Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU
Session 2013-2014
Minutes of the 9th Annual General Meeting
Date: 11th November 2014
Time: 19:00-20:06
Venue: 101, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
Chairman: Mr. Ho Man Fung Felix
Honorary Secretary: Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn
Returning Officer: Mr. Chiu Wing Chung
The quorum was formed with the following Members:
Balay Mae Anne / Fung Ying Ying / Ng Hong SungChan Si Lok / Ho Man Fung Felix / Ng Ping Hon
Chan Tung Ho / Ho Wing Yi / Or Ming Ho
Chan Wing Yin / KamWaiLun / Pang Pak Shing Brian
Chan Yui Ting Evelyn / Koo Chun Yin / Poon Sing Yeung Julian
Chen Qizhan / KwongTszChing / Siu Wing Ue
Cheng Kai Man / Lam Ching Ting / Tong Oi Yan
Cheng Kin / Lam Pak Him / Tse Ming Yan
Cheng Pok Man / Lam Pui Yee Esther / Wong Hiu Yee
Cheung Hiu Ying / Lee Lai Fong / Wong Man Ki
Cheung Lap Kwan / Lee Sze Wing / Yau Chun Kit
Chow Hau Yan / Leung Nga Ting / Yau Yu Yan
Co Wing Lam Winnie / Leung On Ki / Yeung Ho Yi Jasmine
Fung Pak King / Ling Yuen Yee
The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting is as follow:
I. To appoint the Honorary Secretary;
II. To receive and adopt the agenda;
III. To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and minutes of all Extraordinary General Meetings which may have occurred since the previous Annual General Meeting;
IV. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the present Session of the Executive Committee;
V. To receive and adopt the audited Financial Report of the present Session;
VI. To receive the results of Annual Election of the Executive Committee of the succeeding Session;
VII. To receive and adopt the Annual Plan of the succeeding Session;
VIII. To receive and adopt the Annual Society Budget of the succeeding Session;
IX. To appoint the Honorary Auditor of the succeeding Session;
X. Any other business.
Agendum I: To appoint the Honorary Secretary
Motion 1Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To appoint Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn (UID: 3035178399) as the Honorary Secretary
Ling Yuen Yee
Motion carried.
Agendum II: To receive and adopt the agenda
Motion 2 Proposer:Seconder:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the agenda
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Agendum III:To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and minutes of all Extraordinary General Meetings which may have occurred since the previous Annual General Meeting
Motion 3Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the minutes of the 8th Annual General Meeting
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Agendum IV: To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the present Session of the Executive Committee
Motion 4Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To vacate Mr. Ho Man Fung Felix from holding the meeting and appoint Mr. Chan Tung Ho (UID: 3035035171) as the Acting Chairman
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Motion 5
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Executive
Committee of Session 2013-2014
Ho Man Fung Felix
Motion carried.
Agendum V: To receive and adopt the audited Financial Report of the present Session
Question / Mr. Koo Chun Yin (BSc III) asked the Executive Committee to give opinion to the Executive Committee of the succeeding Session on how to keep a balanced financial record.Answer / Mr. Poon Sing Yeung Julian (BSc II) said they should keep and scan all the receipts and seek more sponsorship.
Mr. Ho Man Fung Felix (BSc II) said they could try to ask professor for personal financial support.
Comment / Mr. Koo Chun Yin (BSc III) said he was glad that there wasa surplus this year. He reminded the Executive Committee of the succeeding Sessionthat they should not earn money from Members and should return to Members.
Motion 6
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the Financial Report of Executive Committee of Session 2013-2014
Poon Sing Yeung Julian
Ho Man Fung Felix
Motion carried.
Motion 7
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To vacate Mr. Chan Tung Ho from holding the meeting and appoint Mr. Ho Man Fung Felix as the Acting Chairman
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Agendum VI: To receive the results of Annual Election of the Executive Committee of the succeeding Session
Motion 8Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive the results of Annual Election of the Executive Committee of Session 2014-2015
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Report / Mr. Ho Man Fung Felixannounced the results as followed:There were total 102 Members voted.
MissChow Hau Yan, proposed Chairperson, For 96, Against 1, Abstain 1, elected.
MissChan Si Lok, proposed Internal Vice-chairperson, For 94, Against 3, Abstain 1, elected.
