Best practice guidance for recording client journey on CCIS
This document is intended to be used with the ‘Hertfordshire Connexions CCIS Database Training Manual’ to clarify and exemplify the quality of recording expected.
Contents / PageInformation to check on CCIS prior to seeing any client / 2
General best practice for updating intervention records for all clients / 5
Best practice for updating intervention records for specific client scenarios
Young person pregnant / 8
Young Person violent or other with issue relating to risk / 9
Young Person with youth justice issue e.g. offender, on bail or due in court / 10
Young Person presenting as homeless / 12
Young Person referred to other agencies / 13
Young Person working with multiple agencies/CAF / 14
Young Person with safeguarding / domestic violence issues / 15
Young Person home educated / out of school / 16
Young Person wanting ‘Betterment’ / 17
Young person in care / leaving care / 17
Contacting a client by phone
Information to check on CCIS prior to contacting a client by phone / 18
Best practice for updating an intervention record after contacting or attempting to contact a client by phone / 19
Prior to seeing all clients check: / CCIS fields & action required / Qualitative Notes / CCIS Training manual section ref: (current page)
Find the correct client / Use ‘Binocular’ button for search.
Search by surname & first name or initial.
Check alternative name spellings, using first few letters of surname to produce list if having difficulty finding.
Search by date of birth, address first line if necessary to find details. / Try all search methods to find client and when sure client is not currently on CCIS, email who will add the client, or complete the ‘New Client Request’ form on CCIS. (button top left of client screen) / Searching for a Client Record
Colour of banner / Basic Details Tab
Green banner – client with SN
- check Target / CAF / SEN Information tab
- Click on hand button for ‘hidden’ screen pop up with warning information
- check notes / speak to assigned PA where possible
Yellow banners are sometimes wrongly used for other sensitive information. Although this isn’t acceptable practice, occasionally notes will say ‘speak to PA’ and if this is the case then if practicable this should be done. The reason it isn’t acceptable is that the PA may not be available and the level of real risk in working with the client can’t be determined.
If circumstances change then use of the alert banner should be reconsidered in consultation with IAG TL.
No PA should add or remove a banner without consultation with their IAG TL. When adding or removing a yellow alert banner, a reason must be put in the notes, be factual and must comply with the Data Protection Act. / Using the Yellow Alert Banner
Note – need specific guidelines for use of and removal of yellow banner in manual
Previous interventions notes / Interventions Tab / Any previously agreed action or referral should be noted and addressed during intervention. / Interventions Tab
CAF / SEN status / Individual circumstances
Working with other agencies
If SEN, check if LDA assessment or PFA exists / Target / SEN / CAF Information Tab
Check individual circumstances for indications of work with other agencies e.g. TYS, Thriving Families.
Check for Youth Contract eligibility
Check for CAF attachment, who wrote it for password if protected. / Any individual circumstances should be checked during intervention and changes noted when recording intervention e.g. putting an end date on a circumstance such as pregnancy. / Target/SEN/CAF Information Tab
Individual Circumstances P36
Referral information / Where client referred to Youth Connexions, check Referrals/Destinations History Tab for details of other agency worker referral and reason for referral
Check notes on Interventions screen for details of referrals made by Youth Connexions staff
Check CAF / SSR buttons – if not greyed out a document is attached / Any previous referral made must be followed up during the intervention to ensure the young person engaged with the referral agency or staff member and follow up action recorded in the notes together with the outcome for the young person when updating the record. / Referrals/Destinations History Tab
APIR / Interventions Tab
To view previous assessments, open the previous intervention and click on ‘Add an Assessments’. Previous assessment information will show
Check for sensitive information
Check currency of any such notes / Adding an APIR Assessment when recording an intervention
Submissions / Work / submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Update submission / Always follow up recent submissions and with client during discussions / Work / submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Attendance at youth work project / Youth Work Tab
Check for attendance at youth work project. / Useful information where client isn’t engaging or might benefit from support from other Youth Connexions staff. / Youth Work Tab
Contact attempts / Interventions Tab
Check recent contact attempts which will include all vacancy matching texts / Check for contextual information for following up during intervention e.g. matching vacancies / Interventions Tab
Updating record for all clients: / CCIS fields & action required / Qualitative Notes / CCIS Training manual section ref: (current page)
Update details / Basic Details Tab
address, contact details including email, mobile etc
Only where address is unknown should ZZ99 9ZZ be used for postcode
Work /Subs/Job Matching/Quals screen
Personal Adviser / Note agencies included in DP2 for information sharing in notes field.
