Arts & Humanities Citation IndexWorkout

Hints: phrase searches by default; combine individual keywords with AND, OR, NOT.

General search

1Find all publications on Kierkegaard.(1,280)

Limit your search to articles which are in English only. (375)

Which is the most highly cited article?

Can you view the full-text?

2Look for articles on metaphor(s) and romanticism. (6)

How many of these are on Language and Linguistics Theory (1)

3Find all publications by Michael Prestwichfrom DurhamUniversity.(60)

Look at the first reference. What is it the publication?

4Find book reviews on Charles K. Bellinger’s The genealogy of violence: reflections on creation, freedom and evil (4)

E-mail some or all of these records to yourself.

5Find all content of the 2004 edition of Journal of ecclesiastical history. (365)

Cited ref search

6How many authors have cited Gillian Beer’s Critical Idiom (1970)? (3)

Who are they?

Find an illustration of Camille Pissarro’s La cueillette des pommes (1886).Which Museum owns the original painting?


1Find all publications on Kierkegaard.(1,280)

Hint: Topic search: kierkegaard

Limit your search to articles which are in English only. (375)

Hint: Set limit to English and Article

Which is the most highly cited article?

Heidegger, Kierkegaard and the hermeneutic circle – towards a postmodern theory of interpretation as disclosure / W.V. Spanos, in Boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 4(2) 1976

Hint: Sort by Times Cited

Can you view the full-text?

Yes. Via JSTOR

Hint: Click on View Full Text

2Look for articles on metaphor(s) and romanticism. (6)

Hint: Topic search: metaphor* and romanticism; Limit to articles.

How many of these are on Language and Linguistics Theory (1)

Hint: In Summary Display - Refine Search, click on Subject Categories

3Find all publications by Michael Prestwich from DurhamUniversity. (60)

Look at the first reference. What is it the publication?

A book review of HEWITT HJ: The organization of war under Edward III (2005)

Hint: From Full Record, click on Cited References

4Find book reviews on Charles K. Bellinger’s The genealogy of violence: reflections on creation, freedom and evil (4)

E-mail some or all of these records to yourself.

Hint: Topic search: bellinger and genealogy of violence

5Find all content of the 2004 edition of Journal of ecclesiastical history. (365)

Hint: Source search: journal of ecclesiastical history; Publication year: 2004

6How many authors have cited Gillian Beer’s Critical Idiom (1970)? (3)

Who are they?




Hint: In Cited Ref: Author search: gillian b*; Cited Year; 1970

 Challenge

Find an illustration of Camille Pissarro’s La cueillette des pommes (1886). Which Museum owns the original painting?

Ohara Museum of Art, Japan

Hint: In Cited Ref: Author search: pissarro c*

Find articles citing Cueillette des pommes; select article with Full-text access; p497 of article is the illustration with references

WISER: Arts & Humanities Citation Index – exercise - Last updated 30 November 2006