MissWong Man Ki, proposed External Vice-chairperson, For 96, Against 0, Abstain 2, elected.
MissChan Yui Ting Evelyn, proposed General Secretary, For 97, Against 0, Abstain 1, elected.
Mr. Wong TakHin, proposed Financial, For 92, Against 1, Abstain 5, elected.
Mr. Lam Pak Him, proposed Social & Sports Secretary, For 94, Against 2, Abstain 2, elected.
MissKwongTszChing, proposed Academic Secretary, For 97, Against 0, Abstain 1, elected.
Miss Tong Oi Yan, proposed Welfare Secretary, For 96, Against 0, Abstain 2, elected.
Miss Leung Nga Ting, proposed Publication and Publicity Secretary, For 92, Against 2, Abstain 4, elected.
Motion 9
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To vacate Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn from being the Honorary Secretary and appoint Miss Ling Yuen Yee as the Acting Honorary Secretary
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Question / Mr. Koo Chun Yin (BSc III) asked the Executive Committee to comment on the election result.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan (BSc I) said she was happy to have 96 For votes. She would try her best to lead the Executive Committee by organizing different activities to improve herself as a Chairperson.
Miss Chan Si Lok (BSc I) thanked people who voted for her. She mentioned the Against votes show rooms of improvement and she would improve herself in the upcoming year.
Miss Wong Man Ki (BSc I) thanked Members for supporting them. Although she did not have any abstain vote, she would improve herself.
Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn (BSc I) thanked Members for supporting her and she would improve in the future.
Mr. Wong TakHin (BSc I) was happy that he was elected and mentioned that the 5 Against proved that improvements are needed.
Mr. Lam Pak Him (BSc I) said he was satisfied with the result and which showed that his hard work had paid off.
Miss KwongTszChing (BSc I) thanked Members for their votes and she would prove them the votes were worth it in the upcoming year.
Miss Tong Oi Yan (BSc I) was delighted that she was elected as the Welfare Secretary of the upcoming session and she would work hard in providing Welfare to Members.
Miss Leung Nga Ting (BSc I) was delighted that she was elected as the Publication and Publicity Secretary of the upcoming session. She mentioned her voting result was not satisfactory among the Executive Committee and she would hard work to prove herself in the upcoming year.
Follow-up question / Mr. Koo Chun Yin asked the Executive Committee’s view on less than 30% Voter Turnout Rate.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan answered that Members of the Society are quite academic and the publication of the voting was not enough. They would increase the publication in later events.
Comment / Mr. Koo Chun Yin commented that he was happy that the new cabinet was elected. He mentioned the Voter Turnout Rate was also low in the previously years and he hoped that more and more publication could be carried out.
Mr. Wang Wai Chun (2014 Graduate) mentioned the Voter Turnout Rate was always low in the past years and the change in quorum can be considered. He knew that the Executive Committee had work hard to inviting Members to vote and he hoped that more publication could be carried out.
Question / Miss Siu Wing Ue (BSc II) asked the Executive Committee what they have contributed for the cabinet.
Answer / Miss Chow HauYan said she devoted effort and time for the cabinet.
Miss Chan Si Lok said just like the name of the cabinet, she devoted dedication. She communicated with the Executive Committee to maintain their relationships.
Miss Wong Man Ki said she devoted effort and hoped that Members can enjoy more activities in the upcoming year.
Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn said she kept good record of documents to ensure smooth operation of the cabinet.
Mr. Wong TakHin said he devoted effort and time to manage the financial record of the cabinet.
Mr. Lam Pak Him said he devoted time and effort to communicate with the sports team for competition.
Miss KwongTszChing said she devoted time to decide details of events to provide welfare for Members and the search for different career pathways for Members.
Miss TongOi Yan said she devoted time and effort hoping to find suitable Welfare to Members.
Miss Leung Nga Ting said she devoted time in design posters in previous events.
Follow-up question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked the Executive Committee what theyexpected to learn in the upcoming year.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said she expected to have good relationships with other Executive Committee.
Miss Chan Si Lok said she expected to gain experience in organizing activities and meet new friends through communication with different parties.
Miss Wong Man Ki said she expected to gain experience and to improve problem-solving skill.