Any inaccuracies in qualifications should be correctly provided client has shown evidence of correct grades.
Where not assigned to a PA, refer to IAG Team Leader for assignment.
Inform PA / ETA where assigned.
Note: if an invalid postcode is entered the district field will either change to blank or read OUTCOUNTY, in this case go to and enter the first line of address to confirm correct postcode to record on the client’s record / Basic Details Tab
Work/Subs/Job Matching/ Quals Tab
Update Intervention record
*see below for specific client scenarios / Interventions Tab
Including updating as appropriate
Status type
Support level
Date DP2 completed
Date publicity consent gained
SOC Codes / If publicity consent is agreed record the date the client agreed this, if the client was asked about this and refused, record the date of 09/09/9999 to indicate that this was asked but refused.
Note agencies included in DP2 for information sharing in notes field
An intervention record should always correlate to a status change.
Notes should follow on from previous intervention, record any outcomes from previous agreed action and summarise discussion.
Notes should further explain the situation and give information that is useful to other staff working with the client including a description of support given, issues identified and discussed, any agreed action from this meeting, for both client and adviser, including referral, and demonstrate any impact the work done has had on the client and their situation.
Personal or sensitive data should not be included but if e.g. CP issue, add another individual circumstance
There should be no abbreviations and spelling and grammar should be checked.
Notes must be factual and comply with the Data Protection Act. / Description of fields on an Intervention
Entering notes
Basic Details Tab
Client Status Change
Within Intervention add ‘Assessment’ if appropriate to include any sensitive information
*see below for specific client scenario / Complete relevant part of APIR within the intervention record on the Interventions Screen.
Select field most relevant e.g. ‘your home’, ‘money’, ‘you and the law’ etc then add details.
Use ‘source’ box to make it clear who has provided the information. / Sensitive information should be included here.
Supporting evidence, next Steps and Actions should all further explain the situation, discussions and actions agreed by both adviser and client. The quality of notes in this section should follow guidelines as above.
Any actions included within the assessment field should be recorded in the interventions notes section so it is clear what needs to be followed up the next time the yp is seen. / Adding an APIR Assessment when recording an intervention
Add Individual Circumstance / Target / CAF / SEN Information screen
Check full list of individual circumstances for appropriate ones. Can add more than one.
Notes field linked to each individual circumstance to be completed.
When an individual circumstance finished an end date should be entered. / Notes should further explain the situation and information that is useful to other staff working with the client. Each individual circumstances notes field is limited to 255 characters.
Personal or sensitive data should not be included / Individual circumstances > circumstance type
Full list of Individual circumstances to be found here
Youth Contract eligibility / Complete appropriate paperwork, Youth Contract start date on (Target/CAF/SEN Information Tab), individual circumstance and associated notes field (as above), and include details in the intervention notes field. / Notes should follow guidelines as above / Target/CAF/SEN Information Tab
Update client choices / Work/Submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Update client SOC choices / Unless a client has correct SOC codes, they won’t be matched to appropriate opportunities.
Note: Be particularly careful with codes starting C0… These are college vocational course codes which can be mistaken for employment and training codes. / Work/Submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Entering a client’s Work preferences
Update Submissions / Work / submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Update recent submission / Include all opportunities discussed which the client is interested in and has been given application information. / Work / submissions/Job Matching/Quals Tab
Record referral to another agency made by Youth Connexions when appropriate / Referral, agency and appropriate agency staff recorded in notes section on Interventions tab.
SSR / CAF where used to be attached to client by saving on T drive referenced prefixed by number.
Within ‘Target/CAF/SEN information’ Click on ‘CAF’ field if SSR or CAF completed / Where a referral has been made, this should be followed up to ensure the young person engaged with the referral agency or staff member and this follow up action recorded in the notes together with the outcome for the young person.
Record referral from another agency / Referrals/Destinations History Tab
Record details of agency and reason for referral
Interventions Tab
Record any specific contacts at the agency in the notes section / Where a young person has been referred from an agency the agency details should be recorded on the Referrals/Destination History Tab
Any specific contacts at the agency recorded in the notes section along with actions and outcomes from the intervention.
