Title of contribution (16 pt bold)

Initials and surname of the (first) author1, Initials and surname of the (second) author2, Initials and surname of the (third) author3

1Affiliation (Department, University), City, Country, e-Mail

2Affiliation (Department, University), City, Country

3Affiliation (Department, University), City, Country

Structure:1. Introduction / 2. Methods / 3. Results / 4. Conclusion


This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

1This is a headline1st order (14 pt bold)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

1.1This is a headline2ndorder (12 pt bold)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

1.1.1This is a headline3rdorder (11 pt bold)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. (Image 1). is a headline
4thorder (10 pt bold)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

((Place image here))

Image 1captionover 2 lines (10/12 pt)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

((Place image here))

Image 1 caption over 2 lines (10/12 pt)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. ist eine Überschrift 4. Ordnung
(10 pt fett)

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing. This is a normal text in 10 pt type size and 12 pt line spacing.

2This is a bad example for a headline((block style / justification))

Headings should generally not be sold in block style. At worst, it creates huge spaces between words, as in this example.

3This is a good example of a headline ((left-justified))

Headlines should be discontinued basically left. Without incurring too large spaces between words, as in this example.


[1]Analog Devices: Analog Design Seminar. München: Analog Devices GmbH, 1989

[2]Lancaster, Don: Das Aktiv-Filter-Kochbuch. Vaterstetten: IWT, 1986

[3]Grütz, A.: Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik ’98. Berlin Offenbach: VDE-VERLAG, 1997