Web Site: Hollowellandteeton.Org.Uk

Web Site: Hollowellandteeton.Org.Uk


Web site: hollowellandteeton.org.uk

To members of the above named parish council, you are summoned to attend the



on Wednesday September 14th 2016at 7.30pm in Hollowell Village Hall.


1. Apologies

2. Public forum

3. Written requests for dispensations for agenda items

4. Declarations of interest for items on the agenda

5. Approval of the minutes from meetings on July 13th and August 10th2016

6. Matters arising (for information only)

7. Review of the Councillors Contacts – Clerk to report and Councillors to advise of amendments

8. Neighbourhood Watch and Police Liaison– Chairman to report

9. Pocket Park

9.1 To receive the monthly report and Progress of Annual Inspection -Councillor Wenden

10.HPPAC – Cllrs Curtis and Oswin to report.

11. Planning

11.1New Applications:- None to date

11.2 Completions:-

DA/2016/0554 7 Creaton Road, Hollowell - Approved

12. Finance


12.2Payments - To approve the payments presented at the meeting

12.3Bank reconciliation – to be confirmed on receipt of bank statement

13.Report of External Audit Report and Actions

14. Appointment of the new parish Clerk & RFO – Chairman to report

14.1 Progress with Handover – Chairman to report

14.2Training Costs – Chairman to report and Council to decide on response

15.Parish Assets

15.1Refurbishment of Bus Shelter – Cllrs Curtis, McCubbin and Eaton to report and Council to decide on action

15.2Refurbishment of Seat – Cllrs Curtis, McCubbin and Eaton to report and Council to decide on action

15.3Litter Bin at the Teeton Crossroads – Cllrs Curtis, McCubbin and Eaton to report and Council to decide on action

16. Mowing Contract: Standard of Work – Cllr Eaton to report and Council to determine any necessary action


17.1NCALC Training, Options for Councillors & clerk Cllrs Leah and Curtis to report

17.2NCALC AGM (Saturday 8th September 2016) – Chairman to report and Council to decide on Motions for Debate and attendance

18.Broadband – Cllr Curtis to report on issues raised by parishioners and council to decide action

19. Progress of Changeover of Parish Council Website – Council to discuss requirements and costings

20.Village Link request for Funding – Cllr Curtis to report and Council to consider options for future support

21. Footpath maintenance – report from Cllr McCubbin on future maintenance of The Jitty and Council to decide

22.Complaint of Overhanging Hedge on Creaton Road – Chairman to report

23. Correspondence –listed separately

24.Next meeting dates:-

November 16th 2016

January 11th 2017

March 8th 2017

X Gillian Greaves 6th September 2016

Gillian Greaves

Parish Clerk

Signed By: Clerk

Please note this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published