Attach CV / Where CV has been written or updated, this should be attached by saving on the T drive, prefixed with the client number / Note in the notes field when a CV has been updated. There should always be an accompanying intervention for this date e.g. if the client emails the CV.
Review / Follow up / Basic Details Tab
(Review / Follow up at the bottom of the screen)
Add a new review record by clicking on the + button, adding a review date, reason, staff to whom review / follow up is assigned, no under ‘actioned’ / Complete for yourself for young people you are working with and will be following up.
For clients not on your own caseload but assigned to another staff member, use assigned PA initials and let that member of staff know by emails that you have done this.
For unassigned or assigned to KIT, forward to TL for assignment and for TL to complete review details.
Note: All staff must run the ‘Client Review list’ report on the Reports tab regularly – at least monthly
When completing CCIS following review / Basic Details Tab
(Review / Follow up at the bottom of the screen)
Open the review date and change ‘Actioned’ from ‘no’ to ‘yes’
Complete as above for Review / Follow up if a further review is required / As above
Update record for specific client scenarios: / CCIS fields & action required / Qualitative Notes / CCIS Training manual section ref: (current page)
Young person pregnant / (To be used in conjunction with the ‘CCIS Training Manual’ and the notes ‘Update record for all clients above’)
Update Intervention record
See also ‘Update record for all clients’ above / Interventions Screen
Status Type –usual status until last stage – from approx 29 weeks change status to DNP
Support level should usually be Supported or Intensive
Update date DP2 completed if appropriate
Update publicity consent gained if appropriate / Client can claim Income support from 29 weeks and should be made DNP at this point. If client becomes unable to work because of pregnancy related condition, make DNP at that point. Notes should made about Income support discussion.
An intervention record should always correlate to a status change.
Notes should follow on from previous interventions, record any outcomes from previous agreed action and summarise discussion. Notes should further explain the situation and give information that is useful to other staff working with the client including a description of support given, issues identified and discussed, any agreed action from this meeting, for both client and adviser, including referral, and demonstrate any impact the work done has had on the client and their situation.
Personal or sensitive data should not be included but if e.g. CP issue, add another individual circumstance
There should be no abbreviations and spelling and grammar should be checked.
Notes must be factual and comply with the Data Protection Act. / Description of fields on an Intervention
Basic Details Tab
Client Status Change
Entering Notes
Within Intervention add ‘Assessment’ if appropriate to include any sensitive information / Complete relevant part of APIR within the intervention record on the Interventions Screen.
Select field most relevant e.g. your home/health/feelings/hopesfor the future, then add details.
Use ‘source’ box to make it clear who has provided the information. / Sensitive information should be included here.
Supporting evidence, next Steps and Actions should all further explain the situation, discussions and actions agreed by both adviser and client. The quality of notes in this section should follow guidelines as above.
Any actions included within the assessment field should be recorded in the interventions notes section so it is clear what needs to be followed up the next time the yp is seen. / Adding an APIR Assessment when recording an intervention
Add Individual Circumstance / Target / CAF / SEN Information screen
Individual circumstance of ‘pregnant’ to be added and linked note field to include approx due date. Can add more than one individual circumstance if appropriate. / Notes should further explain the situation and information that is useful to other staff working with the client. Each individual circumstances notes field is limited to 255 characters.
Personal or sensitive data should not be included / Individual circumstances > circumstance type
Follow up / Review / Basic Details Tab
(Review / Follow up at the bottom of the screen)
Complete as above page 7. / If client requires regular support then put review date at appropriate frequency.
If client doesn’t require review date until after due date then set the date appropriately
Follow up action after due date / Status change to DSP
Individual circumstance change to caring for own child / close individual circumstance for pregnancy.
Basic Details Tab
(Review / Follow up at the bottom of the screen)
Open the review date and change ‘Actioned’ from ‘no’ to ‘yes’ / An intervention record should correlate to any status change.
Note: Clients who are DNP & DSP should continue to be followed up by assigned district PA where they have been actively working with them. Where a client hasn’t been engaging, the situation should be discussed with IAG TL to decide whether to transfer to KIT / Basic Details Tab
Client Status Change
Young Person violent or other with issue relating to risk / (To be used in conjunction with the ‘CCIS Training Manual’ and the notes ‘Update record for all clients above’)
Add alert only if young person presents a really high risk to those who are working with them. / Click on ‘hand’ button to add yellow banner. Always enter the reason why you have added the alert in the notes field.