Job Possibilities

·  Classroom Greeter- in the a.m. & when a new adult comes in, or prompted by teacher

·  Playground Leader- get equipment, making sure everyone has a buddy to play with

·  Entry Job Leader- check that all are turned in and tell anyone who is not to turn it in

·  Technology Leader- help with computer issues, turn off and on

·  Electrician- turn off lights

·  Center Leader- put out baskets, put up baskets, give completed work to teacher

·  Hallway Marshall- Clipboard

·  Line Leader-

·  Door Holder–

·  Paper Passer-

·  Messenger takes things anywhere needed, but attendance

·  Sharpener- Sharpen pencils that are in the cup that needs to be sharpened each morning

·  Classroom Table Manager- Straighten desks, check to make sure all are clean

·  Cafeteria Table Manager- clean tables, can pick helpers

·  Chair Monitor- make sure the chairs are stacked and pushed in when we are transitioning

·  Book Organizer

·  Agenda Checker- checks agendas, gives stickers

·  Happy Helper- Answer any questions, be one of the 3 you ask before me, also help with student conflicts

·  Attendance- Take attendance, fill out form, and take to office along with notes for the office

·  Locker/Cubby Organizer- straighten words on lockers, clean cubbies, etc.

·  Recycling Leader- Take cans down to bin, take papers to Mrs. Richardson’s bin

·  Leader in cleanliness- cleaning the floor daily

·  Lines, Lines, Lines Leader-they could do the counting when we line up and write the number on the board

·  Where Are We (Rotator)

·  Operator- answer phone when teacher cannot reach it quickly

·  Score Board Leader- Write all tally marks, attendance, and homework stars

·  Monday Folder Leader- pass out and take up and put back in bin

·  Card Wiper- wipe rule cards after recess

·  Boy Bathroom Monitor- takes names in bathroom

·  Girl Bathroom Monitor- takes names in bathroom

·  Hand Sanitizer- distributes before specials and lunch

·  Absentee Assistant- gets work together for absent students