9 ’05
Web Sites that work
Overview of Sites:
/ 15 pages of sites by title & description, links to content area resources/ Search by “Teacher links” &/or “educational links”
/ SLP site – Links to categories of language arts teaching tools
Resource Sites:
/ K-12, directory of 4,000 free lesson plans, resources for all grades & subjects. Search or browse/ K-12, lesson plans by subject or theme
/ A complete guide to online lesson plans for K-12 teachers
/ K-12, search by subject or alphabetical listing – checkout “references-sign language dictionary”
/ K-12, 4,000 free goals & objectives by subject, standards, severity level. Lists of classroom modifications to accommodate special needs students.
/ K-12, behavior management how-to’s, ideas & strategies
/ K-12 free weekly newsletter, materials, lessons, etc.
/ Categorized list of sites useful for enhancing curriculum and professional growth
/ Locates useful web links to organize into a “track” for a topic.
/ Collection of web sites for student’s use for studying / research
/ Search for literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research
Resource Sites about Special Ed. Technology:
/ Publications / resource directory as guide to hardware, software, publishers & organizations/ Software programs, universal design info. & articles
/ Alliance for Technology Access, network of resource centers, developers, technology vendors
/ Assistive technology information and tools
/ Sample universal design units & planning pyramid, instructional unit template
/ Bring technology into your classroom. Ways to easily include technology into daily lesson plans, free newsletter
/ Gifted & Talented resource Home Page
* * * Alphabetical Order for the categories below: * * *
Adaptations for Special Learners:
/ Linda Hodgon’s site: author of visual strategies book. Lots of examples of visual supports & classroom strategies./ K-12, student organizational tools, picture cards, games, basic skill learning materials, graphics.
/ Downloadable weekly visual newspaper, membership required. Free example available on site.
/ Articles, reviews, links, downloadable Mac. Software
/ Resources for teachers, parents, & elementary students
/ Questions & answers, articles & teaching strategy ideas
/ Source for visual icons, games & downloadable software
/ Theme related printables, tips & tricks, lots of links.
/ Also for young children: activities, printables, games, picture recipes, icons & lots of links
/ Special ed. resources, K-8, teacher resources, lesson plans, thematic units, book activities, freebies, songs, printables & links
/ K-12, Downloadable software of activities by subject area. Free players to run the activities.
/ David Davis’s site: downloadable software, resources & links by subject area, accommodations, ideas & utilities
/ Active learning curriculum for students with visual / cognitive disabilities.
/ Information & products for special needs children, ADHD
/ Information for students with visual and academic difficulties
/ A parent’s guide to helping kids with learning difficulties.
/ Information for teachers, coaches, therapists ,on using balance therapies to improve intelligence and performance
/ Resources for people who learn differently, or have learning difficulties or learning disabilities
/ Designed for young adults with L.D. Games, activities, resources to positively build self-esteem
/ Written answers to specific typed questions
/ Answers not links to your search queries. Teacher toolkit
Augmentative Communication / Technology:
/ Software ideas, products for low tech classroom use/ Monthly tips, tutorials, AAC ideas
/ Vendor software / products, tips, ideas
/ Boardmaker tips/tutorials, vendor software / products, demo disks, Boardmaker idea book
/ Vendor products, tips, ideas
/ Suggestions, ideas, graphics, downloads
/ Lots of links, suggestions, cheat sheets
/ Vendor products, assistive tech photo ideas
/ Downloadable freebies
/ Tutorials to print or view online about software: e.g. Microsoft word, PowerPoint, email, excel, rubrics, web quests & inspiration
/ Assistive Tech. materials: manuals, examples, assessment forms / tools, and links
/ Simple books to purchase for emergent readers. Provides icons for AAC devices using unity software.
/ Video clips of American sign language (basic vocab.)
/ Archive of resources developed for specific products: Intellikeys, ClarisWorks, speaking dynamically pro
/ Lots of links, information / articles/ Information for teachers, parents, games
/ A searchable nationwide listing of services
/ N. Carolina’s structured teaching program
/ Books & intervention strategies
/ Teaches play with structured visual steps
/ Great articles
/ Structured “work sessions” using manipulatives / graphics
/ “Hands on Tasks’ & ideas … Online catalog for ready to use tasks for structured teaching
/ Asperger’s syndrome resources & information
/ Social story information, products, Jenison Journal – an autism newsletter
/ Lots of links, products
/ “Ooops Wrong Planet Syndrome” – articles & info. By people with autism
/ Links to resources and is a comprehensive source of information on autism. LOTS OF GRAPHIC LINKS
/ Social skills: what to teach & how
/ Educational strategies for students with social thinking/social communicative deficits
Early Childhood (Preschool) Special Needs:
/ Teacher resources, theme ideas, downloadable files: boardmaker, intellitools & picture overlays/ Nice folder games
/ Visual-conceptual method, picture cues for teaching ABC’s & 220 high frequency sight words.
/ Teacher resources, freeware downloads, links, articles & printables
/ PC & Mac shareware & freeware programs, demos, graphics, crafts & holiday activities
/ Free tracing & coloring fonts for Mac & PC
/ Coloring pages, graphics to match book illustrations, activity ideas
/ Lesson plans, activities, printable crafts, printable activities, calendar of events, and other resources
/ Find the lyrics to many songs for children or search for a song to fit with a theme
/ Free newsletter with activities and links to theme related materials
/ Cute activities to learn ABCs, word walls, calendar / time, online games and links
/ Pre – grade 2 , theme units, printables, lesson plans
/ Teaching through music
/ Materials by content areas. Lots of literacy materials!