Miss Chan Yui Ting Evelyn said she wished to be more confident and gain experience in looking into details of different events.
Mr. Wong TakHin said he expected to gain experience and an unforgettable experience in the upcoming year.
Mr. Lam Pak Him said he expected to improve his time management skill.
Miss KwongTszChing said she wished to improve confidence and gain experience in contacting external parties.
Miss Tong Oi Yan said she expected to have good relationships with other Executive Committee and gain experience.
Miss Leung Nga Ting said she expected to meet new friends and improve problem-solving skills through organizing activities.
Comment / Miss Siu Wing Ue commented that she wished the Executive Committee can get what they expected through contribution and she wished they can maintain a good relationship. She wished the cabinet success in the upcoming year.
Agendum VII: To receive and adopt the Annual Plan of the succeeding Session
Question / Mr. Wang Wai Chun asked which events involve the participation of alumni.Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan answered that in the Mentorship Programme and Annual Dinner, alumni will be invited to share their experience in the study.
Alumni will also be invited to be the guest speakers of the Career Talk. In O-Camp, alumni will be invited to participate in food cheers.
Follow-up question / Mr. Wang Wai Chun asked how will they prepare to find alumni and how can they ensure that there will be ensure alumni.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan answered they will manage and keep updating the database of the information of alumni and connect with them through Facebook or emails.
Comment / Mr. Wang Wai Chun commented he was happy that they will invite alumni in different events and hoped that they can have more preparation in contacting the alumni.
Miss Siu Wing Ue commented finding alumni is not an easy job for Mentorship programme and Career Talk. She wished the cabinet can work hard in contacting the past Executive Committee.
Motion 10
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the Annual Plan of Executive Committee of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Session 2014-2015
ChauHau Yan
Chan Si Lok
Motion carried.
Agendum VIII: To receive and adopt the Annual Society Budget of the succeeding Session
Question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked will they consider to add Admission Fee for Career Talk.Answer / Mr. Wong TakHin answered they will not consider admission fee but deposit for the Talk as it acts as a platform to provide career information to Members.
Comment / Miss Siu Wing Ue commented they can try to seek funding for the event as academic information act as a welfare to Members.
Miss Fung Ying Ying (BSc III) commented it is a good method as the attendance would be even lower if fee were added.
Question / Mr. Wong Wai Chun asked why there is a difference in the size of poster in different events.
Answer / Mr. Wong TakHin answered A5 size leaflets will be used instead of A3 size to promote Mentorship Programme in Welfare Week.
Comment / Mr. Koo Chun Yin commented it was a good idea to promote the event and it can be stated as leaflets instead of posters in the report to avoid confusion.
Motion 11
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the Financial Budget of Executive Committee of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Session 2014-2015
Wong TakHin
Chow Hau Yan
Motion carried.
Agendum IX: To appoint the Honorary Auditor of the succeeding Session
Question / Miss Lam Pui Yee Esther (BSc III) asked why would the Executive Committee invite Dr. Jetty Li as the Honorary Auditor also as well as how and when did they find her.Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan answered the Society has invited help from Dr. Li for many years and wished that she can continue to support the Society. They contacted Dr. Li one week before the Mock Campaign through email.
Comment / Miss Lam Pui Yee Esther commented it would be better to contact Dr. Li in person and she reminded the Executive Committee of the format of emails.
Motion 12
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To appoint Dr. Jetty Li as the Honorary Auditor of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Session 2014-2015
Wong TakHin
Chow Hau Yan
Motion carried.
Agendum X: Any other business
Motion 13Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To transfer the Society Account of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from Ho Man Fung Felix [ HKID: Y286082(A)] and Poon Sing Yeung Julian [ HKID: Y453960(3)] to Chow Hau Yan [ HKID: P701711(5)] and Wong TakHin [ HKID: Y463569(6)]
Poon Sing Yeung Julian
Motion carried.
Motion 14
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To give a vote of thanks to Mr. Chiu Wing Chung for being the Returning Officer of the 9th Annual General Meeting of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014
Leung On Ki
Motion carried.
Motion 15
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To give a vote of thanks to Members for attending the Annual General Meeting of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014
Chow Hau Yan
Wong TakHin
Motion carried.
The Chairman announced that the 9th Annual General Meeting of Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU ended at 20:06.