Document code : / SYLLABUS BCAOO2011
Revision No: / 00
Name of Faculty / MANAGEMENT
Faculty Code / MG
Programme Code : / BCAOO
Effective from: / JUNE-2011
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
1 / BCA101 / BCAOO101CC / CC / Fundamentals of Programming Language (FPL ) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / BCA102 / BCAOO102CC / CC / Database Management System (DMS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / BCA103 / BCAOO103CC / CC / Computer Organization (COC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / BCA104 / BCAOO104CC / CC / Communication Skills – I (CSI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / BCA105 / BCAOO101PR / PR / Fundamentals of Programming Language ‘C’ (FPL) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / BCA106 / BCAOO102PR / PR / Database Management System and MS-Office (DSM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
2 / BCA201 / BCAOO201CC / CC / Advanced Programming Language ‘C’ (APL) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / BCA202 / BCAOO202CC / CC / Internet & Web Designing (IWD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / BCA203 / BCAOO203CC / CC / Discrete Mathematics (DMC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / BCA204 / BCAOO204CC / CC / Communication skills- II (CII) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / BCA205 / BCAOO201PR / PR / Advanced Programming Language ‘C’(APL) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / BCA206 / BCAOO202PR / PR / Internet & Web Designing (IWD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
3 / BCA301 / BCAOO301CC / CC / Object Oriented Programming c++ (OOC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / BCA302 / BCAOO302CC / CC / Advance database Management System (AMS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / BCA303 / BCAOO303CC / CC / Statistics and Optimization (SOC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / BCA304 / BCAOO301ES / ES / Computer Networks (CNE) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
3 / BCA304 / BCAOO302ES / ES / Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
3 / BCA305 / BCAOO301PR / PR / Object Oriented Programming c++ (OOP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / BCA306 / BCAOO302PR / PR / Advance database Management System (AMP) / 70 / 30
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
4 / BCA401 / BCAOO401CC / CC / Data Structure (DSC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / BCA402 / BCAOO402CC / CC / GUI Programming using Visual Basic (GUI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / BCA403 / BCAOO403CC / CC / System Analysis and Desing (SAD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / BCA404 / BCAOO401ES / ES / Operating System (OSE) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
4 / BCA404 / BCAOO402ES / ES / Computer Graphics (CGE) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
4 / BCA405 / BCAOO401PR / PR / Data Structure (DSP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / BCA406 / BCAOO402PR / PR / GUI Programming using Visual Basic (GUP) / 70 / 30
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
5 / BCA501 / BCAOO501CC / CC / JAVA Programming(CCJ) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
5 / BCA502 / BCAOO502CC / CC / .NET Frame Work Using C# (NFC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
5 / BCA503 / BCAOO503CC / CC / Software Engineering(SEG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
5 / BCA504 / BCAOO501ES / ES / E-Commerce(ESE) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
5 / BCA504 / BCA0O502ES / ES / Management Information
System (MIS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
5 / BCA504 / BCAOO503ES / ES / Mobile Computing(ESM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
5 / BCA504 / BCAOO504ES / ES / Geographic Information
System (GIS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From
5 / BCA505 / BCAOO501PR / PR / JAVA Programming(PRJ) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
5 / BCA506 / BCAOO502PR / PR / .NET Frame Work Using C#(PRC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
Sem / CC / Old paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
6 / BCA601 / BCAOO601CC / CC / Building Application Using PHP(BAU) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
6 / BCA602 / BCAOO602CC / CC / Advance .NET Frame Work Using C#(ANC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
6 / BCA603 / BCAOO603CC / CC / Data Warehousing & Mining(DWM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
6 / BCA605 / BCAOO601PR / PR / Building Application Using PHP(PRB) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
6 / BCA606 / BCAOO601MP / MP / System Development Project(SDP) / 150 / 50 / 200 / 8
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO101CC / Semester : / 1
Fundamentals of Programming Language (FPL )
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1. / 4
1.1 / Introduction to Programming:
Concepts of Algorithm and Flowcharts, problem solving examples using algorithm and
flowchart, Types of Programming languages, Characteristics of higher level language,
Compiler and Interpreter / 18
1.2 / Overview of C:
Introduction, Importance of C, Sample C programs, Basic structure of C programs,
Programming style, executing of C program.
1.3 / Constants, Variables and data Types:
Introduction, Character Set, C tokens, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Data
types, Declaration of Variables, Defining symbolic constants.
