NSCA Advisory Council & National Delegates
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 – National Shooting Complex
The meeting was called to order at 6:47p.m. by Robert Crow, NSCA Director
Robertwelcomed everyone to the 2011 Nationals. Robert welcomed the current delegates and any new delegates to the meeting. He also thanked all of those delegates who were not re-elected for their hard work and dedication to the NSCA.
I.Roll Call by Glynne Moseley
Those present were:
Scott Grange – BrowningMike McAlpine – ClayTargetAcademy
Brent Fleming – GP TrapsDavid Clifford – iClays
Betty Krieghoff – Krieghoff InternationalLonesome Charlie Parker – Lonesome Charlie’s
Jay Delphey – No Fly ZoneJohn Commerford – NRA
Patrick Thomas – Rio Ammunition John Bauer – Remington Arms
Andrew Perkins – Show Me Sports Corp.John “Mo” Parsons – Target Setter
Bruce Ney – The Stock Market Bruce Ney & SonPhil Murray – White Flyer Targets
Range Owners
Joe B Cantey III - Hermitage Farm Shooting SportsDavid Fiedler - Battleborn Sporting Clays & ShootingSchool
Jeff Foster - CapitolCity Trap & SkeetGeorge Hopkins - Hopkins Game Farm
Richard Lanzilotta - Mid Hudson Sporting ClaysAnthony Matarese, Sr - M & M Sporting Clays
Tim Miles - Coyote Springs Sporting Clays Michael Mohr - SevenSpringsMountain Resort
David Rippetoe - Silverleaf Shotgun SportsScott Robertson - Elm Fork Shotgun Sports
Randy Voss- Caribou Gun Club
Vance Barnes - TXBrian Brewton – LA
Dan Cluff - NJDon Henderson – FL
Todd Kemmerer – OHJoe Kennedy – CA
Bob Lepor – NJDerek Moore - NJ
Adam Pinto – NVSteve Schultz - TX
Kirk Todd – MIJerry Veneklasen - KS
Those absent were:
Industry - Ellie Schad - Promatic
Range Owners - Frieda Lancaster - Claythorne Lodge / David Niederer - Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds
Shooters - Jeff Demmon – GA/ Bill Dennis – DE / Harry Wiley – NM
Special Guests welcomed were:
Jim Gast, NSSA PresidentLouise Terry, NSSA Past President
II.Robert Crowasked for a motion to accept the 2011 US Open Meeting Minutes. Dave Fiedler made a motion to accept the US Open Meeting Minutes; John Commerford seconded the motion. The motion carried; the US Open Meeting Minuteswere accepted.
Robert Crow reported on the NSCA stats. As of October 15, 2011:
Membership totals at this time are 22,747, which is up 813 over last year at this same time.
Target totals at this time are 17,404,583, which is up 1.2 million over last year at this same time.
Registered shoot totals at this time are 2,023, which is up 85 over last year at this same time.
Member Club totals at this time are 623, which is up 4 clubs over last year at this same time.
Steve Scalesgave the financial report as of October 15, 2011. (Detailed Balance Sheet from July 2011 and P&L Previous Year Comparison were included in the binder)National Shooting Complex has expanded usage by offering more events which brought in an added $50K to our bottom line. As Robert Crow reported our Membership is up, our target totals are up. We did a lead reclamation project which brought in $229K. With the added income we were able to have a major improvement done by adding a new road that runs East to West across the property. This new road will help relieve some of the space problems in laying out events for the Nationals. The added income helped fund the cost of the new road. We were also able to replace the entire phone system with the added revenue.
The added 1 cent charge for target fees raised $77K prior to Nationals. This added money will be used for marketing programs for the NSCA. We expect to raise $200K next year. Some of the funds were used to cover expenses for a TV presentation that will be aired in January. The remainder of the funds has been set aside – no other plans at this time.
We are in the process of negotiating new contracts with our vendors to try to keep costs down and to control costs for the vendors.
The last 3 months of the year the stock markets have been up and down; however, we have not lost any capitalinour investments. We have gained dividends on our existing funds.
The World Skeet Championship was up in participation over last year. We are expecting over 1600 participants for the 2011 National Sporting Clays Championship, which will be the biggest Nationals ever.
The Bonus Bucks Program, which began in 2009, has the potential to be bigger than it is. However, it is still a successful program. The net cost of new members and new targets shot in the program, brought in a profit of $47K. The retention level of those who joined through the program is 64.5%
Michael Hampton reported on the Sportsman’s Insurance Agency, Inc. (SIAI), which is the NSSA/NSCA insurance company of choice. SIAI insures gun clubs, shooters, instructors and guns. They offer general liability insurance, gun floater insurance and workers comp for gun clubs; their rates may vary. They offer reduced insurance rates for $1 million policies for instructors, with no deductible. Gun owners can get insurance on theft, accidents and other types of coverage.
