Annual Planning Meeting
December 3-4, 2010, Red Deer Lodge

In attendance:
Dave Jones, PresidentJohn Paton, Executive Director

Joyce Loucks, Vice PresidentMichelle Ross, Deputy Director

Kelle Hansen, Executive Member at LargeTyler Callaghan, Assistant Director

Tracy Sullivan, Girls Director of AthleticsMichael Steele, Project Assistant

George Hoyt, Boys Director of AthleticsCori Wallace, Administrative Assistant
Steve Lush, Team HandballCarolyn Martin, Curling

Pat Forsyth, Girls RugbyJeannie Monilaws, Cheerleading

Darcy Younghans, BadmintonRyan Reed, Boys Basketball

Darryl Smith, Cross CountryMichael Vaughan, Boys Volleyball

Jody Watson, Girls BasketballGeorge Grant, Wrestling

Susan Moncks, Girls VolleyballBruce O’Neil, Track & Field


Tom Parker, Calgary Zone RepBill Bobenic, Calgary Zone Rep
Dean Sawatzky, Calgary Ind RepKaren Sargent, Calgary Ind Rep
Kris Fedun, Edmonton Public RepScott Sinclair, Edmonton Public Rep
Brian Buchynski, Edmonton Public RepNorma Smith, Edmonton Metro Rep
Randy Whitehead, South Zone PresidentPat Pyne, South Zone Rep
LeeAnn Hughson, South Zone RepShawna Pearman, Central Zone Rep
Jeff Anderson, Central Zone RepTricia McCambly, South Central Zone
Larry Wagner, Northwest Zone RepErin Martin, Northwest Zone Rep

Nicole Polishuk, Northeast Zone RepDaryl Venance, Northeast Zone Rep
Maurice Richard, Northeast Zone RepTim Schultz, North Central Zone Rep

Other Board
Jeff Bath, Alberta EducationBarb Young, HPEC

Greg Bass, CASSEoghan Curran, ASPRWF
Nancy Melnychuk, AUAADarryl Christensen, Member at Large

Pat Chizek, OfficialsDr. Bob Day, ACAC

Serafino Scarpino, ASPAMarg Derbyshire, South Zone Secretary
Craig Patton, Boys RugbyPatrick Loyer, ATA
Daryn Galatiuk, SportsmanshipBill McConkey, Football

Meeting was put into session at 1:15 pm

1.0 Presidents Remarks/Welcome and Establishment of Votes
Voting Strength: 33

2.0Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as circulated.

3.0Minutes of Annual General Meeting, May 14-15, 2010
It was moved and seconded to accept the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting as
circulated, May 14-15, 2010.

4.1Audited Statement: September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010
John discussed and reviewed the audited financial statement. Discussion on the creation of the Society of Alberta School Sports to facilitate
AGLC rules for the casino fundraising.

4.2Interim Statement: September 1, 2010 – December 2, 2010
John discussed and reviewed the interim statement.
It was moved and seconded to accept BOTH the Audited and InterimStatements.

4.3 Appointment of Auditor for 2010/2011
It was moved and seconded to appoint Dennis Ormrod C.A. for the 2010/11 school year.

5.0Business Arising

5.1Paperless meetings (APM/AGM)
Idea of paperless meetings at the APM and AGM was discussed.
ACTION ITEM: Investigate the rules surrounding work information on personal laptops,
power supply at venues, information passed by memory stick or email.

5.2Student Leadership Conference
Four students delegates attended and presented on their experience at the
Student Leadership Conference in Indianapolis.

5.3APM/AGM Meeting Dates
The idea of moving the date of the APM/AGM to a weekday meeting, rather than
a weekend meeting was discussed.
It was moved and seconded to change the AGM date to a Thursday/Friday (May
12-13) on a trial basis.

Dave Jones reported on progress of the ASAA and his involvement during his
term as President.

6.2Executive Director
John provided an update on sponsorship discussions with Don Horne and status
of current sponsors. Updates were also given on the continued growth in the
area of the AIAAA and the new initiative that is underway with the Online

6.3AIAAA Report
Tyler provided updates on AIAAA and the status of the upcoming first annual AD
conference in June.

6.4Commissioners: Track, Rugby, Golf, Cross Country, Football and Volleyball
Written reports were reviewed and commissioners provided highlights which
included the following recommendations:
-Track: start rule is a major discussion item
-Rugby: consistency of zone participation. Zones shouldn’t be opting in
and out of provincials. Another suggestion of offering consolation
plaques at provincials.
-Golf: girls scoring is still an issue

6.5Other Reports
CSSF: John provided a verbal report. John and Dave attended the CSSF AGM in
Niagra Falls. Written reports were distributed, highlights included: BC requiring a
concussion specialist at all football games; Many provinces are embarking on
coaching classes; PEI has added flag football to their sanctioned sports; ON
Human Rights Commission brought in regarding a female athlete wanting to play
on a male team even though a female team was available. Dave Jones was
elected as the CSSF Vice-President, on a two year term.

HPEC: Barb Young gave a verbal report on the progress HPEC has been making. Working with Jeff Bath from Alberta Education on curriculum
Alberta Education: Jeff Bath gave a report and highlighted a document entitled
“Inspiring Action” which is expected to provide the framework for the next 20
years. This will be the first time the School Act has been changed in 25 years.
Includes healthy eating, activity and mental health as part of the curriculum
AUAA and ASRPWF submit a written report which were reviewed by the Board.

It was moved and seconded to accept all reports.

7.0New Business
7.1Fall 2012 Bids
7.1.1Cheerleading – Brooks Composite
7.1.22A Girls Volleyball – Immanuel Christian
7.1.33A Boys and Girls Volleyball – Camrose Composite

It was moved and seconded to accept all Uncontested bids.

Contested Bids:
It was determined by ballot that Livingstone School (S) will host the 1A Girls
Basketball Provincials.

7.2Social Media @ ASAA Championships
Discussion was had on including more social media avenues at ASAA

7.36-man Football sport sanction discussion
Presentation was given by Corey Colwell on including 6-man football as an
ASAA sanctioned sport. Board had a chance to ask questions.

7.4Football Fees
Discussion was had on increasing the registration fees for football due to a raise
in officials costs.

ACTION ITEM: fee increase to football registration to be brought forward as a
Notice of Motion in May

7.5Commissioner Meeting Approval
Discussion about the value of the ASAA commissioners meeting.
It was moved and seconded to approve the establishment of an annual
commissioners meeting.

7.6Membership Fees
Summary of changes in membership fees around the country was given.
Alberta’s fees are lower than all comparable provinces and may need to be
ACTION ITEM: membership fee increase to be brought forward as a Notice of
Motion in May

7.7Round table discussions
The Board broke into smaller discussion groups. Round table discussion topics
included: Transfer policy, season of play/definition of practice, sports schools,
and provincial championships.

8.0 ASAA AGM Date & Location:
As noted in agenda item 5.3 the date for the 2011 ASAA AGM changed with details to follow from the executive.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.