2 / 17
2.1 / Operators and Expression :
Introduction, Arithmetic of Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment
Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operators, Bit-wise Operators,
Special Operators, Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of expressions, Precedence of
arithmetic operators, Type conversions in expressions, Operator precedence and associativity,
Mathematical functions.
2.2 / Managing Input and Output Operators :
Introduction, reading a character, writing a character, formatted input, formatted output.
3 / 18
3.1 / Decision making branching:
Introduction, Decision making with IF statement, Simple IF statement, the IF ELSE statement,
Nesting of IF … ELSE statements, The ELSE IF ladder, The switch statement, the turnery (? :)
Operator, the GOTO statement.
3.2 / Decision Making Looping:
Introduction, the WHILE statement, the DO statement, The FOR statement, Jumps in loops
4 / 17
4.1 / Array :
Introduction, One-dimensional, arrays, Two-dimensional arrays, Initialization of twodimensional
arrays, Concept of Multidimensional arrays
4.2 / Handling of Character strings :
Introduction, Declaring and initializing string variables, Reading strings from terminal, Writing
strings to screen, Arithmetic operations on characters, Putting string together, String
Operations: String Copy, String Compare, String Concatenation And String Length, String
Handling functions, Table of strings.
References Books
No / Book Name
1 / Programming in ANSI CBalagurusamyTata McGraw-Hill
2 / Programming in CPradipDeyManasGhoshOxford
3 / The Complete Reference Fourth EditionHerbert schildt
4 / Let Us CYashwantKanetkarBPB
5 / Programming in CReenatharejaOxford
Question Paper Scheme:
University Examination Duration: 3 Hours.
Q.1 - Unit-I (12 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.2 - Unit-II (12 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.3 - Unit-III (12 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.4 - Unit-IV (12 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.5 - Programs
A. Unit I & II (10 Marks)
B. Unit III & IV (12 Marks)
Note: All Objective/ Short Questions are compulsory, no option will be given.
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO102CC / Semester : / 1
Database Management System (DMS)
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 18 / 4
0.1 / Database Concepts:
Database and DBMS, Comparison between traditional file V/s DBMS, Characteristics of datain database, Components of database system environment, Functions of DBMS, Advantagesand disadvantages of the DBMS, DBMS users, Database administrator, Role of DBA
0.2 / Database Design and Architecture
Essentials of Database Design, Three level Architecture of Database- external, conceptual andinternal, Data Models concepts: Hierarchical, Network and Relational, Operators, relations,domains and attributes, keys, traditional set operations, special relational operations. / 17
3 / 18
3.1 / The E/R model
Entity, E-R Diagram, Attributes, Relationship & Types, Development stages of E-R diagram &Examples
3.2 / Normalization
Normalization Process, 1st NF , 2nd NF, 3rd NF, demoralization.
4 / 17
0.4 / MS-Access
Introduction of Database,
Data type - Text, Number, Auto number, Currency, Boolean, Date/Time, Memo
Object – Table, Query, Forms, Reports
Controls use in form and report
References Books
No / Book Name
1 / Database Management SystemA C Shah & A R PatelMacMillan
2 / Introduction to Database System C. J. Date(7th edition) Low Price Edition
3 / Database system conceptsHenry F. Korth(3rd edition) TMH
Question Paper Scheme:
University Examination Duration : 3 Hours.
Q.1 - Unit-I (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.2 - Unit-II (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.3 - Unit-III (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.4 - Unit-IV (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Note: All Objective/ Short Questions are compulsory, no option will be given.
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO103CC / Semester : / 1
Computer Organization (coc)
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 18 / 4
1.1 / Computer basics
Digital & Analog systems, Logic levels and pulse wave forms, digital computer, Major parts of
computer, Hardware, Software - Application and System Software
1.2 / Computer generations
First generation, Second generation, Third generation, Forth generation, Fifth generation
1.3 / Classifications of Computers
Palmtop PC, Laptop PC, Personal Computer, Workstations, Mainframe, Supercomputer.
