18th April 2018
Year Group / 4 Miss JohnsonDate of Visit / Wednesday 16th May 2018
Place / Stanley Head – River Study
Departure Time / Normal school time – leaving at 9.15a.m.
Return Time / Will be back at school by 4pm – Depending on traffic
Purpose of visit / To learn about the features of a river and the surrounding landscape.
Cost / £10.00 to help with the cost of the field trip. The school are subsiding the remaining £9.00 to give the children the opportunity of benefitting from the knowledge of qualified instructors.
All payments need to be made online atportal.squidcard.com/LoginPortal,
Trips and offers purse- select the offers available- choose the offer RIVER STUDY STANLEY HEAD and pay online.
If you are not registered with online payments please pick up your online details from the school office. Any problems please speak to the office staff.
Deadline for all payments is Friday 4th May 2018.
Please return the slip below after you have made payment online.
Please note: if we do not receive enough contributions the trip will have to be cancelled.
Requirements / Day Visit Kit List – what do I bring?
- Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (preferably not jeans or shorts)
- Walking-style boots (must be able to do up tight) or wellington boots
- Waterproofs (depending on weather)
- Sun tan lotion (depending on weather)
Both Stanley Head consent forms need to be signed and returned with this consent slip after payment is made online.
A packed lunch will therefore be required for each pupil which should be in a carrier bag for easy disposal.
Child’s Name ______Class: 4CJ
I have paid online.Date paid ……………………………….
I receive FSM (free school meals) and would like to order a pack lunch. Please choose. Tuna Cheese
I will be providing a packed lunch from home.
Signed______Parent / Carer Date …………………………………………………