/ Free flannel board materials site. Lots of classics!
/ Go to toys/games/books, etc for graphic/ Copyright friendly images for education
/ Images by categories
/ Select images - search engine for lots of photos
/ Education and school related clip art
/ Teacher, Student & Family FREE clipart, coloring pages, backgrounds, banners, fonts, icons, etc.
/ Clipart & photos, all offensive material is filtered out
/ Select images – search engine for photos
/ Select pictures – search engine for photos, can choose preferences for picture size, etc.
/ Graphics for emotions, hygiene, scheduling & housekeeping
/ New York Public library free searchable database of 275,000 photos & manuscripts
Materials & Ideas:
/ K-3, Theme based activities, materials, lesson plans, links, great picture dictionary/ Elementary: lots of graphic links, classroom materials
/ Elementary: printables, links, activity ideas by theme
/ Internet Public Library: download non-copyrighted books / text.
/ K-5, free worksheets, online games by grade level, ezreader books
/ K-12, Downloadable PowerPoint lessons by subject area / grade
/ K-12, PowerPoint presentations to download
/ PowerPoint in the classroom: tutorials and lessons
/ Teacher resources and tools, lesson plans, puzzlemaker, quizmaker, worksheet maker
/ K-5, Vocabulary / reading materials
/ K-8, teacher resources / materials, newsletter, free membership required
/ K-12, Free lesson plans, webquests, worksheets & teacher tools
/ 5-12, vocabulary building activities, thematic content
/ K-8, activities/games for students, parent section, teacher resources: by standards, class centers, lesson plans: printables, themes, check out hangman!
/ Online and downloadable games …
/ Lesson plans, classroom management, materials by subject area
/ 6-12, lesson plans by subject, “on this day in history”, teacher resources
/ Subject area materials, links, free worksheets: English, math, reading
/ K-12, teacher resources, lessons by grade / subject / theme, printables & teacher tips
/ Downloadable materials to teach guided reading, phonics& alphabet.See a sampling of 30 books with lesson plans and worksheets. Membership required.
/razkids/index.html / Talking books - adapted from Reading A-Z Guided Readers
/ K-12 Reading & lang. arts lessons, materials, and downloads
/ Free online storybooks for young children, older children & young adults
/ Reading acquisition materials designed for the emergent reader. Purchase the inexpensive books & workbooks or download free
/ Printable books & materials for emergent readers
/ A complete Early Reading (pre-K thru 2nd grade) computer-based program
/ Affordable teacher products, tools & lessons
/ Rubric maker
/ Rubric maker
/ Rubric maker by categories/themes
/ FREE: 19,000 lesson plans, 5,600 printable worksheets, 200,000 reviewed web sites, 50+ teaching articles, 60 teaching themes, rubrics, educational games, tips, etc.
/ Professional cartoons by artists & teacher guide
/ Resources and materials in the area of language arts
/ All content areas thousands of pages for you to peruse -- many with lyrics, sound clips, and teaching suggestions.
/ Lesson ideas, weekly news story for kids, Fact Monster...
/ Includes games, flashcards, and worksheets, either custom or automatically generated. Practice problems by solving worksheets or flashcards online and A+ Math will determine how many they got correct./ Teacher & parent resources, activities & materials
/ K-12 create custom graphs, math teasers, probability problems, activities
/ K- 6th grade math activities, games, teacher & family resources & links
/ Web-Based Resources for Mathematics: Tools and Activities for Teaching and Learning
Social Studies:
/ Featured articles /exhibits by topic/ Biography dictionary of 27,000 people. Search by name, birth/death year, profession, achievement, or keyword.
/ Activities & resources on U.S. Government –
tiered by grades K-12
/ (Formerly known as Infopleasekids.com)
Unbeatable reference materials, fun facts and features, and individualized homework help
Study Guides / Reading text alternatives:
/ PDF aloud is free downloadable software that “reads” PDF documents/ Browse aloud is free downloadable software that “reads” web sites
/ TextAloud converts text into spoken audio. Listen on your PC or create MP3 or WMA files for use on portable devices
/ Visual mapping of vocabulary words,
Teacher guide can be downloaded
/ Free online books & study guides by subject
/ Comprehensive guide to free book summaries, literature notes, and study guides (like "cliff notes") for over 250 books
/ Downloadable books – Provides accessibility of books for people with visual or other print disabilities. Membership required.
/ Reads any text you see on your screen - all purpose text-to-speech software
fontindex.html / PC font archive by themes /subject.
Motivational tool
/ Writing an essay, LOTS of LINKS on writing & grammar
/ Create custom writing pages
/programs/hwrkshts.htm / Practice handwriting strokes & letters
/ “Writer’s workshop” -
basic elements about writing: format, time frame, evaluation & rubrics
Web Sites of Software Publishers:
/ Publishers of living Books series, print shop, Carmen Sandiego series, The Oregon Trail & Reader Rabbit/ Literacy software (Write:Outloud, Co:Writer, Start-to-Finish Books & A.T.
/ Reading program, & early learning software,
software / articles / demos
/ Jumpstart Learning System software, Hyperstudio, Math Blaster/Reading Blaster
Compiled by Donna Lacon