Wekiva Village Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2006
1. Calling of the roll and certifying of the proxies: by Stan Naplen, president The HOA has a quorum of 31 members. Stan, Janice, Dan, Sharon and Fran are present. Spencer
is present from Southwest Property Management.
2. Proof of notice and certify quorum- Notice sent 14 days in advance, signs and on the internet.
3. Comments by Stan and William Abrahams: about the condition of the neighborhood.
Bill Abrahams discussed the Special Committee needed for the Orange County RE-New Grant available to HOA. He explained that one grant per year is awarded and we may be eligible to apply for improvements located “outside” our gate only.
Contract with Access Reliability was discussed by Stan. We were informed by letter that effective February 1st, Access Reliability will only service customers who allow them to perform regular preventive maintenance (PM) and safety inspections. Two options were given:
a. PM Plan $ 135.00 per inspection performed every 3 months
b. PM Plan $ 127.00 per month.
The Board approved the PM Plan for $ 127 per month. Fran Sanders signed the contract for mailing on
The 26th of January. Fran promised all Board members a copy of contract on the 26th.
Stan asked Spencer if the bills were paid for building repairs and roof cleaning. Spencer said yes, and about
$5,000.00 was left because building repairs were less than expected. There were discussions regarding the
Excess funds going to the reserve account but no official action was taken.
4. Nominations from the Floor: Stan asks for nominations.
5. Election of inspectors of election:
6. Election of Board members:
a. Statement by each nominee: Janice Weightman
Lula Essex
Doris Christie
William Abrahams
b. Comments from the board members that are leaving: Dan Stites and Stan Naplan
c. Counts: by the election Inspectors
d. Announcement: Doris Christie, William Abrahams and Janice Weightman are the new board members.
e. Compliance Committee: John Ward has volunteered.
7. Question and Answer: Ms. Fitzpatrick had a complaint about painting her door and repairing her soffet.
Talk to Carol about the progress. Some of the neighbors had complaints about the money credited to
their account including Dan Stites.
8. Discussion of the Gate Contract: $127/monthly Stan motions to except the contract, there is a unanimous
9. Janice asked that flowers be put out in the front of the neighborhood. Leave it to the lawn-care company.
10. Adjournment: at 7:50pm
Organizational Meeting for the New Board of Directors
1. Call the Meeting to Order at 7:55 pm
2. There is a conversation about the duties that each of the positions on the board require.
3. Fran Sanders: Secretary
Doris Christie: Treasurer
Janice Weightman: V.P.
Sharon Marcy: Director
William Abrahams: President
4. New Homeowners: Notify the board of new residents, notify the gate company. Use our form and put it
on the web site, take Stan’s name off the form.
5. E-mail the board a picture of the Cross Creek bulletin board.
6. E-mail list: Abrahams
Take Dan and Stan off the website