Scott Robertson, Competition Committee Chairman, reported on the Nationals. We are trying to make the Nationals a better event for the shooters. We have added a 50 bird Super Sporting event, two separate small gauge courses have been built and a new road was added at the cost of approximately $92K. We are also utilizing the new road to the best of our ability for adverse weather conditions. Golf cart rentals are by the day instead of per event. New style FITASC format has been put in place to accommodate more participation. We have heightened security by giving all participants, employees and vendors a placard showing they belong on the National Shooting Complex grounds. We have also added security guards at each of the entrance gates. With that said, please watch your guns and use gun storage in the Ammo Barn. There are added concurrent awards this year for SCTP and there are concurrent awards for both 5-stand courses. We have a Vetting Committee which is to take feed back from the participants and give the consumer what they want. The committee also checked all courses for target color, presentations, set up and target difficulty before any of the events started. They tried to balance the courses so none of them were too hard or too easy; we want a well rounded/balanced course of fire for each event. The real maximum number of participants for the main event is 1,600; we are close to that number at this time with 1,487. There are 129 more shooting FITASC, which is a 22% increase. Sub gauges have an increase of 18%. There are 318 first time attendees. This number continues to increase annually due to NSCA giving Main Event gift certificates to the Zone and State Championships. Again, please use gun storage; it’s only $5 per day.
Robert Crow reported that the January Advisory Council meeting will be held January 27-29. The meeting will begin at 8:30 am on Friday the 27th and will end at noon on Sunday the 29th.
2012 National Championship registration is available in Registration and on Winscoreonline.com. There is a computer available in the Club House Pro Shop so shooters can register online. One change to be made to the 2012 Nationals is the Super Sporting event will be increased to 100 targets.The Canadian delegates have asked to have a concurrent event added to the Nationals for Canadian members, until they have enough members to hold their own Nationals in Canada. This concurrent category will be added to the 2012 Main Event.
Randy Voss gave a report on the 2012 US Open at Caribou Gun Club in MN. At this time there are 320 people registered. The improvements to the club are 95% completed.
Todd Kemmerer commentedthat the US Open at M&M was great and an unbelievable Saturday party.
Robert Crowreported on Team USA Manger. Special thanks to Jeff Demmon for being the team manger for the past 4 years! Jeff resigned due to health issues. We are looking for a new Team USA Manager, see Steve Schultz to apply.
Steve Schultz also reported on Team USA. We tried to increase funding for Team USA this year. The goal is to be able to completely fund all expenses for each team member. Thank you to Krieghoff International for donating a K-80 Bavaria shotgun to be raffled benefitting Team USA, NSCA All-American Team and NSSA All-American Team. The K-80 raffle will raise $38K. Thank you to EZGO for donating a decked out golf cart to raffle for Team USA and offering a special price on an additional identical cart. The Team USA EZGO raffle has raised $15K at this time; however, we hope to raise $25K. The Pro Challenge was held at the World English and helped raise $6K for Team USA. We will be drawing for the K-80 during the Friday night Championship Party and the two EZGO golf carts on Saturday night.
The 2012 World English Sporting Clays Championship will be held in England, which will cost more money to send the Team than when it is held here in San Antonio. Location and date are still to be determined.
We are looking for more sponsors for next year to raise money for Team USA.
Robert Crowmentioned thatK-80 and EZGO tickets can be purchased at Registration, Pro-Shop and Ammo Barn up until the drawings on Friday and Saturday nights. We still have both types of tickets available for sale.
Glynne Moseley reported thatwe are still waiting on some of the Team USA members to turn in their money and tickets for both raffles. There are 45 K-80 tickets outstanding. Please ask Team USA Members to turn them in to me before the Friday night drawing.
Michael Hampton asked that anyone who knows any Team USA members toplease find them & ask them toreturn tickets money.
Montie Sims suggested that we do some type of advertising for Team USA to help spread the word about what it is. Montie also suggested doing more advertising of the raffles.
Brett Siebert gave a 2012 World FITASC update. The FITASC website will be set up in mid January for Main Event registration. There are some organizational items still remaining to do; however, we are close to being ready for the Championship.
Michael Hamptonreported about SCTP; Michael Hampton and Phil Murray are on the Board of Trustees as well as newly elected trustee, Louise Terry. They met with AIM, the Trap version of SCTP. They want to bridge the gap between Trap and Skeet/Sporting Clays. We will have information to report on joining forces within 30 days. We want to have a better SCTP National event by having all the disciplines involved. We hope to have a director of development in each zone/region to directly promote youth shooting within each zone/region. Midway USAmade a very generous donation of 1.6 millionto the SCTP Program in 2011.
Michael recognized Sherry Kerrof Outdoor Media Research. Sherry is in charge of all of our media and NSSA/NSCA websites. Sherry will be here all week to answer any questions from the membership. Please visit with her if you are a range owner. She has great ideas to help you promote your gun club. Sherry helped bring NSSA/NSCA into the 21stcentury with our new website, Facebook, Twitter and text messaging.