1.4 / Operating system
Dos, Windows Family
2 / 17
2.1 / Introduction to Computer Parts
Input devices (only principles)
Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Joystick, Scanner, Voice input system, Touch screen
2.2 / Output devices (only principles)
Monitor - CRT terminals (Monitor / VDU)
Non – CRT terminals, LCD, Plasma display, LED
Printer - Dot matrix printer, Ink jet printer, Laser printer, Line printer, Plotter
2.3 / Storage devices (only principles & types)
Magnetic memory - Magnetic disk, Hard disk, Floppy disk,
Semiconductor memory - RAM, ROM, Flash memory
Optical memory - CD, CD-ROM, CD-RAM, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM
Cache memory, Physical & Virtual memory
2.4 / Communication devices -Modem, NIC, Switch, Hub
3 / 18
3.1 / Number system - Binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal
3.2 / Conversion - Binary to decimal, decimal to binary, octal to decimal , decimal to octal, octal to
binary, binary to octal, hexadecimal to binary, binary to hexadecimal, hexadecimal to
Decimal, decimal to hexadecimal, hexadecimal to octal, octal to hexadecimal
3.3 / Binary arithmetic – Addition, subtraction (simple method)
4 / 17
4.1 / Logic gates - AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive-OR, Exclusive-NOR
4.2 / Combinational circuits - Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor
4.3 / Binary classification of codes
4.4 / Data Processing circuit
References Books
No / Book Name
1 / Fundamentals of computers . V. RajaramanPHI Publication
2 / Fundamentals of computers Anand KumarPHI Publication
3 / Fundamentals of computers . B. Ram(Module- M1.1)
4 / O-Level (Information Technology) -V.K.Jain
5 / Computer Architecture K M HebbarMacMillan Publication
Question Paper Scheme:
University Examination Duration : 3 Hours.
Q.1 - Unit-I (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.2 - Unit-II (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.3 - Unit-III (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.4 - Unit-IV (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Note: All Objective/ Short Questions are compulsory, no option will be given.
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO104CC / Semester : / 1
Communication Skills – I (CSC)
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 18 / 4
0.1 / Theory of Communication
What is communication - define and explain.
Types of communication.
Process of communication.
Barriers of communication.
2 / 17
0.2 / Grammar
 Articles.
 Tenses.
 Active\ passive voice.
 Auxiliaries and modals.
3 / Business Communication / 18
0.3 / Format of the business letter.
Letter of inquiry and replies.
Placing of order.
Complaints and adjustment.
4 / 17
0.4 / Vocabulary
Confusing words.
One word substitute.
References Books
No / Book Name
1 / English OnlineMohanrajMohanrah, Orient Longman.Oxford.
2 / The Good Grammar Book Swan M & Catherine WalterOxford.
3 / English Grammar Composition and Effective Business CommunicationPink andThomas, S Chand.Oxford.
4 / Business CommunicationMeenakshi Raman & Sangeeta SharmaOxford.
5 / Oxford Business English DictionaryPrinciples and Practice, Meenakshi Raman & SangeetaSharmaOxford.
6 / Technical CommunicationOxford.
7 / Developing Communication SkillsKrishna Mohan & MeeraBenarjiMacMilan Pub
8 / Personality development and soft skillBaranMitraOxford.
Question Paper Scheme:
University Examination Duration : 3 Hours.
Q.1 - Unit-I (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.2 - Unit-II (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.3 - Unit-III (18 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Q.4 - Unit-IV (17 Marks)
A. Objective/ Short Questions.
B. Descriptive/ Long questions.
Note: All Objective/ Short Questions are compulsory, no option will be given.
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO101PR / Semester : / 1
Fundamentals of Programming Language ‘C’ (FPL)
Course type : / Practical / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 (Practical of 3 hrs) / 100
NO / Practical List
1 / Write a C program to display "hello computer" on the screen.
2 / Write a C program to print roll no, name and address.
3 / Write a C program to find the area of circle using the formula Area=PI * r * r.
4 / Write a C program to find the area of rectangle, cube and triangle.(Formula are: Rectangle=l *b*h, triangle = (I * b)* 0.5, cube = L*L*L
5 / Write a C program to find the area and volume of sphere. Formulas are Area = 4*PI*R*R Volume = 4/3*PI*R*R*R.
6 / Write a C program to evaluate simple interest I = P*R*N / 100.
7 / Write a C program to enter a distance into K.M and convert it in to meter, feet, inches and Centimeter
8 / Write a C program to interchange two numbers.
9 / Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit into centigrade Formula: C= (F-32)/1.8.
10 / Write a C program for summation, subtraction, multiplication, division of two number using Arithmetic operator
11 / Write a C program to enter days and convert into years, month and reminder days.
12 / Write a C program to find out the largest value from given three numbers using conditional Operator
13 / Write a C program to find the maximum number from given three numbers.
14 / Write a C program to find that the enter number is Negative, or Positive or Zero.
