarding lack of events for young people. EN is aware there are other issues re Children’s Centre booking up the bus leaving no places for other children within the community. JC has included Studio-1 in the summer holiday brochure. ME to consider mapping youth provision. EN stated this has been started by Cazzie Adams. EN to contact Cazzie for this information.
·  LG asked if children’s activities could be tackled by looking at a multi agency approach to map the provision then ask it back, is it priced correctly? ME is part of a group who are looking at tackling activities for young people.
·  EN stated 16-18 yrs need to be provided for. JA stated that Studio 1 put on x2 screening aimed at Young People however neither were attended by any youngsters despite being advertised in Oasis
·  RW suggested that the Young People, perhaps through school council or youth committee, should be communicating their needs to OV.
·  BD stated that due to MUGA closing the boxing club needs to be moved. The plan is that subject to leasing conditions they are looking at moving it to premises close to Farm Foods and will include outside space and inside space for young people to gather and socialise.
·  HB Asked when is the youth club on? ME provided info re times etc and mobile units that provide rapid response. ME to circulate this information for inclusion on websites, newsletters etc
·  SH stated that an X-Factor type event may go down well. Young people have said that this was an excellent event previously.
·  4 - School Breakfast Club EN will take it up with the parent and feedback. BD (Governor at Coomb Briggs) stated this never been brought to their attention.
·  5 – Kennedy Way. BD and MP gave update on Tesco development, but also advised that private owners of Civic are not willing to engage. / NM
AOB / ·  HB raised issue of revamping Stallingborough village hall, including storage. JA suggested that Parish Council should consider Payback bid – identify what is required in terms of materials and labour.
·  HB Polish films could be put on at Studio – 1. Is there demand for this?
·  HB raised issue of cycle path from Stallingborough to Immingham – article in newsletter. Is there support and what would cost be?
·  MP announced launch of Immingham in Bloom March 26, 11am-2pm at Civic followed by planting of trees at Coomb Wood. Anyone wishing to help will be welcomed. Free family event.
·  RW updated group on website activity – during January 181 unique visitors entered the site. 242 total visits 696 pages looked at in total. 177 viewed the home page and 45 looked at the cinema page.
·  CD informed group that Womens World Day of Prayer taking place at Trinity Methodist, Fri 4th Mar, 7pm. Speaker Rvd Joy Osborne.
·  EN advised group that Young Women’s night starting on 7th March, 7pm-9pm. Weekly session. For 13-19yrs.
·  KL advised that borough wide consultation event asking young people where they want to go what they want to do. The findings can be brought back to this group.
·  BD community directory being collated by VANEL and rural community. This document will be available throughout the community at community venues. Please fill out the sheets provided with community venue information.
·  LG re dog fouling/littering would anyone be interested in taking action in support of community pride.
·  JA DrinkAware Funding available for event that engages young people in dangers of alcohol. JA to discuss with Oasis. / HB
Next Meeting / ·  1st Mar 2011 Habrough Hotel, Habrough, 6pm - All welcome