Sherry Kerr reported that there will be regular text messages, containing information and updates on items of interest, to be sent out during the Nationals. To receive the text messages text 2011 NSCA to 46637. There are 200 people signed up for the text messages, so far.
Michael Hamptonintroduced Glen Lubeznik of Kid & Clays. Kids & Clays is the official charity of NSSA/NSCA.
Glen Lubeznikreported on Kids & Clays. Thank you for your support of the Kids & Clays Program. Kids & Clays was started 13 years ago and no one was sure that it would be successful. After 13 years, people know what the Kids & Clays Program is and they have helped raise $7.5 million for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. We couldn’t have done this without the help of our sponsors: Winchester, Browning, White Flyer, Stone River, Blaser, Sporting Clays Magazine, Cabela’s, Coca Cola and Kaiser to name a few. “Friends of Kids & Clays” is another part of the program and has been developed to build on the existing program. It is equivalent to joining DU or QU. You can donate to support 20+ Ronald McDonald Houses across the country. Stop by the Kids & Clays trailer to sign up.
This is not a one man show any more. We now have a 21 person Board of Directors. Some of the directors are Phil Murray, Scott Grange, Pat Lieske, Michael Hampton and Todd Kemmerer. We want to double the goal of money raised and the Ronald McDonald Houses available to families. The Board of Directors has hired Executive Director, Jennifer Horne from Columbus, GA. Jennifer was a Ronald McDonald House Director for 17 years. She has committed most of her life to Ronald McDonald House charities and will help produce more shooters for more support.
Jennifer Horne introduced herself and thanked Glen Lubeznik for his years of hard work building Kids& Clays. She thanked everyone for supporting the program. She knows both sides of the program, since her family used a Ronald McDonald House, years ago. She has been working for 17 years at a Ronald McDonald House in Atlanta, GA.
Ronald McDonald Houses provides free housing for families with critically ill children, so the family can stay close and be able to support the ill family member. Jennifer met Glen Lubeznik at a Kids and Clays Event which was raising money for Ronald McDonald House Charities. She got to see first hand what Kids & Clays is all about, which is to raise money to distribute to the Ronald McDonald Houses. The current economy has really hurt the profits, so we rely on Kids & Clays events. Each Ronald McDonald House helps 600 families. There are 20 Ronald McDonald Houses across the country. We will be holding auctions during the Nationals to raise money for Ronald McDonald Houses. More information can be found at the Kids & Clays trailers in front of the gun club.
Michael Hampton reported on Garrison Green Recycling and introduced Andrew Fishbone. Garrison Green is a company that will recycle used shotgun hulls. The company will give you huge plastic reinforced bags to collect your used shotgun hulls, empty ammo boxes and empty target boxes. Once the bags are full Garrison Green will collect the filled bags for recycling. In turn you as a gun club will receive points which are redeemable for picnic tables, benches, gun racks and other recycled plastic items for your gun club. This will help your gun club save money and be “E” Friendly at the same time. For more information regarding this program, please visit Andrew in the White Flyer building.
Robert Crow talked about the 2012 Championship Tour. There will be 5 Regional Championships plus the US Open and National Championships. There will be a half page ad in Sporting Clays Magazine for each tour stop. This gives support to the host clubs. There will be a sponsor package for the tour, as well. These events, as well as the World FITASC Championship and North American FITASC Championship will be Team USA qualifiers.
Steve Schultz gave a report on the Hall of Fame. The 2011 Hall of Fame inductees are: Jack Johnson and Scott Downs in the Shooter category; Gil Ash will receive the duPont Service Awardand Charlie Wilson will receive the Hill Adams Memorial Award. Hall of Fame nomination forms for 2012 are in your binder. We need your help by nominating worthy people for these three categories. Please send your completed nomination forms to Glynne Moseley at NSCA Headquarters. The Hall of Fame Banquet will be held at 6:30pm Thursday, October 27 at the Courtyard Marriott on Hwy 151. We will also recognize the All-Around Club, High Volume Clubs, High Volume Shooters, All-Americans and Team USA Members. Please attend the banquet and support our clubs and shooters. For tickets see Lori Hartmann in the Registration building.
Phil Murray gave a report on the Pan American Games. Phil attended the Pam American Games in Mexico in October. Philhas been is discussions with representatives of Latin American Associations and Federations and there is a plan in the works to establish a Pan American Sporting Championship similar to the World English Sporting Clays Championship. The Pan American Sporting Championship would be held in the USA on the even numbered years while the World English Sporting Clays Championship will be held on the odd numbered years. On the years that the USA does not hold the Pan American Championship, it will be held in a Latin American country. This will assure NSCA of having 2 world class shoots every year along with the National Championship at the National Shooting Complex. The 2012, Pan American Sporting Championship is planned for April 26-29 here in the USA and in Guadalajara, Mexico at Jalisco in 2013. Some of the potential sponsors are Corona Beer and Nissan Motor Corp of North America. We need to take advantage of the interest in shooting shown by our friends in Latin America.