15 / Write a C program to Checked whether entered char is capital, small, digit or any special
16 / Write a C program to read number 1 to 7 and print relatively day Sunday to Saturday.
17 / Write a C program to find out the max. and min. number from given 10 numbers.
18 / Write a C program to find the sum of digit of accepted number.
19 / Write a C program to find the sum of first 100 odd numbers. And even numbers.
20 / Write a C program to display first 25 Fibonacci nos.
21 / Write a C program to check the accepted number is prime number or not.
22 / Write a C program to display first' 100 prime numbers.
23 / Write a C program to find factorial of accepted numbers.
24 / Write a C program to print accepted no and its reverse number.
25 / Write a C program to find whether the accepted number is palindrome or not.
26 / Write a C program to convert decimal numbers into equivalent binary number.
27 / Write a C program to convert decimal numbers into equivalent to octal number.
28 / Write a C program to convert decimal numbers into equivalent hexadecimal numbar.
29 / Write a C program to display first 5 Armstrong number.
30 / Write a C program to arrange the accepted numbers in ascending order and descending
31 / Write a C program to find whether the accepted string is palindrome or not.
32 / Write a C program to convert given line into upper case or lower case.
33 / Write a C program to count no of word, character, line and space from given text.
34 / Write a C program to sort given string in ascending order.
35 / Write a C program to prepare pay slip using following data.
Da = 10% of basic, Hra = 7.50% of basic, Ma = 300,
Pf = 12.50% of basic, Gross = basic + Da + Hra + Ma, Nt = Gross – Pf.
36 / Write a C program to read marks and your program will display grade.
Marks Grade
100 – 80 Dist
60 – 79 First
50 – 59 Second
35 – 49 Pass
0 – 34 Fail
37 / Write a C program to find 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+....+1/n.
38 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
39 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
40 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
0 1
1 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
41 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
42 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
43 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
44 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
45 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
46 / Write a C program to display following output on the screen
47 / Write a C program to find maximum & minimum value from the given array.
48 / Write a C program to find next minimum from the given array.
49 / Write a c program to input N and find out the sum, average, max, min, total even no and
total odd no. [with out use of array]
50 / Write a c program to input N no and find out the sum, average, max, min, total even no and
total odd no. [using array]
51 / Write a c program to display the two matrix on screen and perform the addition of two
matrix and print on screen.
52 / 52. Write a c program to display the two matrix on screen and perform the multiplication of two matrix and print on screen.
Practical Exam Scheme:
Program / Output / Viva / Journal / Total
25 Marks / 15 Marks / 20 Marks / 10 Marks / 70 Marks
Programme code : / BBCAO / Programme Name : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO102PR / Semester : / 1
Database Management System and MS-Office (DSM)
Course type : / Practical / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 70 / 30 / 70 (Practical of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
MS-DOS and WINDOWS / 15 / 4
I. DOS Commands
II. Windows Operation System (Windows XP)
MS-Office 2007
MS-Excel / 15
MS-Power Point / 15
MS-Access / 15
-Crate a table using wizard and design view.
-Create a form using wizard and design view.
-Create a report using wizard and design view.
-Create Query using wizard and design view.
-Create project on following system
-Student Information System
-Employee Information System
Practical Exam Scheme:
MS- Word/
Practical / MS- Excel
Practical / MS- Access Practical / Viva DOS Commands, Windows, MS Office / Journal / Total
15 Marks / 15 Marks / 15 Marks / 15 Marks / 10 Marks / 70 Marks
Programme code : / BBCAO / ProgrammeName : / BCA
Course Code / BBCAO201CC / Semester : / 2
Advanced Programming Language ‘C’ (APL)
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time (hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 18 / 4
0.1 / User-Defined Functions:
Introduction, Need for user-defined functions, The form of C function, Return values and their
types, Calling a function, category of functions, No arguments and no return values, Argument
with no return values, Arguments with return values, Handling of non-integer functions,
Nesting of functions, Recursion, Functions with arrays, The scope and Lifetime of variables in
2 / 17
0.2 / Structures and Unions:
Introduction, Structure definition, Giving values to members, Structure initialization,
Comparison of structures variables, Arrays of structures, Arrays within structures, Structures
within Structures, Structures and functions, Unions, Size of structures, Bit fields.
3 / 18
0.3 / Pointers:
Introduction, Understanding pointers, Accessing the address of a variable, Declaring and
initializing pointers, Accessing a variable through its pointer, Pointer expressions, Pointer
increments and scale factor, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and character strings, Pointers and
Functions, Pointers and structures.